Author Topic: New Year's resolutions?  (Read 1436 times)

Offline jokabofe

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New Year's resolutions?
« on: January 1, 2004, 01:38 PM »
so, with the new year just here, what are your new years resolutions? i've never been a big fan of this sort of thing, and i've never really made any resolutions before, because i always figured "if you really want to change something about your life, why wait 'till the first of the new year? start today."

and, even though i still do feel that way, i've decided to come up with a small list of resolutions... just a few things about my life that i'd like to change...

[1] be more financially responsible - who doesn't? but i seriously need to keep better track of where my money goes. it seems like i get paid on saturday, and within a few days i'm broke again, with no idea what happened to all my cash. so, i need to start keeping some sort of financial records, and see if i can figure out where i waste all of my cash. of course, with the new "tracking thread" for the star wars collectibles, looks like this one might just go right out the window  ;)

[2] find a better job - again, who doesn't want to find a better job? i think that out of all the people i know, 95% of them hate their jobs. but me? i spent (or, actually, am still spending, since i haven't paid off my student loan yet) over $13,000 to go to school to be a java programmer. and i graduated at the top of my class, 4.0 average. and what do i do for a living? i work in a record store. a record store. what the ****? sure, from time to time i browse a few job sites on the web or look at the classifieds in the paper, but i really haven't put any effort into finding a real job. hopefully, that will all change for me, sometime soon - real soon.

[3] go back to school (again) - well, this one is still up in the air. since i did such a great job with this already (see #2 above), maybe i can go back to school again - at night - for something different, and hopefully pick a field that i can actually get a job in. and, hopefully, the financail aid people would work with my existing loan to help me out with my payments...

[4] eat better/exercise/lose weight - uhmmmm, yeah right!

[5] better manage my time - this kinda goes along with #1 - my free time kinda disappears almost as fast as my money, and i don't know what the hell i do with it all. i always have a list of "to-do" things, and none of them ever get done. why? where do i spend the 4 - 6 hours of free time i have every night after i get home from work, before i go back to sleep? what the hell am i wasting my time on?

[6] post more news on the homepage - i've been slacking lately, as i've been under the weather for almost three weeks now (but i'm getting better, honest) and working like a dog during the christmas season, but now that the hectic holidays are over, i'm going to make it a point to post at least one new item on the front page at every single day, even if it's just an interesting auction i find at ebay. so if anyone out there has any news, or interesting stuff, whatever - feel free to email it to me all year long, and i'll try my best to post it up there.

well, out of these six resolutions, i'm actually pretty confident that i can do #1, #2, #5, #6, and maybe #3 - but i think that #4 is just a lost cause. and yeah, the first five are "real life" resolutions and the last one's kinda silly, but i guess that only time will tell...

to everyone out there - sincere wishes for a safe and healthy, happy new year! and let us know what kind of reolutions you have for the coming year!!
« Last Edit: March 10, 2005, 04:29 PM by JediMAC »

Offline Becky

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Re: new years reolutions?
« Reply #1 on: January 1, 2004, 11:08 PM »
My resolutions are:
1.  To eat healthier (I don't use the word diet, it sends a panic attack message to my body to eat everything in sight.)

2.  I want to pay off my credit cards and not use them ever again.  I even made a budget to have them paid off with in the year.  

3.  To try and relax and enjoy myself more, I take everything way too seriously.  

I will probably break them as quick as I made them, but at least I put out a few goals for myself.

Offline Guttersnipe

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Re: new years reolutions?
« Reply #2 on: January 2, 2004, 06:22 AM »
I never make them because I am perfect  :P J/K
I always break them anyway so it seems a waste of time thinking them.

Offline JediMAC

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Re: new years reolutions?
« Reply #3 on: January 3, 2004, 02:31 PM »
What's a reolution?   :P

[4] eat better/exercise/lose weight - uhmmmm, yeah right!

This would definitely be my number one resolution, as it has been the past couple years as well.  I'm at an all time high with my weight right now.  I eat like crap.  Rarely exercise.  Am sedentary.  Sit in front of a computer 12 hours a day at my job.  etc.

Plus, the wife's going to really start pushing me on this since she says I'm following the same unhealthy habits as her father, who just had quadruple bypass open heart surgery a few days ago...   :-\

I'd also like to better manage my time, by cutting back on my work hours and enjoy my personal life a bit more than I have been lately.

A Happy New Year to all, and best wishes to all of our JD'ers for a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2004 - full of many wonderful OT figures!!!   8)