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The "Iraq" Thread

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Angry Ewok:
Well, the war in Iraq has begun, apparently, as a Surgical Strike occured about an hour and a half ago. I've heard that there was an Air-to-Ground attack on the "Leadership of Iraq", via Stealth Bomber.
This could mean many things, but I'm assuming that there was an attack on the acting Generals and Saddam's Lieutenants. My dad thinks that this was an attack on Saddam's palace, a direct thrust at him from the get-go... Thoughts on this, and the war in general?

Man I hope they got that would make the whole thing much more palatable...if not it might be a long couple of weeks being on edge

The thing I am most scared of is another terrorist strike here.  We are tons more prepared but something biological could sweep the Globe in no time...

Me and my buddies always said if there were ever a nuclear attack that we would drive to ground zero and be the first to go because who would want to survive and then now that the end was near.  I think the same goes for a biological attack, give me a needle full of the stuff so I can go quick...

I realize that is morbid but for some reason I never have really shaken this lifelong fear of the human race being wiped out by war...maybe I need some counseling   :-\

Jango Fettish:
Well, as my girlfriend was saying, we are pretty strategically placed, (bodies of water/air control).
When you have that, and all your military expertise, i.e.
anti aircraft, Coast Guard, marines, etc, I think we have all our bases covered.

Of course, that doesn't help us for the enemies on the inside.

Anyway, something else I found interesting is that at the same time we're bombing Iraq, there have been squads of 1,000 soldiers raiding villages, doing random searches for Osama bin Laden, but of course, not in Iraq.

How cool would that have been if we took out Saddam in that initial strike, and the rest of the Iraqis threw in the towel as a result?  A 2 hour war, and we head off to North Korea for round 3...   ;)

While wish it didn't have to come to war, I would hope the efforts to capture/detain/kill sadam are succesful so as to not waste the efforts of our military. Then we must help iraq rebuild itself but we must take into account what the citizens want. It's not our country and we can't force our views on them, eventhough we're forcing our mility on them.
I just hope it ends soon and that no unnecesary casualties result from it. ???


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