Multimedia > The Wookiee Arcade

Apprentice of the Force GBA


Ok, I'm a relative newbie to the world of Star Wars gaming.  I've played a bunch of old PC based games, loving X-wing versus Tie Fighter especially. 

Now that I've purchased a GBA, I have both Flight of the Falcon and Apprentice of the Force. 

I also have a stupid question :-[  In the second segment of AOTF, where in the hell do I pick up the key card that is needed presumably about halfway through? ???  My expectation is that maybe a stormtrooper is carrying it (sandtrooper?) but I haven't been able to get it.  So I kill them.  And it's nowhere to be found.  Any help?

I just picked this up yesterday. You need to scale one of the walls and go in through a door that will take you into a level that has the key.  ;)


--- Quote from: rebeltrader on October 19, 2004, 11:49 PM ---I just picked this up yesterday. You need to scale one of the walls and go in through a door that will take you into a level that has the key.  ;)

--- End quote ---

I love you.  thanks. :)

Right back at you ;)    This is a pretty decent little game.  Reminds me alot of the old Super Star Wars Nintendo Series. 

I am liking this game more and more.  Not so tough, but it's fun for someone like me that plays games less than the average person.  Does a good job of training you in the Jedi arts. 

Only gripe is that they have Luke refer to Endor as a "planet".  Those damn furballs are on a moon and don't deserve an entire planet.   >:(  Actually two gripes, I can't shoot the damn Ewoks >:(


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