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Messages - Dave

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TV-9D9 / Re: The Mandalorian - Season 3 (SPOILERS possible)
« on: April 13, 2023, 03:33 PM »

The one thing is this part of the plot moved way too quickly.  They just defeated the pirates and Karga gifted them some land in Nevarro to settle but they are already set to go back Mandalore.  And they kept talking about taking Mandalore back.  From who?  It seemed like pretty much a "dead" world without much activity from their visits (yes, there were many species they saw, but it didn't look like the planet was occupied by any means).  Has Moff Gideon been using Mandalore as a base all this time?  Apparently so.

I griped about this frustration before.  Its an example of crappy/lazy writing that I think could be easily fixed with some better execution. 

Maybe there was always a garrison of remnant troops on Mandalore that Bo Katan and crew were building a coalition to take down and reclaim the planet, but it was never mentioned.  Then the story could play out and they get surprised by a much larger garrison and beskar troops and Moff Gideon. 

You would think that Bo Katan would be pretty aware of what is going on on Mandalore when she has been living on its moon Concordia for some time.

I still get the sense that Favreau/Filoni are only very roughly sketching out the overall season plot and then leave it up to individual writers/directors to craft their own stories, and then never try to reconcile them and get them to really gel.

The wave 2 and fan channel figures are up for pre-order now

TV-9D9 / Re: The Mandalorian - Season 3 (SPOILERS possible)
« on: April 13, 2023, 10:52 AM »
Deluxe IG-12 with Anzellan droidsmith(s) just jumped to the top of my most wanted list.

Yes, but you'll get IG-12 with Grogu instead.

I'm sure we'll get both versions, probably not removeable driver though.

TV-9D9 / Re: The Mandalorian - Season 3 (SPOILERS possible)
« on: April 13, 2023, 09:24 AM »
Agreed.  A very solid episode from beginning to end.

Back in stock.  I managed to grab one!

If their track record is consistent they should repost this in a few months either for more pre-orders or when it finally hits US shores.

I'm so ******* excited for Squidhead I could flip over my desk. I bought 2 of those packs...pricey, but I need that guy. And the other guys. But not Ree Yees, because I have a few of him, and I've seen Shabby Blue's site and I know what's going on there.

You really can't have enough of these types of guys.   

Not that Hasbro needs any more of my money, but they could come out with different head sculpts and maybe different hands depending on the race and have piles of Mando pirates, Jabba's Goons, TBoBF speeder bike gang members for years.  Lots of easy different kitbashing for background characters would be sweet.

Is there anyone still trying to "collect them all" for Black Series? 

I just wonder why they would issue such a similar figure pack to what was just released and still coming.  Are there that many people that want both versions of Cad Bane and Cobb Vanth?  These two aren't even hardcore fan favorites.

The Vintage Collection / Re: RUMOR 2024 TVC HasLab The Ghost
« on: April 11, 2023, 01:10 PM »
Whatever the project is Has lab is trending towards having an early backer bonus tier that seems to be limited to the first week.

I personally like that, but if they've got a good offering there shouldn't be a problem getting it funded quickly.  I think the Razor Crest hit its target in a day.

TV-9D9 / Re: The Mandalorian - Season 3 (SPOILERS possible)
« on: April 10, 2023, 06:37 PM »
From what I read over the weekend, the analysis from people who follow all the behind-the-scenes stuff points to the storyline that Favreau had planned out relied heavily on the plotline for Cara Dune / Rangers of the New Republic, and once she was kicked out of the franchise against his wishes, Favreau basically threw up his hands and put in as little effort as possible to correct course. So I guess that goes a long way to explain why everything seems to be a jumbled mess as far as the season's overarching storyline.

I'm not saying what you read is wrong, but that is one weak excuse if that is the case. 

If Rangers is such a key element, then create a new lead character and keep the story going.  Have Mando interact with that person and make it part of the overall story.  There is nothing magic about the Cara Dune dune character.  Heck, its been over two years since Gina Carano was kicked out of the franchise - there is more than enough time to get a Plan B (write some new stories or get a new lead for Rangers).

Looks like they're stepping on the gas for more 6" Indy figures.  Too many for me to collect them all at full retail, but I'll pick and choose a few.  Not sure if and when preorders will be available.

Yakface has a good breakdown of the latest announcements:

Wave 2:
Indiana Jones (Temple of Doom)
Short Round (Temple of Doom)
Indiana Jones (Hypnotized Temple of Doom)
Helena Shaw (Dial of Destiny)
Indiana Jones (Dial of Destiny)

Indiana Jones (RotLA Cairo) - Amazon/Fan Channel
Indiana Jones (RotLA Temple Escape) - Hasbro Pulse / ShopDisney
Marcus Brody & Rene Belloq 2pk (RotLA) - Amazon/Fan Channel

Pipeline reveals:
Indiana Jones (The Last Crusade)
Grail Knight (The Last Crusade)
Dr. Henry Jones Sr. (The Last Crusade)
Elsa Schnieder (The Last Crusade)
Jurgen Voller (Dial of Destiny)
Renaldo (Dial of Destiny)

The Vintage Collection / Re: RUMOR 2024 TVC HasLab The Ghost
« on: April 10, 2023, 12:52 PM »
If it is The Ghost, what do we think the unlocks will be? 

I think having The Phantom as an unlock seems like too big of a value item, but may be included in the original bundle.

The Razor Crest had five unlocks with a low/moderate value each: 
Tier 1 - Escape Pod (low cost)
Tier 2 - Grogu with Pram (low cost)
Tier 3 - Carbonite Blocks of Captured Bounties (low cost)
Tier 4 - Display Stand (moderate cost)
Tier 5 - Jawa Elder (low cost)

My guesses for The Ghost (not in any order):
- Display stand
- 2 figure variants / repacks of The Ghost crew members (assuming we will get mainline carded versions)
- Puffer pig with crate
- Crates with gear or Meiloorun fruit

A speeder bike would be great too, but that might have too much value and might be offered separately with a figure (Ezra?).

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2023 TVC Mando N-1 Starfighter
« on: April 10, 2023, 12:39 PM »
They should have just included an R5 dome with the N-1.  It seems weird to buy an R5-D4 just to pull its dome off and shove it in the N-1.

TV-9D9 / Re: Bad Batch (Disney+)
« on: April 9, 2023, 08:26 PM »
This season ended pretty strong, and dark.

The beginning of the season was kind of all over the place with no real story arc.  Lots of the episodes were very fluffy and kid oriented. 

By the end of the season stuff was coherent with most of the shows being roughly tied together in to a common plot with some side adventures mixed in that generally added to the overall character development.  Some of the episodes were pretty dark too.

I'm hopeful we get more of the later - coherent, story arcs, and character development in next year's season.  They can skip all the random kid oriented filler as far as I'm concerned.

Overall though I wouldn't recommend this series to anyone other than hardcore Star Wars fans.

TV-9D9 / Re: The Mandalorian - Season 3 (SPOILERS possible)
« on: April 8, 2023, 07:59 PM »
Does anyone know if this is accurate?  That the Dave Filoni movie will be the end of Mando and Grogu’s story?  If so, did they announce when that movie would happen?  Despite my complaints about this year, I’d like the show to carry on and thought I saw an interview with Favreau that wasn’t too long ago where he was saying they didn’t have any plans to end Mandalorian on some kind of schedule.

Based on their recent track record with movies I fully expect this movie to never happen.

If they do want to tie things up eventually across all these characters they should just do it on Disney+ with a final season.

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