Author Topic: Big Items of the Future!  (Read 247527 times)

Offline Dave

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Re: Big Items of the Future!
« Reply #945 on: July 11, 2024, 12:39 PM »
I was wondering about that.  I didn't know if they were the same species, they had renamed Lak, or what was going on.  Thanks!

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Re: Big Items of the Future!
« Reply #946 on: July 11, 2024, 03:52 PM »
Yeah I was going to say, I thought this guy was not Lak Sivrak.

Offline Jeff

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Re: Big Items of the Future!
« Reply #947 on: July 13, 2024, 12:37 PM »
Was having a discussion with a friend last night.  I brought up all the 6" vehicle HasLab wins in GI Joe -

GI Joe Classified 6" HISS - 27.6k sold
GI Joe Classified 6" Dragonfly - 24.7k sold
GI Joe Classified 6" Rattler - (rumored) - not even announced yet and tons of buzz from Joe collectors.

Remind me again why Hasbro hasn't tried a 6" scale AT-ST? or 6" scale X-Wing HasLab?  Seems like there are big vehicle buyers there...

My friend was on the other side - 6" vehicles = HasLab death.  The Marvel HasLab wins have been "big guys" - Sentinel, Galactus, Giant Man.  The only fail was a vehicle.  He doesn't think the average 6" collector cares about vehicles, just the figures and that my view of vehicles is skewed because I'm a 3.75" Star Wars lifer.

He said the only reason the Gi Joe vehicle HasLabs do so well is because Joe is the one property that actually did a good job converting the 3.75" base into a 6" base.  You can't get 3.75" anymore, so almost all the Joe fans are 6" fans now and Hasbro is doing a great job re-selling the same figures to those guys just in a new size; 100% cashing in on nostalgia and with a healthy repaint scheme in palce too (Python Patrol, Night Force, Tiger Patrol, etc).

Do you think he's right?  Is GI Joe the only line that can pull off 6" vehicle HasLabs?
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Offline McMetal

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Re: Big Items of the Future!
« Reply #948 on: July 13, 2024, 02:16 PM »
I don’t think there is enough evidence to form an informed opinion yet either way. The Ghost Rider HasLab failed because it had a more limited appeal to begin with and a real value perception problem. I read all the Ghost Rider comics growing up and never even knew he had a car. Just didn’t resonate with older dudes like me with money to spend.

I absolutely think an AT-ST could succeed but a lot would depend on the tiers, and given their track record I’m not sure we can count on them to deliver there. They’d be too tempted to trawl out a slightly tweaked Snowtrooper, AT-AT Driver, or one of the Imperial Officers.

Now that I think about it though, not sure what “new” Hoth figures would really excite me at this point either. 2-1B for sure, and I guess the mushroom shaped Medical droid. (FX-7?) Would they do those though?  ???
« Last Edit: July 13, 2024, 05:33 PM by McMetal »
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Offline Jedi Idej

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Re: Big Items of the Future!
« Reply #949 on: July 13, 2024, 04:04 PM »
Could see an Ewok Village as another good candidate if they think this went well.

This has been on my Haslab want list. Got to include Vader's funeral pyre.

Offline Dave

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Re: Big Items of the Future!
« Reply #950 on: July 13, 2024, 09:22 PM »
6" Vehicles are just so damn big.  I can't imagine how big an AT-ST would be - 3.5' tall?

I've purchased the small vehicles (landspeeder, dewback, speeder bikes) and they're sweet.  I got the Snowspeeder and its just too big.  I passed on the TIE fighter because it was too big too, even though I think you could have purchased it on clearance for $40.

I don't think 6" Star Wars fans are that hard core and I think the fan base there is super diverse, so I'm not sure there is anything that a lot of people would rally around.

I've gave up on 6" figures a year ago because I've just run out of room.  I know I wouldn't back anything 6", but didn't hesitate to back a big ass Ghost and Cantina because its 3.75" and goes with the thousands of figures I've already got and plan to keep.

Offline CorranHorn

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Re: Big Items of the Future!
« Reply #951 on: July 13, 2024, 09:53 PM »
Considering they cannot release a 3.75” AT-ST that is stable and won’t eventually fall over or warp, why would anyone want to pay hundreds of dollars for a 6” version likely to have the same problems?
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Offline P-Siddy

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Re: Big Items of the Future!
« Reply #952 on: July 13, 2024, 11:51 PM »
GI Joe Classified 6" Rattler - (rumored) - not even announced yet and tons of buzz from Joe collectors.

Is it really a 6" Rattler and not a 3.75" one?  I heard the rumors of the Rattler but not the scale and figured it would be a 3.75" one to go with the Skystriker they just did.  If it's 6" then that would be pretty huge, I'd imagine. 

Edit: I guess the HISS is pretty big and I'm sure the Dragonfly will be even longer, but man... the length and wingspan of a Ratter. Can't imagine.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2024, 11:54 PM by P-Siddy »

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Re: Big Items of the Future!
« Reply #953 on: July 13, 2024, 11:53 PM »
Black Series is always going to have trouble with vehicles.  Anything bigger than a speeder bike is going to take up way too much space.  The FO TIE Fighter they did ended up being on clearance because it was huge.  I don't know how successful the Snow Speeder was, but if it did make them money, they'd do more...look at how much love they get with figures!
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Offline Brian

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Re: Big Items of the Future!
« Reply #954 on: July 18, 2024, 09:29 PM »
Agree with a lot of what has been said. I think the 6” scale vehicles for Star Wars are maybe a tough sell. They have covered things that are a little easier to put out there, like the Landspeeder, speeder bikes, etc. The larger stuff they have done has largely sat or gone clearance, but there isn’t a very big sample size for that either. I personally love the Snowspeeder they did, it’s beautiful. That being said, mine is packed away because it is tough to display (plus the whole thing of having one or two six inch scaled vehicles amongst all the 3 3/4” ones.)

Which brings me to Jeff’s friend’s other point…converting small scale collectors to 6” collectors. With probably some exceptions, the Joe team has done a great job at this. Kind of the on,y game in town, outside of Super 7 stuff. Star Wars is so segmented, and has been for awhile, which I think is part of their problem. Heck, we even have competition within scales with the new Epic collection or whatever it is called. They always seem to be trying maybe a little too much at once instead of really committing to something. In the vintage, POTF2, and prequels days it as pretty much “you like Star Wars? Well here is THE line” (with a footnote of the 12” line). Plus the fact that you could largely do both with those prices. That just isn’t realistic now, not to mention players like Hot Toys.