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Messages - Dave

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The Vintage Collection / Re: The Future of Star Wars Collecting?
« on: January 25, 2024, 06:47 PM »
In more Hasbro Star Wars brand team news?  Patrick has moved over to Nerf and is no longer with the Star Wars team.


The Vintage Collection / Re: 2023 TVC Mando N-1 Starfighter
« on: January 18, 2024, 01:15 PM »
Great tip Jeff.  I’ve got that still packaged somewhere and will have to track it down.  Grogu can ride on Mando’s lap.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2023 TVC Mando N-1 Starfighter
« on: January 17, 2024, 06:24 PM »
I finally opened mine the other day and set it up on my shelf. 

Overall I really like it, and especially at the the $100 price point I paid for it. 

- Its nicely detailed, but maybe not the best toy.  Having some shooting missiles or electronics or something would have been cool, but I guess this was geared towards adults.
- I like the hatch to hold Mando's weapons.  They should build this in to more vehicles.
- I like the options to have a Grogu or R5 droid port.  Although not including the R5 dome is really kind of kick in the shorts.  Now I've either got to pull the head off a perfectly good R5 droid or just leave Grogu trapped like a boy in the bubble.  I really wished they had included the R5 dome for the extra 10 cents it would have cost them.
- I love the two stand options.  The bigger stand really lets you pose it fairly dramatically.

So overall its really good, I just wish they had included an R5 dome.

TV-9D9 / Re: Andor (SPOILERS possible)
« on: January 16, 2024, 12:41 PM »
Diego Luna was talking about ANDOR season 2 on the red carpet at the Emmys last night.  He said that there are only a few days of shooting left for season 2.  It's great to hear that, because this might be the series that I'm the most excited about seeing return to Disney+.

Without a doubt, in my opinion, this is by far the best series they've put out for Star Wars.  There have been a few moments in The Mandalorian that were a blast, but overall Andor has been consistently great.

The Vintage Collection / Re: The Future of Star Wars Collecting?
« on: January 15, 2024, 12:10 PM »
Sweet.  Hopefully this will bring back a bit more of the magic this line used to have.

Jocasta's Reading Room / Re: This week in SW Comics.....
« on: January 13, 2024, 05:03 PM »
Well, after collecting every Star Wars comic (not every cover variation) that they've made since 1977, I've finally thrown in the towel.  I'm finishing out the current run of comics that started in 2023 and not starting any new series.  Maybe I'll get some movie adaptations in the future if they ever make another movie, but I'm basically done.  I've got boxes and boxes of comics (over 2000 comics) and it doesn't look like Marvel is stopping anytime soon, and creating all sorts of new stories (The High Republic) that I've really got no interest in.  Just too much stuff.

I'd take either a generic imperial hallway or a generic Tatooine "docking bay" with some pit droids, crates, etc.

With the ANH mains coming out again later this year, I am really hoping for a modular Death Star Hallway playset, which would tie in nicely together with the pipeline figures. It'd also fit the rumor description of the box size being very reminiscent of the Tantive IV set. Ideally, it would be designed in a way that could later connect to a larger HasLab type set.

That would be awesome!!!

TV-9D9 / Re: Ahsoka (SPOILERS possible)
« on: January 9, 2024, 12:36 PM »
I don't think he's the type to fill Shin in on all his plans.

It's kind of a bummer that they were clearly setting this all to go somewhere with Baylon but then at the same time they don't seem to have any definite plans for an Ahsoka Season 2?  All of which is also complicated by the untimely passing of the actor.  I'm hoping it was just writer strike related things that caused some kind of delay in confirming/moving on to a Season 2 as I'd like to see more of Baylon/Shin's story (and everything else going on in Ahsoka's finale).

Maybe they can have a recast actor get his face fried by force lightning and keep the story going.  I do hope they at least figure out where Sabine and Ahsoka end up.  Leaving them in the distant universe seems lame.

Here is a link to the N-1 at Target.

It didn't show any in stock within 50 miles of Minneapolis.

Kenner Retro Collection / Re: 2023 Kenner Retro Collection - TBOBF
« on: January 3, 2024, 05:50 PM »
Thanks for posting.  I just ordered the set off of Hasbro Pulse.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Big Items of the Future!
« on: January 3, 2024, 03:50 PM »
I know we talk about this all the time, but I'd love to see more frequent, smaller Haslabs... do stuff you wouldn't normally do at retail and see how it goes even if it's not a massive real-estate hogging vehicle...

Do an Imperial Dignitaries 5-Pack for $100...

Or some stuff from ROTS that got glossed over because they basically killed the 5-POA line right when the movie released...

I only have so much space left for Ghost-sized things anyway, and I bet I have more room than most people.

I totally agree. 

I'd much rather have a pile of $150 items that fit in my display than mega ships like The Ghost.  I too am still trying to figure out where that beast is going to fit.

If they think a Blurrg or pirate snub fighter aren't going to get enough sales at retail, they could come up with enough of those small to mid-sized ships/beasts that I think they could sell all day long for $50-$150 either via Fan Channel or HasLab.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Big Items of the Future!
« on: January 2, 2024, 06:43 PM »
What do people think on timing for the next Star Wars HasLab, and do you think they'll try something non-TVC?

I personally don't think they're dumb enough to try non-TVC, but I guess their track record for smarts is limited.

My guess is that it'll be about 18 months from now (SDCC 2025?) that they'll start the next HasLab and it'll be something TVC.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2023 Last Figure Standing Poll
« on: January 2, 2024, 12:21 PM »
I guess with all the holiday hubbub we didn't post about the winner - The Tonnika Sisters.

As I posted before this would be a fantastic addition to the collection, but feel that its probably never gonna happen because it would have already if Hasbro/Disney is open to it.  If they can't make figures from shows that are active and "hot" I don't know how they would find it possible to make figures not seen on screen since 1977.  Let's hope the next HasLab is the cantina and they can include these as unlocks since its not a mass market item.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Re: Future HasLab Ideas
« on: December 31, 2023, 07:18 PM »
I've got some items on this list that I hope they do with the Fondor Haulcraft at the top of the list, although I don't need a $350+ version.  Maybe something more in the $200 range. 

Although I have a feeling it will be the Cantina.  I'd be pretty excited about that if its done well, and not just a bunch of pillows and bar glasses.  I've got a pretty nice one that I've put together from all the bar pieces over the years, so this isn't at the top of my list, but I think Hasbro would be wise to keep their offerings largely in the OT.

I'm not sure Ahsoka's T-6 Jedi Shuttle or the Bad Batch Havoc Marauder are that high on my list.  Neat ships, but I'm not sure I would drop $400 on these and find space in my collection for them.

Either way, I'm assuming we're still 18 months from a new Star Wars TVC HasLab campaign.  Or are they going to finally get smart and drop their attempts at BS and role play items?  Maybe that will mean they'll try and do TVC more often?

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