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Messages - Darth Slothus

Pages: 1 ... 160 161 162 163 164 [165] 166 167 168 169 170 171
The Original Trilogy / Re: Wimpy/winey Luke....a SITH?
« on: August 11, 2005, 04:41 PM »
E1-3 who's gets darker then ultimately black? vader(annakin) as sith
E-4-6 who does it here?, duh luke. ( and please don't over ANALyze and tell me
          what's a standard uniform ect..  . . just look at the colors simply

His arrogance and overconfidence are more sithlike- He knows he's a badass now and shows it in his calmer(no more giddiness) speach with his friends, sister
and above all he freakin' confidently threatens jabba on the skiff!

Yeah.yeah-you COULD say it's maturity but then how come everyone else says that as annakin progressed he was overconfident/not trustworthy-sithlike traits that even Yoda forseen as becoming the jedi-even Yoda new then downfall was imminent for the jedi 

Sorry I just don't see how the sithlike arrogance/overconfidence was any different than annakin's progression.

Was lucas trying to show how luke was a lot like his father before him-but then ultimately luke made the better choice?

OK-Time in - try to convince me more-debate it
I'll continue to entertain this

Revenge of the Sith / Re: 2005 RotS Figures Release List
« on: August 11, 2005, 04:26 PM »
I've noticed that EE has accurate case assortments- occasionally H will sell a different ass. to somebody (and it isn't represented on EE) but it's infrequent.
Watch EE for their new preorder case assortments in the ROTS pulldown

Newbies / Re: Hello All
« on: August 11, 2005, 04:21 PM »
Darth slothus punk? Is that a new member?! And why's he trying to copy my first 2 names? Hey kid- hurry up and post our "lists" so I can try and get a deal goin' with darth Anton

Modern Trading / Re: Darth_Anton's Trade's 8/10 update
« on: August 11, 2005, 02:54 PM »
Pm sent Anthony!

Toy Reviews / Re: New JD Review: Governor Tarkin
« on: August 11, 2005, 02:40 PM »
I lucked out getting this as one-in-a-case of refresher figs shipped in one of the later waves. I think it would be badass is they did his knees in that funky anglular articulation and gave hime a thin vinyl or rubber skirt-then that way we could cross his legs prop him in a chair so he could give commands. Or ..even better they could put his old grumpy ass in a black shiny catsuit and give him a whip or baton accessory!

I definately think he should be given a baton- wasn't his character pure CG in the film clip, like count dooku's pre battle scene where he jumps over the balcony?

Toy Reviews / Re: Commander Bacara...thumbs down
« on: August 11, 2005, 02:29 PM »
For me, this figure(bacara) is awesome to look at and that pretty much sums up all the praise right there. Once you open it there's too many negatives

Toy Reviews / Re: New JD Review: Palpatine (Lightsaber Attack)
« on: August 11, 2005, 02:27 PM »
Agreed, the clone commander is my fav. fig so far in this wave, Coming in close second is the ATRT driver-love the articulation and poseability!

Toy Reviews / Re: New JD Review: Palpatine (Lightsaber Attack)
« on: August 11, 2005, 02:42 AM »
nope, disagree-think he's completely awesome
The lightsaber flaw is a natural representing glitch of our human race and has to be loved(appreciated).

nothing wrong with this one at all 8)

Other Toy Lines / Re: Army of Darkness?
« on: August 11, 2005, 02:32 AM »
That movie sounds familiar- what was that one about?I may have seen it when I was a little kid

Other Toy Lines / Re: Army of Darkness?
« on: August 11, 2005, 02:27 AM »
I saw a ton of these in suncoast in our Palmdale mall..tons of 2 packs

Remember the words from before he opens the book...
KLaatu, berada,nikto....CHECK THIS OUT....

KLaatu, berada,nikto..these are the names on TRU's
skiff guards on tatooine 4 pack

Is this weird or what?
did army of darkness use these names from SW???

lol-chew on that for awhile..if not..well,then go take a piss

Middle Earth / Re: LOTR Trilogy Figures
« on: August 11, 2005, 02:21 AM »
What if they made a SMOGG battle scene with bilbo-would you buy that Morbius, I mean morbug? Piss off??? :-\ I heard that said to folks in England alot years ago...

Swamp Speeder - what is that?  It's really hard to tell by the pic, but could this be the first EU ship?

This swamp speeder is also in the wookie catamaran lego set that I have. Never saw it in film

I went to my Walmart tonite and they had pegs in the hotwheels section getting ready for a shipment of titanium ships-there's only 3 sad is that?-damn I better get them off the pallet or bust before the scalpers!!!! the employee told me they're in the middle of their reset/they have 40 pallets of toys in the back that have to be set by aug 24th!!! so during this time somewhere the series 3 titanium will be set.....geez thanks for the vagueness

Newbies / Re: Hello All
« on: August 11, 2005, 01:44 AM »
watch out Matty he has pretty much everything..with my help ;) in the miniatures-he's only deficient in the rebel storm set-he "thinks" he's a pretty good player too. Oh..wait I've never lost to him-LOL.<wipe them out..allll of them> zach's a huge trader of those mini's

Revenge of the Sith / Re: EP3 Clonetroopers
« on: August 10, 2005, 07:59 PM »
I noticed that yesterday, it's the corrected version

Newbies / Re: Hello everyone
« on: August 10, 2005, 06:15 PM »
Hello Tracy! Do me a favah? will yah? say hello to my bro from the north- he's zachmoe and shiny new, so am I

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