Author Topic: Gentle Giant, Titanium, VTAC Coin set, Army builders & more  (Read 1367 times)

Offline Bosskmr

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Star Wars      
VTAC Coin Set $25      
Saga 2006      
UGH General Grevious      $15
UGH Darth Vader      $18
UGH Snow Trooper      $15
UGH Commander Cody      $18
UGH AT-AT Driver      $15
UGH Anakin      $12
UGH Han Solo      $12
ROTS Ep III 2005      
# 32 Aayla Secura      $7
# 33 Clone Commander (green)       $8
# 33 Clone Commander (red)       $8
# 41 SA Clone Trooper      $8
# 57 Commander Bly      $9
VSTC 2006      
Han Solo Endor      $6
Tuskin Raider (openner)      $8
VTAC 2007      
Bossk - sealed      $10
Bespin Luke - carded      $7
Han Solo - carded      $4
Leia Endor - carded      $4
"LOOSE Army Builders"      
Commander Gree x 20      $8 ea
Elite Corps Clone Trooper x 20      $8 ea
AT-RT Drivers x 12      $ 6 ea
Saga McQuarrie Stormtrooper (blaster ONLY)      $9 ea
45 Ephant Mon (Fan's Choice Figure # 3)      $12
Saga Collection Sandtrooper - Orange Pauldron (from evolutions set) x 2      $8
Evolutions Sandtrooper - smeared on dirt 1st version x 4      $9 ea
POTF 2 Sandtrooper x 2      $5 both
POTF 2 Sandtrooper - custom black Pauldron & custom hand facing forward      $5
Rebel Fleet Soldiers from Battle Pack (brown hair x 5)      $5
Rebel Fleet Soldiers from Battle Pack (brown hair x 6)      $5
VOTC Biker Scout       
TRU Stormtrooper (POTJ Sandtrooper sculpt) x 2      $6 ea
Pit Droids (2-pack)      $7
Sun Fac x 5      $6 ea
Republic Commando Flying Geno      $6
"LOOSE Figures"      
30th Anniversary:       
Mustafar Lava Miner      $5
Luke Skywalker (Yavin Ceremony) - no pistol      $4
Order 66 - Emperor      $3
Order 66 - Mace Windu      $3
Order 66 - Anakin Skywalker      $3
Order 66 - Obi Wan      $3
Order 66 - Yoda      $3
Comic Pack Obi-Wan - Star Wars: Republic      $4
Betrayal on Felucia - Aayla Secura      $3
Saga Legends:      
Boba Fett      $6
Saga Collection:      
Mace Windu's Attack Battalion - Mace Windu      $3
Deluxe Darth Maul - (figure & saber)      $5
Preview Figures - Attack of the Clones:      
Jango Fett      $4
Zam Wesell      $4
Saga 2002:      
01 Anakin Skywalker (Outland Peasant Disguise)      $3
03 Obi-Wan Kenobi (Coruscant Chase)      $3
04 C-3PO (Protocol Droid)      $3
05 Kit Fisto      $3
07 Boba Fett (Kamino Escape)      $5
08 Tuskin Raider (Female with Child)      $4
09 Captain Typho      $3
12 Plo Koon (Arena Battle)      $3
16 Dexter Jettster      $6
18 Zam Wesell      $4
20 Saesee Tiin (Jedi Master)      $3
22 Anakin Skywalker (Hanger Duel)      $3
23 Yoda (Jedi Master)      $3
25 Taun We (Kamino Cloner)      $4
26 Luminara Unduli (Jedi Master)      $3
27 Count Dooku      $3
28 Mace Windu      $3
31 Jango Fett (Final Battle)      $5
33 Endor Soldier      $4
34 Massif w/ Geonosain Warrior      $4
35 Orn Free Taa (Senator) - just figure      $4
36 Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Starfighter Pilot)      $3
38 Chewbacca (Cloud City Capture)      $4
39 Supreme Chancellor Palpatine      $4
40 Djas Puhr (Alien bounty Hunter) - just 1 pistol      $3
44 Ki-Adi-Mundi (Jedi Master)      $3
45 Ephant Mon (Fan's Choice Figure # 3)      $12
Ep I:      
Anakin Skywalker (Naboo Pilot)      $3
Anakin Skywalker (Naboo) - no commlink      $3
Battle Droid - Clean      $3
Darth Maul (Jedi Duel)      $3
Darth Maul (Tatooine)      $3
Destroyer Droid      $4
Jar Jar Binks      $3
Nute Gunray      $3
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Duel)      $3
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Naboo)      $3
Qui-Gon Jinn (Jedi Duel)      $3
Qui-Gon Jinn (Naboo)      $3
2-1B Medical Droid      
Ultra Titanium      
Boba Fett      $12
Darth Vader (Target version)      $9
Sandtrooper - figure and container      $9
501st Clone Trooper      $14
C-3PO      $14
General Grievous      $14
X-Wing (1st release)      $19
Snow Speeder      $19
Darth Vader's Tie Fighter      $19
Millennium Falcon      $19
Star Wars LEGO      
Lego Figures:      
Battle Droid Commanders x 3      $12 all
Tomy Mini-Helmet Collection      
C-3PO      $5
Statues & Busts      
Clone Wars Animated Maquettes      
Yoda Clone Wars Maquette      $78
Anakin Skywalker Clone Wars Maquette      $74
Barriss/Luminara Clone Wars Maquette      $74
Yoda on Kybuck Maquette      $64
Stormtrooper Maquette      $59
Gentle Giant mini-busts      
Comic-Con Shock trooper w/bust up      $128
Gentle Giant Bust-Ups      
Ep II Clone Trooper 4-pack       $22
Ep II Clone Trooper (all 3 colored Troopers)      $18
Jedi Luke      $9
Luke X-Wing Pilot x 2      $9 ea
Death Star Gunner      $9
Spirit of Anakin      $9
TRU Exclusives: Wicket w/box      $12
Hardcover Novels      
Star Wars Trilogy      $9
Star Wars: The Cestus Deception      $9
Star Wars: Republic 80 & 83      $4 both
Star Wars: Legacy 2 & 3      $5 both
Star Wars: Rebellion 3      $2
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 6      $2
DVD Commemorative Sets      
Return of the Jedi - Darth Vader, Emperor & Stormtrooper      $18
Boba Fett - 300th Edition .0100      $18
Aurra Sing      $5
Darth Maul      $4
Tuskin Raider      $4
Marvel Attacktix:      
05 Pyro (Chrome)      $6
09 Wolverine      $6
18 Thing      
Star Wars Attacktix:      
Series 4:      
Black Bases:      
01 Biker Scout      $3
04 Stormtrooper      $4
05 Royal Guard      $3
06 AT-ST Driver      $3
07 Logray      $6
08 Imperial Officer      $4
12 Endor Han Solo      $7
13 Endor Luke Skywalker      $8
14 Admiral Ackbar      $3
15 IG-88 (no sig)      $9
17 Chief Chirpa      $6
20 Han Solo      $4
Chewbacca      $4
Series 3:      
01 Stromtrooper (Chrome)      $4
02 Tie Pilot (Chrome)      $5
03 Tuskin Raider (Chrome)      $4
04 Rebel Fleet Trooper (Chrome)      $4
05 X-Wing Pilot (Chrome)      $4
06 Sandtrooper (Chrome)      $9
07 Bossk (Chrome)      $6
09 Imperial Officer (Chrome)      $5
10 Jawa (Chrome)      $5
12 Captain Antilles (Chrome)      $6
13 Tuskin Sniper (Chrome)      $6
13 Tuskin Sniper (Chrome)      $6
17 Heavy Stormtrooper (Chrome)      $8
19 Tuskin Warlord (Chrome)      $9
22 Han Solo (Chrome)      $7
26 Biggs Darklighter (Chrome)      $9
27 Wedge (Chrome)      $9
Black Bases:      
01 Stromtrooper      $3
02 Tie Pilot      $3
03 Tuskin Raider      $3
03 Tuskin Raider      $3
04 Rebel Fleet Trooper      $3
05 X-Wing Pilot       $3
08 Death Star Gunner      $5
09 Imperial Officer      $3
10 Jawa      $4
12 Captain Antilles      $4
13 Tuskin Sniper      $5
13 Tuskin Sniper      $4
14 Princess Leia       $4
17 Heavy Stormtrooper      $5
19 Tuskin Warlord      $7
20 Ben Kenobi      $6
21 Luke Skywalker       $4
22 Han Solo      $4
25 C-3PO      $9
26 Biggs Darklighter       $5
27 Wedge       $5
28 Luke as Stormtrooper "NEW" version       $6
29 Han Solo as Stormtrooper      $7
30 R2-Q5      $12
Series 2:      
03 Clone Trooper (Shock - red) (Chrome)      $4
04 Biker Scout (Chrome)      $5
05 ARC Pilot (Chrome)      $6
06 Grievous Bodyguard (Chrome)      $6
08 Clone Commander (Chrome)      $6
09 Clone Captain (Chrome)      $5
11 Wookiee Captain (Chrome)      $5
12 Battle Droid Commander (Chrome)      $5
13 Bossk (Chrome)       $6
27 Kit Fisto (Chrome)      $8
29 Luke Skywalker (Chrome)      $5
Black Bases:      
01 Jedi Knight      $3
02 Utapau Warriors      $2
03 Clone Trooper (Shock - red)      $4
04 Biker Scout       $3
05 ARC Pilot      $4
06 Grievous Bodyguard      $4
07 Royal Guard      $6
08 Clone Commander       $5
09 Clone Captain       $4
10 Neimooidian Captain      $4
11 Wookiee Captain      $3
12 Battle Droid Commander      $6
14 Princess Leia       $4
19 Destroyer Droid      $18
21 R2-D2      $12
22 Tion Medon      $3
23 Chewbacca      $6
24 General Grevious      $18
27 Kit Fisto      $12
28 Han Solo      $5
29 Luke Skywalker       $4
Series 1:      
01 Battle Droid (Chrome)      $5
02 Super Battle Droid (Chrome)      $5
03 Wookiee Scout (Chrome)      $5
04 Clone Trooper (Chrome)      $6
05 Clone Trooper (Chrome)      $6
09 Wookiee Commando (Chrome)      $6
12 Clone Lieutenant (Chrome)      $6
13 Grevious Bodyguard (Chrome)      $7
14 Neimoidian Guard (Chrome)      $5
15 Commander Bly (Chrome)      $7
Black Bases:      
01 Battle Droid      $4
02 Super Battle Droid      $4
03 Wookiee Scout      $4
04 Clone Trooper      $4
05 Clone Trooper      $4
06 Padmae      $4
07 Plo Koon      $5
08 Bail Organa      $4
09 Wookiee Commando      $4
10 V-Wing Pilot      $5
11 Count Dooku      $12
13 Grevious Bodyguard      $5
15 Commander Bly       $5
21 Commander Gree      $12
22 Chewbacca      $5
23 Agen Kolar      $6
27 Obi Wan      $6
29 Tarfful      $5
Starter Sets:      
33 Mace Windu      $5
34 Anakin      $5
35 Clone Sergent (Green)      $6
36 Clone Trooper (Yellow)      $6
38 Obi Wan       $5
General Grevious (from set) shooter      $7
Plo Koon (Gold Base)      $4
Ki-Adi-Mundi (Gold Base)      $4
Nute Gunray (Gold Base)      $3
Gunship      $7
Burger King Ep III Promo items      
Breathing Sound Darth Vader      $7
Mystery Darth Vader (has Anakin inside)      $7
ARC Clone Fighter Cosmic Cruiser      $3
Naboo Fighter Cosmic Cruiser      $3
Snowspeeder Cosmic Cruiser      $3
Vulture Droid Cosmic Cruiser      $3
Darth Vader's Tie Fighter Pull-Back      $3
Jedi Starfighter Pull-Back      $3
Millennium Falcon Pull-Back      $3
Pod Racer Pull-Back      $3
X-Wing Pull-Back      $3
Bail Organa Shadow Caster      $3
Jabba the Hutt Water Squirter      $3
R2-D2 Water Squirter      $3
Anakin Skywalker Galactic Spinner      $3
Chewbacca Galactic Spinner      $3
Luke Skywalker Galactic Spinner      $3
Kit Fisto Jedi Wisdom      $3
Mace Windu Jedi Wisdom      $3
Obi Wan Jedi Wisdom      $3
Yoda Jedi Wisdom      $3
C-3PO Viewer      $3
Darth Maul Viewer      $3
Luke Skywalker Viewer      $3
Mace Windu Viewer      $3
ObiWan Kenobi Viewer      $3
Star Wars 12" Figures Loose       
Han Solo w/Tauntaun       $28
Dewback w/Sandtrooper       $28
Applause 10" Vinyl Figures      
Greedo      $5
Prince Xizor      $5
Diamond Select "carded"      
Spider-Woman      $18
Marvel Figure Factory      
Series 1:      
Captain America - mystery (need to fit 1 part of Falg Pole)      $24
Daredevil - mystery - yellow outfit      $9
Doc Ock      $7
Green Goblin      $9
Grey Hulk - mystery      $7
Human Torch - All Flames      $7
Spiderman       $6
Storm - mystery - white outfit      $7
Thing      $6
Venom      $9
Wolverine      $6
Series 2:      
Blade      $9
Cyclops - mystery version      $12
Dr. Doom      $7
Ghost Rider - carded      $9
Namor - mystery      $12
Nightcrawler      $7
Phoenix - mystery      $22
Rhino - mystery      $14
Spiderman - carded      $7
Thor - mystery       $18
Thor - mystery - carded      $18
Marvel Legends Toy Biz "loose"      
Series 2:      
Hulk (Ripped Shirt/Blue Pants)      $8
Series 3:      
Magneto w/out base      $12
Series 5:      
Nick Fury      $12
Series 6      
Juggernaut      $48
Series 8:      
Man-Thing      $14
Series 9:      
Doctor Strange      $9
Series 11:      
Taskmaster      $9
Series 12:      
Iron Fist (red varient)      $9
Sasquatch (white varient)      $12
X-23 - black outfit      $6
X-23 - purple outfit      $6
Wal-Mart Exclusive series      
Kitty Pryde      $14
Series 13:      
Onslaught (Complete Build-A-Figure)      $34
Abomination      $12
Series 15:      
M.O.D.O.K. (Complete Build-A-Figure)      $28
WASP - modern version      $8
Face Off 2-pack series:      
Madarian       $9
X-men Classics - X-men 3 Toy Biz "loose"      
Series 1:      
Storm      $8
Wolverine (Ninja Strike)      $6
Wolverine (Stealth) - goggles broke      $6
Spiderman Classics Toy Biz "loose"      
Spider Hulk      $14
Hulk Classics Toy Biz "loose"      
War Hulk      $18
Savage Hulk      $12
DC Direct "carded"      
Superman/Batman - Kryptonite Batman      $9
Superman Batman - Return of Supergirl - DARKSEID      $16
Green Lantern series 2:      
Guy Gardner      $12
Manhunter      $12
Sinestro      $12
Identity Crisis series 1 and 2:   ($88 for set of 9)      
Batman      $10
Black Canary      $12
Captain Boomerang      $12
Dr. Light      $12
Elongated Man      $12
Green Arrow      $12
Hawkman      $12
The Flash      $12
Zatanna      $12
DC Direct "loose"      
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns:  Complete set for $28      $28 set
Green Lantern series 1: ($28 for all 4)      
Parallax      $9
Black Hand      $7
Gathet & Guardian      $7
Hal Jordan      $9
Jim Lee Batman Hush: ($48 for entire set)      $48 ALL
Poision Ivy      
Ra Al Ghul (broken leg - Displayable)      
Amazing Androids - Amazo       $9
Infinite Crisis - Mongul      $12
Batman Yamato      
Series 2       
Batman "loose"      $9
Statues & Busts      
Clone Wars Animated Maquettes      
Yoda Clone Wars Maquette      $84
Anakin Skywalker Clone Wars Maquette      $74
Barriss/Luminara Clone Wars Maquette      $74
Yoda on Kybuck Maquette      $64
Stormtrooper Maquette      $59
Gentle Giant mini-busts      
Yoda Spirit light-up      $68
Comic-Con Shock trooper w/bust up      $128
Bowen mini-busts      
Baron Zemo #3599/4000      $34
Iceman - Clear Edition #1091/2500      $44
Kazar       $64
Moon Knight #2020/5000      $44
Namor # 3912/5000      $34
Nick Fury Agent of Shield #0097/2000 (S.H.I.E.L.D Insignia Edition)      $34
Quicksilver - blue version #2122/3000      $34
Rogue #3943/4000      $58
Scarlet Witch #2858/5000      $38
Thor Battle Armor #0649/3000      $58
Vision #179/5000      $48
Diamond Select mini-busts      
Ultimate Thor      $45
New X-men Jean Grey      $45
New X-men Wolverine      $45
DC Direct Woman of DC mini-busts      
Power Girl      $44
Alien & Predator Statues & mini-busts      
Predator Cinemacast statue (Hasbro) - superglued spear      $48
Alien Warrior mini-bust Palisades (2nd)      $38
Predator mini-bust Palisades (open face 1st)      $38
Predator mini-bust Palisades (Mask 2nd bust)      $34
Marvel Superhero Showdown figures "loose"      
Dr. Doom      $7
Elektra      $14
Human Torch      $4
Invisible Woman       $18
Mole man      $7
Mr. Fantastic      $7
Marvel Roto 12" Figures      
Wolverine Unmasked      $14
Spidey (darker outfit)      $9
Venom      $9
Green Goblin      $9
Movie Thing      $6
Comic Books      
Marvel Comics      
Annihilation 1-4      $12
Annihilation: Nova 1-4      $12
Annihilation: Prologue      $4
Annihilation: Ronan 1-4      $12
Annihilation: Silver Surfer 1-4      $12
Annihilation: Super-Skull 1-4      $12
Avengers: Earth's Mightest Heroes 1-8      $24 set
Blade (recent series) 1-3      $7 set
Bullseye Greatest Hits 1-5      $12 set
Daredevil: Bullseye # 1      $3
Daredevil: Father 1-6      $14 set
Emma Frost 1-18      $32 set
Fantastic Four: (Heroes Return) 1-13, 16, 23, 24-50, 60-71, 79, (508, 509, 533)      $88 set
FF: Doomsday # 1      $3
Ghost Rider (recent series) 1-5      $12 set
House of M: Fantastic Four 1-3      $8 set
House of M: Sketchbook      $3
House of M: Spider-Man 1-5      $12 set
Hulk Grey 1-6      $16 set
Mystique 1-24      $44 set
New Excalibur 1-14      $34 set
New Mutants (changes to New X-men) 1-13      $28 set
New X-men 1-32      $68 set
Planet Hulk: Giant Size # 1      $3
Punisher (Marvel Knights - changes FROM MAX series) 1-37      $68 set
Punisher (Marvel Knights - changes to MAX series) 1-12       $28 set
Punisher (Marvel Knights) issue # 1 (Bradstreet cover)      $4
Punisher (Marvel Knights) issue # 1 (Jurgens cover)      $4
Punisher Bloody Valentine      $3
Punisher MAX 1-41      $78 set
Punisher Red X MAS      $3
Punisher The Tiger      $3
Punisher vs. Bullseye 1-5      $12 set
Punisher/Painkiller Jane 1      $3
Punisher: Born 1-4      $16 set
Punisher: The Cell      $3
Son of M # 1      $3
Spider-man: Breakout 1-5      $12 set
Squadron Supreme 1-7      $18 set
Squadron Supreme Saga      $3
Supernaturals 1-4      $10 set
Supreme Power (MAX) 1 -12      $28 set
Supreme Power: Doctor Spectrum 1-6      $14 set
Supreme Power: Hyperion 1-5      $12 set
Supreme Power: Nighthawk 1-6      $14 set
Thunderbolts Vol. 1 (42-44)      $8 set
Ultimate Iron Man 1-5      $12 set
Uncanny X-men Annual # 1 (2006)      $3
Wolverine & Punisher (Marvel Knights) 1-5      $12 set
Wolverine: Soultaker 1-5      $12 set
X-Force (recent limited series) 1-6      $16 set
X-men 198 1-5      $16 set
X-Men Deadly Genesis 1-3, 5 & 6      $14 set
Young Avengers & Runaways: Civil War      $14 set
Young Avengers 1-12 + the One-Shot      $34 set
DC Comics      
Batman & the Monster Men 1-6      $12 set
Batman Gotham Knights 72-74      $8 set
Battle for Bludhaven: Infinite Crisis Aftermath 1-6      $12 set
Blue Beetle # 1 & 2      $6 both
Catwoman (Dan Cooke) 1-33, 37-54      $88 set
Catwoman Secret Origins & Files 2002      $3
Catwoman: Officer Down # 94      $2
Checkmate # 1      $3
Deadshot 1-5      $12
Detective Comics 785-796, 800      $18 set
Green Arrow # 49      $2
Infinite Crisis # 2 & 3 (Jim Lee cover)      $12 both
JLA Classified 1-21      $48 set
JLA Secret Origins & Files # 3      $3
JLA: 10-60, 62-89, 91-114      
Justice # 6      $3
Omac Project: Infinite Crisis Special      $3
Superman: Secret Origins & Files 2004      $3
Teen Titans & Legion Special      $3
Teen Titans/Outsiders:Secret Origins & Files 2003      $3
Wonder Woman 195-218, 224      $38 set
Dark Horse, IDW & Udon Comics      
Aliens vs Predator vs Terminator 1-4      $14 set
Ghost/Batgirl 1-4      $12 set
Green Lantern vs Aliens 1-4      $14 set
Joker/Mask 1-4      $12 set
Purgatori # 3      $2
Remains (IDW) 1-5      $16 set
Rival Schools 1B & 2A      $6 both
Street Fighter Legends: Sakura # 1      $2
Street Fighter Vol 1 #6 (Akuma Cover Power Foil)      $6
Superman vs Aliens II 1-4      $14 set
Toe Tags featuring George Romero (DC comics) 1-6      $16 set
TMNT "loose"      
Turtle Lair Playset      $18
Tomb Raider      
Lara Croft plastic statue (in game outfit) Playmates      $12
Monster Toys "Carded"      
SOTA Toys:      
Imhotep      $10
Creeper      $10
Movie Maniacs 7:      
Leatherface      $10
Clive Barker's Tortured Souls 2 $38 all 5      
Fallen      $8
Feverish      $8
Moribundi      $8
Szaltax      $8
Zain      $8
Clive Barker's Tortured Souls SERIES 1 (Loose)      $78 set
Evangelion "boxed"      
Evangelion - Master Model Production:      
Art Asylum - Sachiel the 3rd Angel      $14
Test Type EVA-01 "Hard Core Mode"      $14
Cowboy Bebop "loose"      
Faye Valentine PVC Statue - Yamato Anime       $15
Spike Spiegel Kaiyodo figure      $14
Microman Acroyear X …………..$22 set of 4      
AX-11 Acroscorl      $7
AX-12 Acrocleve      $7
AX-13 Acrovoltech      $7
AX-14 Acrobiom      $7
Aliens vs. Predator (SEALED)      
MA-13 Alien Warrior x 3      $34.99 ea
MA-15 Elder Predator      $19.99
MA-17 Celtic Predator      $34.99
MA-07 Batman (blue and grey)      $8
MA-08 Batman Flight Gear      $8
MA-10 Catwoman      $8
MA-SP01 Batman & Batgirl 2-pack      $18
Godzilla & Gamera:      
KM-04 Gamera (Showa Version) - carded      
KM-05 Gamera (Heisei Version) - carded      
KM-01 Godzilla - 1st version      $12
KM-02 Godzilla - Final Wars      $12
KM-SP01 - Godzilla vs Ghidorah      $15
KM-SP02 - Meglon & Jet Jaguar      $15
G.I. Joe      
Trading Cards:      
1991 set - series 1      $14
G.I. Joe 3 3/4"      
Modern Army Builders 2000 thru 2006:      
TRU Cobra Infantry Sets (do not have bp or rifle):      
Cobra Squad Leader (v2) x 10                $8 ea
Cobra Infantry Trooper (version 1 - red eyebrows) x 10      $7 ea
Cobra Infantry Trooper (version 2 - brown eyebrows) x 10      $7 ea
Cobra Infantry Trooper (version 3 - blonde eyebrows) x 10      $7 ea
Cobra Infantry Trooper (version 4 - African-American) x 10      $6 ea
DTC Army Builders:      
Cobra Night Watch Sets x 9      $24 ea
Cobra Trooper x 5      $6.50 ea
Medi-Viper x 8      $4.50 ea
Range Viper x 20        $4.50 ea
Snow Serpent x 12 (5 of these have a Snow Wolf waist w/sculpted front pouch)      $4.50 ea
Viper Guards (Lockdown Set) x 25          $5.50 ea
Valor vs. Venom Army Builders:      
Cobra B.A.T. v4 (version 8)  x 19      $5 ea
Cobra B.A.T. II 3.2 (v12 )  x 43 (w/28 Long Gun Attach, 29 Short Guns Attach, 12 Rifles black &        
BONUS 14 pairs of arm attachment guns from v13) plus 27 extra backpacks      $5 ea
Cobra C.L.A.W.S. (red) w/O-ring x 15 (w/rifles, knives and 5 large cannons)        $4.50 ea
Cobra Ninja - Shadow Strike x 4        $9 all
Cobra Viper (version 13) x 50 (Heckler & Koch G-36 Assault Rifles & Scorpion Pistol)      $5 ea
Electric Eel (Blue version) x 2      $7 ea
Electric Eel (Red version) x 10       $5 ea
Night Creeper (v7) x 16 (w/swords & shealth from version8 x 9, 2 robots, sniper rifles x 8)      $5 ea
Night Creeper (v9) w/Sub-gun, Sword & Sheath x 8      $5 ea
Ninja Cobra Strike Team complete set      $34
Ninja Cobra Strike Team: Black Dragon Ninja x 4 (no bag)      $6 ea
Ninja Cobra Strike Team: Red Ninja Viper x 6 (mix of weapons from others sets…cool weapons)      $5.50 ea
Tele Viper - Python Patrol Tele Viper x 18      $5 ea
Cobra Viper - Python Patrol Vipers x 29      $5 ea
Sand Vipers ( version 3) Black/Red color x 5      $5 ea
Sand Vipers ( version 5) Blue color x 22      $5 ea
Sand Vipers (single pack version 4) w/helmet x 20      $3.50 ea
Swamp Rats (single card version) w/2 knives & helmet x 3      $9 all
Swamp Rats w/2 knives & helmet x 13      $4.50 ea
Tele-Viper (version 5) x 11      $5.50 ea
Walmart Exclusives - Urban Cobra C.L.A.W.S. (v6) x 17       $5.50 ea
Walmart Exclusives - Urban Neo Vipers x 12      $5.50 ea
Spy Troops Army Builders:      
Cobra B.A.T (v13) Blue x 14      $4 ea
Cobra B.A.T 3.2 w/Cobra on leg x 4      $5 ea
Cobra B.A.T 3.2 (Cutom added regular arm/hand) x 10 w/bp & gun from v3      $5 ea
Cobra Mechanic (recondo figure - blue) Just like the Movie x 6  PENDING      $9 ea
Cobra Ninja Troopers x 11      $5 ea
Cobra Viper (v10) x 29 (red/blue) w/AK-47 x 17 (see Agent Scarlet) & bp  (see CLAWS 2002)      $5 ea
Heavy Water x 11 (w/4 spear guns…will provide a few extra guns)       $5 ea
Iron Grenadier (black version) x 26       $5 ea
Iron Grenadier (grey version) x 14       $5 ea
Nightcreepers (light blue) x 9       $5 ea
Python Patrol: Laser Viper x 5      $5 ea
Sand Vipers (v1) w/helmet & Heckler & Koch G-36 Assault Rifles x 36       $6 ea
Sand Vipers (v2) w/helmet & Heckler & Koch G-36 Assault Rifles x 18       $5 ea
Tele-Viper (v3) x 11      $5 ea
G.I.Joe vs. Cobra Army Builders:      
B.A.T. Army Builder Internet Exclusive (Inferno B.A.T.) x 24      $3.50 ea
Cobra B.A.T.S (version 3) Cobra on leg x 10      $5 ea
Cobra CLAWS (blue) (v4) w/Wild Bills pistol (fits in holster) x 23       $5 ea
Cobra Viper (v6) (grey/green) w/Silver Mirage rifles & bp (see CLAWS 2002) x 22         $5 ea
Single Modern GI Joes & Cobras:      
Footloose      $3
G.I.Joe      $3
Grand Slam      $5
Hannibal: Reborn      $4
Lowlight      $4
Major Bludd x 2      $4 ea
Med Alert      $3
Mutt      $4
Salvo      $4
SAW Viper      $5
Scrap Iron      $3
Spirit Iron Knife (v2) w/bonus eagle from v1      $5
Valor vs. Venom:      
Ace (from Tigerhawk)      $3
Agent Jinx      $6
Alpine (single card) added Black Rope      $4
Alpine (v4) Tiger Force      $4
Barrel Roll (v2) w/Air Glider      $8
Beachhead      $3
Double Clutch      $5
Duke (Desert) v16      $3
Duke (green) v20      $3
Dusty v9      $3
Frostbite wave 6      $7
General Abernathy       $6
Grunt (Night Force)      $5
Heavy Duty (light face Single card version) v10      $5
Kamakura (v3)      $5
Kamakura v4 (no nunchucks)      $3
Leatherneck      $7
Recondo (Night Force) v4       $5
Roadblock (Custom Night Force)      $5
Sgt. Bazooka       $12
Sgt. Stalker v4      $3
Shipwreck (from Boat - Cutter)      $5
Snake Eyes (Black) ver 19      $5
Snake Eyes (from Ninja Set) v22      $3
Snake Eyes (v19) from Cycle      $3
Snake Eyes (v25)      $3
Snake Eyes (wave 7) v17      $5
Switch Gears (Desert Patrol)      $4
Tiger Paw      $3
Tunnel Rat (v8) w/Sniper Rifle & v6 bp (instead of that water gun thing)      $5
Tunnel Rat (ver 6)      $5
Wal-mart Exclusive: (Roadblock desert outfit)        $4
Wild Bill (ver 8) from Tiger Storm       $6
Valor vs. Venom (Cobra):      
Baroness (version 4) light blue      $4
Cobra Commander (v16) missing Venom Staff      $4
Cobra Commander (v19)      $6
Firefly (v10) from comic 3-pack (w/extra complete set of weapons & gear)      $7
Heavy Water (Club Exclusive)      $16
Jungle Viper (Club exclusive)      $18
Razor Trooper x 2       $6 ea
Storm Shadow (v19) from comic 3-pack x 3      $7 ea
Storm Shadow (v19) from comic 3-pack - incomplete      $5
Storm Shadow (mail away) x 2      $6 ea
Wild Wessel      $6.00
Spy Troops:      
Chief Torpedo w/extra Recondo rifle      $4 ea
Crosshairs x 2      $4 ea
Depthcharge (v1)      $3
Duke (v12)      $4
Grunt (from Battle Blitz) v5         $7
Grunt (v7)         $4
Gung Ho (Night Force)      $5
Nunchuck (Night Force)       $6
Recondo x 2      $3
Roadblock       $4
Sgt. Airborne      $5
Shipwreck (no cap sculpt) v6      $5
Shipwreck (v7) from Cobra Mountain Playset       $6
Switch Gears      $4
Wide Scope       $6
Wild Bill (Tiger Force)      $5
Spy Troops (Cobra):      
Black Out      $5
Cobra C.L.A.W.S. Commander x 3      $5
Cobra C.L.A.W.S. Commander (helmet glused on)      $4
Cobra Commander (v14)      $6
Cobra Commander (v18)      $5
Destro (v10)      $7
Overkill (v2) x 3      $6.50 ea
Overkill (v3) desert       $5.00
Ripper (v2)       $5.00
Scalpel      $5
G.I.Joe vs. Cobra:      
Agent Scarlet (v1) w/out bp       $4
Beachhead w/bp      $3
Flint (w/Darts legs instead) MUCH better       $6
Gung Ho w/pistol & knife      $3
Nunchuk      $4
Sgt. Stalker (v1) incomplete      $3
Sgt. Stalker (v2) incomplete      $3
Shipwreck       $5
Snake Eyes w/O-ring (black) (v14) x 2      $5
Snake Eyes w/out O-ring (v10)      $5
Wild Bill      $3
Cobra Commander (v11) incomplete      $3
Cobra Commander (v12) incomplete      $3
Cobra Slice      $3
Dr. Minbender (version 3)      $3
Firefly x 2      $3
TRU Exclusive sets:      
BJ's Set: Fast Blast Viper (red) x 2      $12 both
Ninja Cobra Strike: Storm Shadow      $3
Comicbook 3-Packs (loose):      
Set # 21 (Snake Eyes & Storm Shadow)      $7
Set # 24 (Destro, Duke & Roadblock) w/bonus Road Block's vintage weapons      $8
Set # 3 (Double Clutch, General Abernathy & Stalker)       $9
Convention Exclusives:      
2005 Convention Figures:      
Iron Grenadier x 4      $16 ea
2003 Convention Figures:      
Black Dragon w/both swords      $16
Black Dragon Troopers w/1 gun & bp x 6      $14 ea
Cobra Commander      $15
RAH Series 2000:      
Chameleon (2000)      $5
Major Bludd (2000)      $5
Wet Suit (v6) 2001 Everything except the fins      $5
Wet Suit (v9) 2002 w/2001's bp, air piece      $5
Real American Hero - 1997 - 1998:      
Storm Shadow   C-9   $15
Alley Viper (v4) just the figure    C-9   $15
Cobra Figures:      
1984 series:      
Wild Weasel w/file card   C-9   $7
1985 series:      
Eels: Complete except for airhose x 4   C-8/9   $12 ea
1986 series:      
Monkeywrench: complete   C-9   $7
Motor Vipers x 3   C-8/9   $7 ea
1987 series:      
Raptor: complete   C-9   $7
Cobra Commander: complete   C-9   $7
1989 series:      
Gnawgahyde: complete   C-9   $9
1990 series:      
Night Creepers: complete w/file card (bonus 3-way chucks)   C-9   $10
Night Creepers: complete except for crossbow, (bonus 3-way chucks)   C-9   $9
Night Creepers: w/bp (bonus 3-way chucks,  Short & long sword)   C-9   $8
Night Creepers: (bonus 3-way chucks,  Short & long sword) x 2   C-9   $ 7 ea
1991 series:      
Snow Serpents: complete w/file card (w/bonus white sword, ax & sickle)    C-9   $9
Snow Serpents: complete    C-9   $9
Snow Serpents: complete (except for pistol)    C-9   $8
Snow Serpents: w/missle launcher only   C-9   $6
Snow Serpents   C-9   $6
1992 series:      
Headman: w/rifle   C-9   $7
Headhunters: Complete   C-9   $12
G.I.Joe Figures:      
1982 series w/swivel arms:      
Steeler: complete   C-9   $12
Zap: complete (w/extra bp)   C-9   $12
1983 series:      
Doc: complete   C-9   $8
Gung Ho:complete   C-9   $8
Snow Job: complete w/extra set of accessories   C-9   $8
Torpedo: complete   C-9   $8
Tripwire: complete   C-9   $8
1985 series:      
Airtight: complete   C-9   $9
Alpine: complete (except for rope)   C-9   $8
Bazooka: complete w/extra bp   C-9   $9
Flint: complete w/tiger force file card & extra shotgun & TF bp    C-9   $14
Footloose: complete   C-9   $9
1986 series:      
Dial Tone: complete   C-9   $5
Iceberg (no refile)   C-9   $5
Lifeline: complete   C-9   $7
Low Light: complete (except for bipod)   C-9   $7
Wet Suit: complete   C-9   $7
1987 series:      
Gung Ho: complete    C-9   $9
Out Back: no flashlight (w/extra refile, bp & web belt)   C-9   $9
Tunnel Rat: complete (except for 1 flashlight) w/extra ammo bag   C-9   $8
1988 series:      
Budo: complete w/extra bp x 2 (no red sword)   C-9   $7
1989 series:      
Snake Eyes: complete    C-9   $9
Deep Six: complete   C-9   $7
Rock & Roll: complete   C-9   $7
1991 series:      
Snake Eyes w/both swords   C-9   $7
1993 series:      
Frostbite (w/Sub Zero's bp, Mask & white shotgun   C-9   $5
Iceberg w/pistol   C-9   $4
1998 series:      
Colonel Brekhov: complete   C-9   $7
2001 series:      
Wet Suit   C-9   $4
2003 series:      
Big Ben version 6 (brown coat)   C-9   $3
Slipstream    C-9   $5
3 3/4" Vehicles:      
DTC: (all boxed)      
Night Ops Humvee       $12
Valor vs. Venom/Spy Troops & Cobra vs. Joe:      
Air Assault      $3
Cobra Glider (blue) x 3      $12 all
Cobra CAT II (boxed)        $14
Cobra CAT II x 2      $12 ea
Cobra Fang 3      $4
Cobra HISS IV      $9
Cobra Ringneck w/Neo Viper      $14 ea
Cobra Robot      $6
Cobra Tread Fire (re-paint) x 3      $16 ea
Cobra Venom Cycle x 3      $9 ea
Desert Coyote (camo version) w/Clutch x 2      $12 ea
Gun Station      $3 ea
Jungle Strike Humvee w/Rollbar      $18
Neutralizer      $7
Night Force Grizzly w/Wild Bill      $38
Night Attack Chopper       $28
Operation Crimson Sabotage (no figures)      $24
Piranha Attack Boat       $14
G.I.Joe: Real American Hero:      
Jump Pad (no gun)      $12
Whirlwind  P      $12
Bivouac: w/extra items (machine gun defense unit, mortar defense unit)        $24 all
Snow Cat w/Frostbite & Blueprint   C-8.5   $24
Transportable Tactical Battle Platform    C-8.5   $48
Water Moccasin: w/blueprints (no Copperhead)     C-9   $24
Please e-mail       
Prices are for SINGLE item purchases…Will Discount on multiple item purchases       
Animation:   $6.50    
Batman Beyond: School Dayz & Spellbound (1999)   $3.50    
Batman Beyond: Tech Wars & Disappearing Inque (1999)   $3.50    
Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Fury, The (2004)   $4.00    
Disney Princess - Princess Stories, Volume 3 - Beauty Shines from Within (2005)   $6.50    
Madagascar (2005)   $6.50    
Kermit's Swamp Years (2002)   $3.50    
Muppet Movie, The (1979)   $6.00    
Muppets Take Manhattan, The (1984)   $6    
A.D. Police - Files 1-3 (1990)   $8.50    
Akira - The Special Edition (Keepcase Version) (1988)   $19    
Ayane's High Kick    $3.50    
Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 02 - Scarred Man of the East (2003)   $8.50    
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2nd Gig, Vol. 1 - Special Edition    $12    
Great Dangaioh, Vol. 1 - 4 (2001)    $18 set   
Parasite Dolls (2002)   $12    
Read or Die (2001)   $8.50    
R.O.D the TV - Limited Edition Book style DVD Case Vol 1 thru 7 (complete series)   $88    
cases for all 7 volumes also included      
S-CRY-ed - Complete Collection Boxset (2001)    $68    
Shura no Toki: Age of Chaos - Premium Collection Vol. 1 thru 6   $78    
Trigun - The Complete DVD Box Set (1998)   $98    
Fruits Cup, Vol. 1 (Hentai)   $9.50    
Legend of the Wolf Woman (Hentai)   $9.50    
Gundam DVDs      
Mobile Suit Gundam Zeta DVD boxed set w/Figures/Pencil Sharpener, Poster    $84    
Mobile Fighter G-Gundam Collector's Box 1    $15    
Mobile Fighter G-Gundam Collector's Box 2   $15    
Mobile Fighter G-Gundam Collector's Box 3 (Sealed)   $15    
Mobile Fighter G-Gundam Collector's Box 4 (Sealed)   $15    
Asian & Foreign Cinema:      
April Snow (2005) -- REGION 3   $18    
Ab-normal Beauty - DTS (2004) ( Sei mong se jun )   $9    
Astonishing (2004) ( Jing xin dong po )   $4    
Azumi 2: Death or Love (2005) -- REGION 2 (no subtitle)    $7    
Bangkok Haunted (2001)   $7    
Baptism of Blood (1996)   $3.50    
Battle Royale 2: Requiem - 133 Minute Original Version -- REGION 2   $7    
Blind Swordsman: Zatoichi, The ( Zatôichi ) (2003) / Sonatine (1993)   $9    
Blood Brothers - Jiang hű (2004) -- REGION 3   $14    
Blood Heat (2002) - ( Masuuruhiito )   $5.00    
Cello - Limited Edition (2005) ( Chello hongmijoo ilga salinsagan )   $9    
Dating Death (2004) -- REGION 3   $5    
Dimension Travelers, The (1999)   $3.50    
Divergence - DTS (2005) ( San cha kou )   $9    
Downtown Torpedoes (1997)   $5    
Dragon Squad (2005) ( Maang lung )   $7    
Explosive City (2004) -- REGION 3   $3.50    
Gawi (Centered Full Screen)  (2000) ( Nightmare )   $6    
Gen-X Cops (1999)   $3.50    
Gen-Y Cops (2000)   $3.50    
Geomi sup - DTS (2004) -- REGION 3 ( Spider Forest )   $9    
Godzilla, Mothra and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack (2001) -- REGION 3   $8    
Godzilla: Final Wars (2004) -- REGION 2 Thailand disc   $3.50    
Heat Team (2004)   $6    
Inugami (2001)   $6    
Kakashi (2001) -- REGION 3   $6    
Man Called Hero, A (1999)   $8    
Marronnier (2002)   $6    
Myth, The - Avant-Garde Limited Edition Collector's Box - DTS (2005) - SEALED   $49    
Oldboy - Remastered Final Edition (2003) -- REGION 3   $12    
Omen (2003)   $9    
One Missed Call - DTS 96/24 ES (2004) -- REGION 3   $9    
Ring Virus, The - Special Edition (1999)   $6    
Shikoku (1999)   $7    
Spirited Killer - 2 Disc Special Edition    $6.50    
Tale of Two Sisters, A (2003) -- REGION 3    $9    
Tokyo Rampage (1998) - ( Pornostar )   $7    
Twins Effect - Uncut Special Edition (2003) -- REGION 3   $9    
Twins Effect 2 - Special Edition Limited Edition (2003) -- REGION 3   $14    
Yeogo goedam 3: Yeowoo gyedan (2003) -- REGION 3 ( Whispering Corridors 3 )   $9    
Wu Yen (2001)   $6    
Wong Kar-Wai Collection - INCLUDES these 5 DVDs   $58    
As Tears Go By ( Wong gok ka moon ) (1988)      
Days of Being Wild ( A Fei jing juen ) (1991)      
Chungking Express ( Chong qing sen lin ) (1994)      
Fallen Angels ( Duo luo tian shi ) (1995)      
Happy Together - Special Edition (1997)      
Season Boxed Sets:      
O.C., The - The Complete 1st Season   $19    
King Kong - Classic Collection -- REGION 2   $19    
Alone in the Dark (2005)   $5.50    
Arachnia (2003)   $3.50    
Boa (Full Screen) (2000)   $3.50    
Boo (2005)   $5.00    
Boogeyman - Special Edition (2005)   $5.50    
Cat's Eye (1985)   $3.50    
Centipede (2004)   $3.50    
Cup of My Blood (2005)   $3.50    
Cry_Wolf (Unrated) (2005)   $5.50    
Darkness Falls - Special Edition (2003)   $3.50    
Devil's Den (2006)   $6.50    
Dracula 3000 (2004)   $3.50    
Evil Ed - Unrated Director's Cut (1997)   $3.50    
Flesh for the Beast (Unrated) (2003)   $3.50    
Final Destination 3 - 2-Disc Thrill Ride Edition - DTS (2006)   $7.50    
Frailty - Special Edition (2001)   $3.50    
Frost: Portrait of a Vampire (2001)   $3.50    
Happy Hell Night (1992)   $3.50    
Hills Have Eyes 2, The - Unrated (2007)   $12.00    
Innocent Blood (Full Screen) (1992)   $3.50    
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)   $5.00    
Lost Souls (2000)   $3.50    
Love Object (2003)   $3.50    
Malevolence - Special Edition - Divimax Series (2004)   $5.50    
Man's Best Friend (1993)   $3.50    
Masters of Horror: John Carpenter - Cigarette Burns (2005)   $5.50    
Masters of Horror: Mick Garris - Chocolate (2005)   $5.50    
Masters of Horror: Stuart Gordon - Dreams in the Witch House (2005)   $5.50    
Mortuary (2005)   $5.50    
Night Watch (2004)   $12    
Prison A-Go-Go! (2003)   $5.50    
Psycho - Collector's Edition (1998)   $3.50    
Red Riding Hood (2003)   $5.50    
Return Horror High (1987)   $3.50    
Sadistic Baron Von Klaus, The - Euroshock Collection (1962)   $5.50    
Satan's Little Helper (2004)   $5.50    
Severed: Forest of the Dead (2005)   $9    
Shape of Things to Come, The (1979)   $3.50    
Skinned Alive - Remastered Special Edition (1989)   $5.50    
Soul Survivors - The Killer Cut (R-Rated Version) (2001)   $3.50    
Tamara (2005)   $9    
Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The - Special Edition   $3.50    
Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, The - The Gruesome Edition (1986)   $9    
Urban Legends: Bloody Mary (2005)   $5.50    
Zombie Honeymoon (2004)   $5.50    
Amateur (Reformatted 1.55:1 Frame) (1994)   $3.50    
Arlington Road (1999)   $3.50    
Chronicles of Riddick, The (134 Minute Unrated Director's Cut) (2004)   $6.50    
Cutthroat Island (1995)   $3.50    
Death Ride to Osaka (1983)   $3.50    
Die Another Day - Special Edition - DTS (2002)   $6.50    
Fatal Attraction - Special Collector's Edition (1987)   $3.50    
Foxfire (1996)   $3.50    
Harvard Man (2001)   $3.50    
Heat (1995)   $3.50    
Kingdom of Heaven (145 Minute Theatrical Version)    $9    
Made - Special Edition (2001)   $3.50    
Mummy Returns, The - Collector's Edition (2001)   $9    
Mummy, The - Ultimate Edition - DTS (1999)   $9    
National Lampoon's Van Wilder - The Unrated Version   $5.50    
Not Another Teen Movie - Unrated Extended Director's Cut (2001)   $3.50    
Patriot, The - Special Edition (2000)   $3.50    
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl - 2-Disc Collector's Edition   $9    
Poseidon - Two-Disc Special Edition (2006)   $12    
Recruit, The  (2003)   $6.50    
Revenge   $3.50    
Sabrina (1995)   $3.50    
Shaft (2000)   $3.50    
Starship Troopers 2: Hero of the Federation - Special Edition (2004)   $5.50    
Taps (1981)   $6.50    
Titanic, The (1996)   $3.50    
« Last Edit: August 29, 2007, 10:18 AM by Bosskmr »

Offline kurkout

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Re: Gentle Giant, Titanium, VTAC Coin set, Army builders & more
« Reply #1 on: August 9, 2007, 04:23 PM »
Do still have any of your Commander Gree's? Do you accept pay-pal?

Offline Bosskmr

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Re: Gentle Giant, Titanium, VTAC Coin set, Army builders & more
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2007, 12:17 PM »
Do still have any of your Commander Gree's? Do you accept pay-pal?

Yes, pay pal is fine

Please e-mail me