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Trilogy out on dvd 2004?

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You know, it seems like we go through this about once a year. But, at the risk of inducing lots of eye rolling out there, here we go again. We've heard from a number of industry sources we trust (and who have proven their reliability in the past) in the last few weeks. They're reporting that Lucasfilm is seriously considering releasing the Star Wars Trilogy on DVD late next year. In fact, our information indicates that some work is already under way toward a 4th Qtr, 2004 release. Word is that Lucasfilm is pleased with the format of The Adventures of Indiana Jones: The Complete DVD Movie Collection they're releasing on 10/21 in conjunction with Paramount - so pleased, in fact, that they're planning to use the same format to release the classic Star Wars films. This would presumably mean a 4-disc set, with a disc for each film and a fourth disc of special edition materials for all three films. It would certainly make sense. First, it would be a great way to get a buzz going into early 2005, when the final film, Episode III, is set to arrive in theaters. Also, Lucasfilm has said in the past that there aren't a lot of behind-the-scenes materials available for the original films, so having a single bonus disc of extras (as opposed to three) would make life easier for them.

Way ahead of ya' Z!   ;)  Virex actually pointed this out earlier this morning, right here in his DVD thread (as we noted on our main news page here at JD).  But thanks for the head's up though!  Always nice to see our community looking out for the major news scoops out there...   8)

This is great news, though I still want an officially sanctioned ORIGINAL version of the Trilogy as well!

As far as behind the scenes material, there is the documentary "From Star Wars to Jedi".  It was on VHS, but never on DVD.  It focused primarily on ROTJ, as it was a pretty good behind the scenes look at that movie.

I can also imagine that there are some other materials available.  Also, there's the potential of interview segments with the various actors and filmmakers.

However, I think we're still doomed to relying on bootleg DVD's for the original theatrical versions of the Classic Trilogy.  While the completist in me would like that, I can understand why we don't have it.  With the exception of Han shooting first, the Special Editions are superior to the theatrical releases.


--- Quote from: Nicklab on September 17, 2003, 10:34 PM ---With the exception of Han shooting first, the Special Editions are superior to the theatrical releases.

--- End quote ---

Lest you forget the revised segment where Luke screams like a little sissy girl as he lets go of the Bespin gantry pole, and falls down the core in front of Vader...

With that idiotic change, Luke went from a very heroic/Jedi-like character giving himself to the Force, to a scared little pansy who looks like he just accidentally let go and was frightened to death of dying!   >:(

Of course, Han's evolution into a Rebel hero is no longer as dramatic, since he's not such a ruthless scoundrel to begin with now.  So those two minor edits were two HUGE changes to the actual character of the two main male heroes in the Saga.  Very disappointing.

But I'll agree with you Nick, that for the most part, the SE's were better.  Still prefer the original non-CG Sy Snootles (sans Joh Yowza) singing the original Lapti Nek song as well...   :'(

There is also a Creature Feature about the Aliens of Jabba's Palace that would also be a nice addition

There is a bootleg DVD out there which has all of this stuff

Except for the Star Wars to Jedi Video that I think you are talking about Nick


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