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Messages - Darth Slothus

Pages: 1 ... 164 165 166 167 168 [169] 170 171
Revenge of the Sith / Re: Target DPCI Number Reboot?
« on: July 29, 2005, 06:22 PM »
He ..said ..all that? Oh, ok then.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Jedi Temple Assault Battle Pack
« on: July 29, 2005, 06:21 PM »
I sure as hell hope they are plentiful.  I need several of these blue Clones, and don't want to have to try and paint my own!


If TRU goes with their excl 3 packs as rumored( though mention of it at comic con) then one of the sets is the blue 501st. Hopefully another option to get them somewhere

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Target DPCI Number Reboot?
« on: July 29, 2005, 06:03 PM »
Since I've seen the pics of all the new clones coming out, the target Clone looks like a big waste of money...Glad I never bought one. :)

LOL..The "new" clones Cdfhghdk!?M?? hehe-the "new" special ops trooper excl. isn't even out, it 's a good thing you didn't buy it, LOL

Feedback / Re: jediscar's feedback
« on: July 28, 2005, 01:46 PM »
never fails.... actually, Steve never does. Just about completed my one for one aurra sing unleashed for rots jedi vs sith battle pack swap. No worries since these are always completed without incident. Already rec. my Battle pack- Confirmed with Zach that your Aurra is sent through mail Steve! Thanks again Mr. dependable Jediscar!

2525 it was either this site or a link from here to a forum for the "bug" that had the "info from hasbro"....we'll see I guess. If they DID do this
for me anyway it would be more acceptable picking up at the store(I have to anyway). The website has alot of info on approx month rel. for exclusives. Sorry I'm at work and the firewall doesn't alow me to translate so I could not accurately locate the source.  Looks like alot of the exclusives hit this month (AUG). Damned- I don't get my extra 300$ a month raise until OCT. I guess I'll suffer through Aug as well.

The Original Trilogy / Wimpy/whiney Luke....a SITH?
« on: July 28, 2005, 05:39 AM »
I don't understand how luke gets darker as the OT progresses. I mean look...he's white as a baby... then he's this white shirted,yellow haired crybaby, then a grey jump-suited-more brown haired thinking he's tougher type of guy
Finally, he's black clothed, arrogant..(hmmm like an early annakin?) really dark hair adult who chokes(see sith-hey they DID hold their throats) gammorean guards when they get in his way.

Then you have the prequels where Jedi wear warm brown robes and alot of white..the only dark clothed guessed it annakin

even Obiwon has a dark robe in the new hope

Lucas- if i could find one discrepancy here this is it

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: ROTS Deleted Scenes
« on: July 28, 2005, 05:26 AM »
I heard that production actually had an actor for quinlan vos but the scene ..and his job were cut -too bad that's prob. my most wanted scene.

I agree they need to do something to build grievous into a stronger foe- In Labrynth he was tough " killed countless jedi" but in the movie he has one lightsaber in his cloak..come on!I thought the character was cool..but make hime tougher.

HOLD ON....geez. Look I am a collector so I have to buy 'em too but HEAR this...After seeing that THEIR BASES light up and the lava paint on the figs glows in the dark you'll be paying about right..11.99 for extra electronics. I read about this on a German website. They stated that the base will have a button so you can activate it (after you pull out the first time tag) without opening the piece. Guess we'll wait and see if this post is correct..Man, I can't wait for October 1st!!!!!

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Why there are no more pictures of Bly
« on: July 28, 2005, 04:57 AM »
He's not big

Revenge of the Sith / Re: "Evolutions" assortment...
« on: July 28, 2005, 04:54 AM »
How much you paid each for your Evo's Jared? Mine were 19.95 ea @ Wal Mart. And...Be careful I'm German.( from page 24)

Revenge of the Sith / Re: ROTS Recent Purchases
« on: July 28, 2005, 04:46 AM »
Got the Anakin Evo pack X2 (left 6 @ store) for 19.95$ @ walmart

Feedback / Re: JediMAC's feedback
« on: July 27, 2005, 04:28 PM »
unfortunate souls such as myself were unable to attend C3. That's where snuggling jedimac made me feel better. He totally hooked me up with a c3 vader and later at the comic con with the star case for it to boot. If not for him I still wouldn't have this trophy. GJ Matt!

Saga '02-'04 / Re: Emperor wave- tatooine luke,emp, vader
« on: July 27, 2005, 12:31 AM »
Today My awesome Bro picked up the #30 Emperor And #31 Luke tatooine..Just need the same wave vader now

Don't like it ....thx for feeding us collctors Hasbro..But Dang, have to buy it anyway..OKoK I'll resign the complaining

Feedback / Re: jediscar's feedback
« on: July 26, 2005, 06:47 PM »
Whatta hookUP! Again super Steve strikes back!Thanks for the hook up pal with the wave 4 star tours figs. so grateful  I don't have to go all the way to DL to get them this year!!!! What can I say..Keep on hookin' me up! ;D

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