Author Topic: Collecting: Did You Intend to Go This Far?  (Read 6035 times)

Offline Brian

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Collecting: Did You Intend to Go This Far?
« on: July 29, 2004, 11:40 AM »
When you started (or re-started) collecting, did you ever think it would go as far as it did?  Whether it is Star Wars, another toy line, or something totally different...did you ever think your collection would grow to what it is now?  Maybe some of you never did stop in the first place.  For me, I had quite a few vintage Star Wars toys as a kid...most of which I still have..but didn't actively collect anything Star Wars after that.  I didn't even jump in initially with the POTF2 re-release (although I did look at them from time to time).  For some reason I never just started up.  I remember when I first got back, it started with a "I'll just get....and that will be it".  For me, it was around the time of Episode I, and I worked at a retail store in college...and I picked up 6 figures:  Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Darth Maul, Yoda, C-3PO, and R2-D2.  I got the ones "from the OT", and then the other ones I knew were main characters.  I also picked up the commtech versions of Han and Luke, and said that would be it.  I just wanted to have those.  Well, and a Vader.  And a.....

Then...I ended up picking up more loose POTF2 figures via ebay, retail, or online.  Ever since then it has snowballed.  I wasn't a completist during the Episode 1 time, but did pick up quite a few.  Then came POTJ, and I decided to get every single one (I think I did miss one or two at the end though, like Jar Jar w/tongue).  Ever since then I have been selective in my purchases (for the most part), but do pick up most of the basic line.  I've also expanded into other areas (Unleashed, finishing out vintage line, glasses, Galactic Heroes, etc.).  I have also picked up some LOTR, Spidey, and Marvel figures along the way (along with some other miscellaneous figures), that I know I never would have even known about or gotten into if it wasn't for collecting Star Wars.  I guess, when you first started collecting in modern times, did you say "just this one, or that one", did you intend to be in it for the long haul?  Which figures did you want (who were your "just this")?  Did you even realize the scope of what was (or would be) released?  I am in no way unhappy with what I have purchased, I really enjoy my collection (and continue to), but looking at it, I never would have guessed it would have went this far (or that I'd have spent this much!).  What are your stories?  :)

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Re: Collecting: Did You Intend to Go This Far?
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2004, 01:59 PM »
No way...I really didn't start going hard core until I got out of College.  Until then I just picked up a few figures (the first 2 Waves of POTF2 and some of the 2-1B Luke Hoth Wave)  I had around 20-40 when Episode I came out and I started going gaa gaa.  And then I started down the dark path of other toy lines with 1 Wave of the Simpsons...

I never in a million years thought I'd have this much crap in 1998

Looking at my history though I've always had some sort of collection going so its not too surprising that I collect something.  Too bad its not money :P

Offline JediMAC

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Re: Collecting: Did You Intend to Go This Far?
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2004, 02:33 PM »
Did I intend to go this far?  I suppose so.  I was gonna ride the SW collecting train 'til the bitter end.  I was still riding it through the dark days of the late 80's and early 90's, so I ain't stoppin' now!

Did I ever expect Hasbro to go this far though?  Hell NO!   :o

But yeah, it has gotten slightly out of control over recent years, and with so many no sub-lines emerging (MR, GG, Code 3, etc...), it's just going to continue to get harder and harder to stay in the game as much as I'd really like to, when I want to keep expanding my collection as the various SW licensees continue to grow...

The wife's finally starting to get a little nervous about it all though...   :-\

Offline Jeff

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Re: Collecting: Did You Intend to Go This Far?
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2004, 02:39 PM »
I didn't think it would get so crazy either... I figured another 90-100 figures from the OT and then the prequel figures.   :o  Boy was I wrong.

I started out in 96, buying Han and Chewie for nostalgia.  Then, I needed Vader.  Then, I needed Obi-Wan to fight Vader on my shelf.  Then, I decided to grab 3PO and R2.  Then, I decided to grab Leia and Luke too... next thing I knew I was collecting these things left and right, carded and loose, buying EVERYTHING: MicroMachines, Bend-Ems, Action Fleet, 12", etc.  I mean EVERYTHING with the SW logo on it was ending up in my house!

Eventually other stuff stared leaking into my collection too... X-Files, Xena, X-Men, Batman, etc.  If I liked a TV show/movie and there were figures, I eventually ended up with them.

Then, I had a breaking point.  I remember buying a Hyper-Armor something-or-other robot-fightin' Gambit and thinking, "What the hell am I doing?"  It was an epiphany of sorts.  I realized I had waaaaaaaay too much stuff and was spending waaaaaay too much $$ tracking all this extra stuff down, despite the fact that I no longer had any interest in it  (trying desperately not to sound like someone else here *cough* :-[).

Here I am, out of college with a crappy starter job and I'm burying myself in CC debt for figures that I no longer liked?  I think I got caught up in collecting AF lines before I thought out the ramifications like cost, storage space, and longevity... there's something about a line that ends that just kills your love for it, you know.  I also think that I ended up buying a lot of that other junk (X-Men, et al) because there were no new SW figures to buy on that toy run and I just wanted to buy something... not a good reason to collect a toy line.  :(

So, somewhere in the late 90s as I prepared for the Ep1 figures (around fall 98- early 99), I decided to focus solely on 3.75" SW figures and accessories since that's what I had as a kid.  I sold off all of my non-SW stuff and all of my non-3.75" SW stuff and have been much happier with my collection.  

Of course over time again, I have let  a few other figure lines slip into my collection here and there, like the Playskool Galactic Hereos, my DC Pocket Heroes, or my DC Direct Green Lantern Stuff.  Don't get me wrong, it is hard sometimes to pass up some of those awesome lines like Marvel Legends or MotU, but I know that I'll just eventually get tired of them too, just easier to skip it in the first place.  Much easier to collect a toy line you are passionate about then one you like just because it "looks cool".

Reading through that Collector Challenge sticky Thread, I don't know how some of you guys can do it!  I have enough trouble keeping up financially with SW, no room for more.  :(

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Offline Brian

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Re: Collecting: Did You Intend to Go This Far?
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2004, 02:58 PM »
Of course over time again, I have let  a few other figure lines slip into my collection here and there, like the Playskool Galactic Hereos, my DC Pocket Heroes, or my DC Direct Green Lantern Stuff.  Don't get me wrong, it is hard sometimes to pass up some of those awesome lines like Marvel Legends or MotU, but I know that I'll just eventually get tired of them too, just easier to skip it in the first place.  Much easier to collect a toy line you are passionate about then one you like just because it "looks cool".

Reading through that Collector Challenge sticky Thread, I don't know how some of you guys can do it!  I have enough trouble keeping up financially with SW, no room for more.

This is an excellent point Jeff, and something I've been thinking about more and more lately too.  Star Wars is always first and foremost with me, and that isn't going to change, so that is always where the most of the collecting moneys go to.  I've dabbled in other lines here or there, and some I have eventually lost interest in, I got into too late, or they were short lived (Batman, MOTU, Muppets).  The only other lines I've actively pursued (granted, much more limited) are Spidey/Marvel Legends and Lord of the Rings.  I'm not sure if we can handle it financially, and I know my wife is becoming frustrated whenever I buy some other "toy" that isn't Star Wars (which she thinks is enough, and is probably right).

It is hard enough to keep up with Star Wars stuff anymore, with all the different licensees involved, and many that I've had to avoid just because I can't afford it.  I really enjoy the Marvel Legends line, but I've given thought to limiting myself to Spider-Man and his universe if I pursue a 2nd line to Star Wars at all.  I do like my LOTR figures, and would like to get 4 more (9 total), and I think I'd be happy with that.  Its probably a weird way to feel...but even though I really enjoy collecting these other lines too, I sometimes start to feel "overwhelmed" with all these things to keep track of, save up for, find room for, etc.  Even though it is my choice totally to collect anything at all, so it does seem silly to think that way I guess.  Anyways...this post was longer than it needed to be...but good point Jeff ;)

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Re: Collecting: Did You Intend to Go This Far?
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2004, 02:59 PM »
I knew that SW figs would catch on again.  Seems almost anything retro these days has an audience.  I just would not of guessed at all the rehashes and resuclps over the last 9 years.  Its mindboggling that its been that long since the line got reintroduced.

Offline Ben

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Re: Collecting: Did You Intend to Go This Far?
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2004, 05:46 PM »
When I started collecting the POTF2 line, I knew I wanted every figure Hasbro made.
I never fathomed there would be so damn many variants of Vader, Tatooine Luke, C-3PO, R2-D2, or even two Lobots.

I've managed to break my completism habit, but I collect a few other lines like Buffy, LOTR, Marvel Legends, stuff by McFarlane/Neca, and other random junk like DC Direct.

I've got so much now that's it's really hard to greet anything with enthusiam. There really isn't anything 'new' in the Star Wars line until next summer, LOTR still has some figures to crank out, who knows how far the Buffy/Angel line will last, ML is making me sick with shortpacks and chases, and McFarlane/NECA put out so much neat **** that I can't help but buy 'em. When I add on my interest in comics, DVDs, and music, I noticed I really wasn't holding on to money as well as someone my age should.

I kind of really, really realized how out-of-control I am when I bought a Cantina Han and Wicket on OTC cards for the simple fact they were on an OTC card. Guh.  ::)

 :P End.
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Offline Rob

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Re: Collecting: Did You Intend to Go This Far?
« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2004, 09:25 PM »
I started at age 15 and went all out.  It certainly got worse as time went by and I started collecting other parts like Unleashed, Vintage, 12" etc...

I guess I knew I'D go this far, but I didn't imagine that Hasbro would.

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Re: Collecting: Did You Intend to Go This Far?
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2004, 09:30 PM »
No effin' way!

I started collecting JP, and I knew I would have alot, but then I couldn't shake the SW bug, and lo and behold.

The picture kept, will remind me...

Offline Bob Crane

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Re: Collecting: Did You Intend to Go This Far?
« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2004, 11:33 PM »
There's an old (though perhaps not too wise) saying 'round these parts... "Go hard, or don't go at all!".
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Offline Darby

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Re: Collecting: Did You Intend to Go This Far?
« Reply #10 on: July 30, 2004, 01:38 AM »
No way.

I think Ben said it best: there's just so much that fatigue is inevitiable.  I know this is kind of my theme but it's true.  And as I get older, my interests veer.  I think if I had a better paying job, my attitude might be different, but then maybe they wouldn't.

I for one am glad there are only seven new SW figs until some time this year or next.  A break is necessary for me to sustain enthusiasm.  At the same, other lines (also like Ben) such as ML or LOTR or Buffy or what have you are more interesting, but I'm no more able to be a completist anymore.  I just buy what I like now and don't worry about the short packs or rare stuff.

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Re: Collecting: Did You Intend to Go This Far?
« Reply #11 on: July 30, 2004, 05:54 PM »
I think my problem is is that I hunt too much at retail and don't do enough online shopping, which is always more fruitful.

I don't think my fatigue would be near what it is if I just ordered cases from EE or wherever. But there's that nagging thought in my head that Hasbro will send screwy case assortments, ala VOTC. It doesn't help when the newest Wal-Mart here cracks open another HOF wave case while the crappy WM in town has received OTC stuff three times already.

I did find an OTC Stormtrooper today, so that helped. I just might order those wave 11 and 11.5 cases from EE so I don't have to hunt those down, and since it's the last wave of a line, it will be impossible to find here. Never did find the Endor Generals wave here, and I'll be damned if I'm missing them again.
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Offline jokabofe

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Re: Collecting: Did You Intend to Go This Far?
« Reply #12 on: July 30, 2004, 06:44 PM »
When you started (or re-started) collecting, did you ever think it would go as far as it did?

simple answer? no. just look at the "great 2004 collector's challenge" thread to see what i mean.

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Re: Collecting: Did You Intend to Go This Far?
« Reply #13 on: July 30, 2004, 10:15 PM »
That dirty bastard jjks is the one who got me so hooked on SW collecting back when.  I finally got out and just focus on SportsPicks now.  SW just put out too much stuff after awhile.  Glad I got out when I did.  

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Re: Collecting: Did You Intend to Go This Far?
« Reply #14 on: April 8, 2005, 06:55 PM »
With recent word in from Rob that it sounds like Hasbro has every intention of continuing the Star Wars line through 2018, when their license expires, I thought it'd be a good time to pop this sucker back up to the top.  The thought of another 13 years of collecting this stuff is a bit overwhelming really.  I don't mind the spending and hunting all that much, but my biggest problem is going to have to do with space.  I'm already way outta space as it is, to the point where I've got a Star Wars storage unit that I pay monthly rent on since I can't even fit half of the stuff in my collecting room.  So I just have no idea whatsoever how I'll be able to deal with 13 years more worth of loot.

Unless I win the lottery, I don't really anticipate ever having more than just one collection room in any given house we ever own, so the space will likely remain constant, while the collection just continues growing.  And considering I've assured my wife that things will die down immensely post Episode 3, I may have some back peddling to do now as well...

But way back in late '95, I don't think I could've ever imagined how far this hobby would've gone, even with the release of 3 new Prequel movies.  A big part of the expansion lies in the "other collectibles" type of lines, like Gentle Giant, Master Replicas, Legos, Kubricks, etc., etc., etc.  If things had just stayed in the 4" line, it would've been a much more tame prior decade, that's for sure.  But as it stands, Star Wars saga collectibles are just crazy out of control!