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Messages - Gregorbian

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Great job, nice sharp lines!
I can't wait to see a squad of these guys  :)

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Gregorbian's Customs
« on: May 23, 2005, 03:00 PM »
Thanks guys!  ;D

I did the V-Wing pilot because I really don't like the normal ROTS Clone Pilot so I figured he might look better with a different helmet.  Then I saw the pic of the V-Wing Attactix figure and there ya go...

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: MetalJedi's Customs
« on: May 23, 2005, 01:34 AM »
I'm really  liking that Kyle Katarn - great job and clever use of parts!
I'm a big fan of clones, so I like your blue Target clone  ;D
Great job!

Great job!  I liked the Protocol Droid, I like that secretary droid too (I forget its name)  ;D
Cool fight between the wookies and whipids.  Great job on Jango as well. 
I love the wookies, they look fantastic.  I really like how you're showing Palpatine's manipulation of everything and the little backstory of Jango Fett. ;D

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Gregorbian's Customs
« on: May 22, 2005, 11:56 PM »
Thanks CHEWIE!  I'm kind of surprised that everybody likes the Clone - Heavy Weapons guy, he was just made because I had some extra parts left over after making my SSA Clone Trooper :P  The AT-TE Tank Gunner's arms are perfectly positioned for holding the bazooka, which means that I'll have to take back some of my "crappy-arm-articulation" bashing that I've laid on the AT-TE Tank Gunner.  :-[

Awesome custom as always CHEWIE!  Gotta love the drybrushing  ;)
I picked up a bunch of OTC Cloud Car Pilots with the intention of doing some customs but I got sidetracked with clones :P  Is this guy going to be in any of your photonovels???? :D

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Gregorbian's Customs
« on: May 22, 2005, 10:36 PM »
Those are some great custom clones!

The heavy weapons specialist is way cool...I'd recommend crafting him a more "Star Wars" looking weapon though. Great paint job, and I love the AT-TE helmet being utilized as part of this. There were Heavy Weapons clones in the Ep. III game and they had those as well...nice touch.
I've been meaning to check out the Ep. III game, now I have more of a reason!  The bazooka is from one of those Elite Force figures from TRU, I was thinking about repainting (possibly to match the colors from the Clone Wars Animated Series).  Do you think I should do anything more than a repaint?


The breakdancing shot of your truly "SA" clone is my favorite of the bunch. Well done!

Saesee Tinn looks great. I notice you sliced off his horn. Although he had both horns when he appeared on the cartoon in this armor, I think it works as a custom from a previous battle, especially since you left the armor white. Good job!
Thanks, I liked how the CW Saesee was missing most of one of his horns, so I thought I would make him at a point where it hadn't completely grown back  ;)

The shocktroopers look wonderful...I know from experience that these can be a pain to paint. The one on the right needs a little exacto attention to his right arm's upper stripe to bring it's thickness in line with the others, but man, thse came out great!
Yeah, the small details were a little difficult, luckily I was using an "extra fine detail" brush ;)  Good point about the stripe on the right clone's arm, I'll get right on that!
I like the V-Wing troop. Any sculpting on this? It looks like there may have been a little done to the helmet.

All in all, great additions to your thread!


I added a little bit of putty to the helmet to get rid of the vertical slit and to make the horizontal slit a little more like how it was in the picture of the Attactix fig.
Thanks again for your comments DD! ;D

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Gregorbian's Customs
« on: May 22, 2005, 07:46 PM »
Here are a few more customs that I made before ROTS came out.  Today was the first chance that I had to take pics.  Let me know what you guys think!

Clone Trooper - Heavy Weapons Specialist:
He is made from an AT-TE Tank Gunner (upper torso, arms) and a #41 SA Clone Trooper (lower torso, legs, head, neck-ball-joint).   His "backpack" is from the torso of a CORPS! figure.

Clone Trooper - Heavy Weapons Specialist - no heavy weapon  :'(

SSA (Super-Super-Articulated) Clone Trooper:
I got the recipe from a guy on forums (I'm not a member so I don't know the guy's name, but he should get the credit for this recipe).  I used an AT-TE Tank Gunner (lower torso, legs, head, neck, helmet) and a #41 SA Clone Trooper (upper torso, arms).

Here is my attempt at the Saesee Tinn in Clone Wars Armor:
I tried making his mask, but it turned out looking like crap so he will go helmet-less.  I left his armor white (it looks light grey in the ref. pic that Darth Delicious gave me) because A) I'm lazy and B) I'm really lazy.

Here are a couple of Shocktroopers:
I figured, everybody else on earth has made these guys so I might as well hop on the ol' bandwagon  ;)

V-Wing Pilot:
I used the Attactix figure as a reference

As always, let me know what you guys think!

Photonovels and Movies / Re: RE #3 - ANTI-JEDI Special Edition
« on: May 22, 2005, 02:09 PM »
Nice ties to Shadows of the Empire, that was very cool.  Are all of the figures that you use customized to some degree?  It looks like many of them have received the famous CHEWIE-drybrushing. 
I agree with Darth Delicious that a longer storyline that doesn't get wrapped up in 1 chapter would be pretty cool.  Still, you've got some great stories here, they're very engaging. :)

Another excellent story!  I like how you parallel the events from the films to your story.  Do you use photoshop for your effects?  I love seeing the random custom guys in the background. 
My only real piece of "constructive criticism" is that you should try printing out a large picture of a forest to use as a background for some of your naboo shots.  I think it would add a lot to the (physical) depth of the picture if there were background trees and stuff instead of a blank background. 
Still, excellent job! ;D

Nice job!  Very interesting story ... I'm intrigued ;D
On to #2 :P

I might try using a CCP Pilot's head.  I was able to retain neck articulation when I made my CW Armor Obi-Wan so I should be able to retain the CCP's neck articulation with the VOTC Stormie.  Also, if I hollowed out the Bust-Ups Stormie helmet too much, I can just hollow it out completely now.

I cut my finger hollowing a helmet cast the other day that I went through the surface and right into my thumb as I held the piece...  It happens a lot.
I do this all of the time.  I actually had to make a "thimble" type thing (out of lots of duct tape ;)) for when I'm working with X-Acto Knives because I cut my thumbs up so many times.  When they took my fingerprints last fall (for a test, not prison :P) you could see a large scar on my thumb from when I sliced it open. ;D  If your fingers aren't mangled, you're not customizing enough!  JK, of course ;)

Thanks for the tips.

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Gregorbian's Customs
« on: May 20, 2005, 11:44 AM »
Well, I tried it out. 
I cut off the belt from the SA Clone and then I cut his waist just below where it connects to the belt.  This was very hard as his lower abdomen was made from the hard type of plastic that doesn't soften very much when submerged into hot water.  (I broke into a sweat while cutting this guy in half  :P).  The AT-TE Gunner was easier because his plastic softened up considerably after being submerged in hot water. 
Then I had to clean up the pieces and make sure that they rested flat.  I used 2 part putty to connect the hips because this usually (hopefully) holds better than super glue.  I also did a head/neck swap so now my SA Clone Trooper has a removable helmet!  He's looking pretty good, I just have to paint him up a bit (I think I'll paint him in my green color scheme). 

One interesting thing ... the clones have different whites.  The AT-TE Gunner has a slight off-white tint to his armor (as does the EE ep. II SA Clone Trooper) and the #6 and #41 Clones have a brighter white color to them.  I assume this is because they used different plastics to make them (the AT-TE and EE ep. II Clone Troopers feel like they're made from a softer plastic than the #6 and #41 clones).   ???

I think I may be able to help some with a how-to...

I picked up the one with the long rifle (the GG mini-bust that is) off a buddy of mine just to see how these translated...  I actually swapped the hands out just because I had a VOTC Stormie with his hands off right on my desk here at home, and the Mini-Bust hands fit perfectly on...

The heads have a couple means to swap them, but if I were going to do it I'd go with hollowing the mini-bust head out so it popped straight onto the VOTC peg.  I think it would be a fairly easy custom to whip up if you wanted to, so long as you're careful with hollowing the GG Bust helmet out...  Simple enough, and while I can't recall who made the figure I'm sure if he's on he'll help you out with what to do as well.
Thanks for making this its own thread, sorry if it was a pain to move :-\
I tried hollowing out the helmet and popping it onto my VOTC Stormie, but it doesn't look right.  The helmet goes all the way to the shoulders (making the figure appear to not have a neck).  I guess I could try not hollowing it out as much...
If this is the same guy that was selling them on eBay, I know he used some OTC Cloud Car Pilots' heads and made the figure a removable helmet stormie, so I guess I could try that....
Has anybody attempted this with any success?

GG Bust up VOTC Hybrid

How'd you do that?  I've seen a few on eBay and I tried doing it, but there was no neck on mine.  Did I hollow out the bust-ups helmet too much?  Maybe I should ask this in the customs thread, but seeing that pic made me realize that there is some way to do it.... ???

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