Author Topic: I will answer your question as a representative of Hasbro  (Read 29523 times)

Offline Darth Slothus

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Re: I will answer your question as a representative of Hasbro
« Reply #75 on: September 29, 2005, 02:09 PM »
I also have 30000 friends who think a "piggy back" yoda/chewbacca 2 pack would make a great KMART excl. it can come with a push button base with Yoda's sing along " hitch a ride on a wookie-I will" smash hit song! Whattya think?   

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Re: I will answer your question as a representative of Hasbro
« Reply #76 on: September 29, 2005, 02:47 PM »
After your experience with Rebelscum, which deity do you prefer - GNT or Eric Clapton?
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Offline DoctorPadawan

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Re: I will answer your question as a representative of Hasbro
« Reply #77 on: September 29, 2005, 03:13 PM »
How can Hasbro justify a $40-$50 AT-AT Walker for the WOTC roleplaying game after Action Fleet was killed?

We at Hasbro only follow our own logic, which as you may have noticed, fluctuates depending on what we do or do not want to do.  In this particular case, we have settled on using the following excuse:

"The AT-AT for the SW miniatures game is a special case.  Wizards of the Coast makes all the decisions regarding what pieces to release, and although we do market these items, Hasbro itself has no say in what they do or do not make."

However, we will state on the record that if the AT-AT minature is a success and sells really well, it was all our idea to begin with and WOTC is nothing more than a subsidiary who does exactly what we tell them to do (until they do something wrong, at which point it's back to the above excuse).

And when can we see holographic figures of ewoks to commemorate those killed in ROTJ?

That is an excellent idea.  Perhaps we can persuade our Ewok partners at EE to carry another two pack of figures?  Of course, since they are holographic, this would add another 300% increase to the price of the figures, but we feel that a two pack of holographic/spirit Ewoks would be a steal at such a price point.

Hey Hasblow- I wanna another 2 pack..this one is called "whining baby Han solo with chebacca diaper- changing- action. 20,000 of my friends want it too..........
You gonna make it for us? ::) :-*

As you are a collector, we cannot and will not listen to your requests.  If you were an executive at Target, however, we could easily hear your plea for such a figure.  It would also help if you made it easily available to the Ebay Entepreneurs who keep this line afloat by making figures available to everyone who is willing to sever a limb. 

I also have 30000 friends who think a "piggy back" yoda/chewbacca 2 pack would make a great KMART excl. it can come with a push button base with Yoda's sing along " hitch a ride on a wookie-I will" smash hit song! Whattya think?

I think that is an excellent idea!  What kind of interest in this becoming a subline?  We could do a whole series of Chewbaccas and Yodas (and Clone Troopers!) in different colors with different songs!  This is brilliant!  Do you already work for us, sir?

After your experience with Rebelscum, which deity do you prefer - GNT or Eric Clapton?

I actually prefer GNT, since Eric Clapton does not seem all that willing to apologize for what people call our "mistakes" on a regular basis.  However, I am convinced of GNT's piety, since He exhibits his omnipotence by being able to post in any thread at any moment of the day, multiple times per minute.

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Re: I will answer your question as a representative of Hasbro
« Reply #78 on: September 29, 2005, 05:25 PM »
No words of the late Toys R Us? Surely you've shed a tear...
- June 22, 2004 12:13 AM -

Offline DoctorPadawan

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Re: I will answer your question as a representative of Hasbro
« Reply #79 on: September 29, 2005, 07:20 PM »
No words of the late Toys R Us? Surely you've shed a tear...

Are you inferring that Toys R Us is no more?  If this indeed turns out to be true, we will have to change a lot of our plans for next spring and summer, as Toys R Us was going to get a lot of awesome items (see earlier in this thread for the Hall of Fame series I mentioned).  Plus, we were talking about giving them an exclusive Millennium Falcon series!  After being informed by several people in this thread that there are actually six Star Wars films, we decided that we needed a Millennium Falcon for every film!

So, next summer TRU (providing they are still around) will get the Millennium Falcon series in an Episode I box, an Episode II box, the current ROTS box, a brand new Episode IV box, an Episode V box, and an Episode VI box!  Six Millennium Falcon boxes for six films, since it was in all six (or so Roy tells me) films!  Unfortunately, due to the rising cost of tea in China, we have had to increase the price of each of these Falcons to $124.00 US (in Canadian it will be 43,043,147.40 loonies).

Numerous people have PM'd me to say, "CSM, how are the Asian retailers able to get ahold of mailaway and exclusive items that aren't even available for retailers to order, such as the Early Bird Kit figures?"  Well folks, the rumors that you've been hearing for the last few years are absolutely true: they probably fell off the back of a truck and as such, they are fair game and whoever wants them can have them.

A friendly Ebayer told me that it is Chinese law that all toy trucks must drive with their cargo door wide open and that any toys that fall off become the property of any retailer who finds them first.  As Hasbro has the highest standards for the three year old children we pay 10 cents an hour in our sweatshops highly intelligent professionals who make competitive wages in our Happy Fun Factories, we know that none of them would sneak anything out for their own profits.  So please, when you see high prices for a particular item on Ebay, do not blame us; in these cases it is absolutely the fault of China's antiquated "finders keepers" truck laws.  And retail, but what isn't their fault?

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Re: I will answer your question as a representative of Hasbro
« Reply #80 on: September 29, 2005, 08:50 PM »
Dear cocaine addicted transvestite street hobo Hasbro Representitave,
     Will you ever make a line of Holiday Special figures?

Offline DoctorPadawan

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Re: I will answer your question as a representative of Hasbro
« Reply #81 on: September 29, 2005, 09:51 PM »
Will you ever make a line of Holiday Special figures?

We have been making Holiday Special figures for the last four years or so.  We did a C-3P0 and R2-D2 set in 2002; a Yoda in Santa Claus outfit in 2003; two Jawas with no work put into them whatsoever in 2004; and a bright red Vader in 2005.  We have plans on doing one for every year from now until the end of our license in 2018.  It's still too early to let you in on all of our secrets, but next year's just might be a Golden Girl in Clone Trooper armor! 

Roy has just told me that these probably aren't the Holiday Specials you're referring to, but more than likely, you mean the Star Wars presentation that Jim Lucas has called "the greatest moment in my career."  Even though the figure I mentioned as coming next year is kind of from the Holiday Special, we are pleased to announce...

THE ENTERTAINMENT EARTH EXCLUSIVE WOOKIEE LIFE DAY FIGURES!  This will consist of five individually carded action figures representing Chewbacca's family, many of whom didn't make the final cut of the Holiday Special itself!  They will include:

-Disaffected Youthbacca
-Herpes Simplex Bacca

Each figure will be available separately (199.95 each; again, the rising production costs make this our minimum possible price), or you can get a six figure display box set which will include the sixth bonus Wookiee figure:  Clonebacca!   This set will cost you 1000.00 (what a deal!) and will require you send your right pinky toe or finger directly to Entertainment Earth.

It's fans like you guys at JD that make us here at Hasbro thankful we make these toys!  Thanks for all the support!

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Re: I will answer your question as a representative of Hasbro
« Reply #82 on: September 30, 2005, 02:03 AM »
Dear CSM,

Thank you for taking the time to answer the questions that myself and my esteemed fellow collectors have posed to you here at JD. Unfortunately, something has been bothering me as I read through this thread, thank you for the suggestion btw to look thru the thread in completion, as I obviously was in error about your company's current position in the sphincter of Walmart. Which does bring the question to mind, does Target's anal walls have the same shade of red as the walls in their stores? I digress though...

On 9/27 at 7:00pm you stated: "But as you know, Hasbro is never at fault or wrong about anything"

I believe this to be in error as I have found some contradictions I would like to hear more of you explain yourself on...

On 9/29 at 11:04am in response to my aforementioned question about your company's stay in Wally world poop launcher, you mentioned in reference to your former roommates: "In retrospect, however, the time we spent in the Wal-Mart ass was quite enjoyable, despite the presence of the RIAA and Mattel." But prior to that on 9/26 at 7:12pm you stated: "And I don't know what other aspects of the figure world you refer to, Cody, since Hasbro is the only toy company in existence." You're clearly aware of Mattel's existence, so I have to ask, do they owe Hasbro rent money or something? Did they not pull their share of the load at the big blue butt?

Also on 9/27 at 10:25am you stated: "As I referred to earlier, new figures require effort and with no new Star Wars movies, we just really couldn't care less at this point. But just 15 hours prior on 9/26 at 7:45pm you said "Hasbro really does care." So I'm left to wonder, in that short span of time, has company policy changed and if so, how do you expect that to effect your profit margin in the coming holiday season and the company business model for fiscal year 06/07?

Oh and when will we be seeing Goa'uld system lord figures I've heard so much about on some of those stellar sites out there on the web like Tony's Chicken Shack and Plastic Dolls?

Jason F.

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Offline DoctorPadawan

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Re: I will answer your question as a representative of Hasbro
« Reply #83 on: September 30, 2005, 09:40 AM »
Dear CSM,

Thank you for taking the time to answer the questions that myself and my esteemed fellow collectors have posed to you here at JD. Unfortunately, something has been bothering me as I read through this thread, thank you for the suggestion btw to look thru the thread in completion, as I obviously was in error about your company's current position in the sphincter of Walmart. Which does bring the question to mind, does Target's anal walls have the same shade of red as the walls in their stores? I digress though...

We always have the time to answer any questions our fans have, since we really don't do anything during the day other than look around on the internet to find praise of our unerring genius.  So you're very welcome. 

As for the rectal cavity of Target, it is very difficult for us to make out the exact shade of the walls as the cavity is filled with impacted fecal matter.  Additionally, we have been informed by several collectors that Target's entire colon is filled with impacted fecal matter, but we can neither confirm nor deny this at this time.

On 9/27 at 7:00pm you stated: "But as you know, Hasbro is never at fault or wrong about anything"

This is true, as we are never wrong about anything.  If any inconsistencies are found, there is always a reasonable explanation for this, usually because the person pointing them out misread or was hallucinating.

On 9/29 at 11:04am in response to my aforementioned question about your company's stay in Wally world poop launcher, you mentioned in reference to your former roommates: "In retrospect, however, the time we spent in the Wal-Mart ass was quite enjoyable, despite the presence of the RIAA and Mattel." But prior to that on 9/26 at 7:12pm you stated: "And I don't know what other aspects of the figure world you refer to, Cody, since Hasbro is the only toy company in existence." You're clearly aware of Mattel's existence, so I have to ask, do they owe Hasbro rent money or something? Did they not pull their share of the load at the big blue butt?

Mattel is a paid subsidiary of Hasbro, although this is not well known.  In street terms, Mattel is "our bitch."  When we had tired of making the awesome Batman line, we shoved it on over to Mattel and we think they've done a fine job of upholding the Hasbro tradition of endless repaints in gaudy colors.  The Mattel logo is actually the Hasbro logo sideways.  Would I lie to you?

Also on 9/27 at 10:25am you stated: "As I referred to earlier, new figures require effort and with no new Star Wars movies, we just really couldn't care less at this point. But just 15 hours prior on 9/26 at 7:45pm you said "Hasbro really does care." So I'm left to wonder, in that short span of time, has company policy changed and if so, how do you expect that to effect your profit margin in the coming holiday season and the company business model for fiscal year 06/07?

Our company policy changes on an almost daily basis, Mr. Horn.  However, the one thing that remains true 365 days a year is that we will always deny, deny, deny anything being wrong with anything.  We are a very stubborn lot, and even though we like to give the impression that we are a caring lot (it was even printed on boxes for a while!), this is only done to pacify the customers who buy our shoddy products.  Our other philosophy, as evidenced in every yearly report, is "Blame Retail" and if that fails, "Blame everyone else."

We do not expect this to affect our profit margin in the least for the following fiscal year, mainly because people will buy anything with the Star Wars name on it in this day and age.  Hence our release of the new 2 inch Unleashed line, the new Star Wars Choppers line, and the Star Wars Transformers line (we get to kill two birds with one stone on that one).  If it does not go well, we blame retail or the collectors.  If it does, it was all due to our genius. 


Oh and when will we be seeing Goa'uld system lord figures I've heard so much about on some of those stellar sites out there on the web like Tony's Chicken Shack and Plastic Dolls?

We have no plans to release figures based on whatever it is you're talking about at this time, but we could go for some good chicken.  In fact, we're going to get on that right now (the chicken, not the Goa'uld thing).

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Re: I will answer your question as a representative of Hasbro
« Reply #84 on: September 30, 2005, 10:03 AM »
I have a rash. Which Saga figure do you suggest?
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Offline Darth Slothus

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Re: I will answer your question as a representative of Hasbro
« Reply #85 on: September 30, 2005, 10:37 AM »
Considering a possible TRU kill-off and loss of a very important retailer for exclusive product, what could your product distribution percentages change to for your current retailers? What percentages go out to current retailers now? IE Walmart, Target, TRU, KB, foreign retailers, Kmart.

If you had to compensate for a possible TRU exclusives loss- what decision would boy-toy Roy go in towards other stores receiving the exclusives?

Offline DoctorPadawan

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Re: I will answer your question as a representative of Hasbro
« Reply #86 on: September 30, 2005, 12:38 PM »
I have a rash. Which Saga figure do you suggest?

I would suggest using the Geonosian Rescue Mace Windu, as it has immense healing powers that are beyond mortal comprehension.  Also, amazingly enough, there are still thousands of them available, so the healing properties of Mace should be abundant enough to get rid of the rash completely.

Advice of CSM should not be a substitute for visiting an actual medical professional for treatment of a skin rash.  Do not use Saga Mace Windu for anything other than target practice.  Void where prohibited; valid in 49 states.  Sorry Tennessee!

What percentages go out to current retailers now? IE Walmart, Target, TRU, KB, foreign retailers, Kmart.

Unfortunately, I do not have the internet savvy to post a link to our pie chart to illustrate this point, but here is a list of what each store gets as far as our product right now:

WAL-MART: 40% of all Neimoidian Warriors and Clone Pilots; 75% of 500th Darth Vader

TARGET:  60% of all Neimoidian Warriors and Clone Pilots; 80% of all overpriced exclusives

TOYS R US:  100% of Millennium Falcons; 5% of anything other than the Millennium Falcon.

K-MART:  0.01 % of anything three months after everyone has them already.

KAY BEE:  100% of all Saga toys we had left over from 2002.

ENTERTAINMENT EARTH: 20% of all overpriced exclusives.

EBAY: 100% of everything else.

If you had to compensate for a possible TRU exclusives loss- what decision would boy-toy Roy go in towards other stores receiving the exclusives?

Despite the inference that Roy is a sodomite, this is not true at all.  Roy is simply legally blind and as such, his other senses have been heightened (like Daredevil, but less intelligent).  He is also the only member of the Hasbro SW team who has actually seen all six of the SW films, and as such, he makes the final decision as to what gets made in general character terms.  Roy also sculpted the legendary beauty of the 1995 POTF2 Princess Leia (what others here refer to as the "Monket Face Leia" for some reason; I find her alluring), so you can tell he's the best decision maker in the world.

As to where TRU exclusives would go should TRU implode or something (which I have yet to hear about actually), they would either go to Target or to Ebay (which is, nowadays, saying the same thing really, as all Target exclusives wind up on Ebay within days, so we'd probably just cut out the middle man and stick them up on Ebay first). 

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Re: I will answer your question as a representative of Hasbro
« Reply #87 on: September 30, 2005, 04:24 PM »
Recently your thread has caught attention. For feedback on your forum, Hasbroke, see our "my favorite thread" thread located in the JD Site feedback forum
« Last Edit: September 30, 2005, 04:25 PM by Darth Slothus »

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Re: I will answer your question as a representative of Hasbro
« Reply #88 on: September 30, 2005, 04:35 PM »
First, You seem to like Neimodian Gunners a lot. Are you ever going to rerelease them as a 3-pack for a EE exclusive that will go for $217.47? And second, in the Saga2, will you rerelease the POTF2 EU DarkTrooper or Spacetrooper?

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Re: I will answer your question as a representative of Hasbro
« Reply #89 on: September 30, 2005, 04:40 PM »
Who is Hasbro's favorite JD Staff Member? 

Which JD Staff member causes Hasbro the most grief?

Which JD Staff member does Hasbro think is the sexiest?
« Last Edit: September 30, 2005, 04:40 PM by Jeff »
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