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Upcoming SW Live-Action TV Show Discussion!

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I heard the kid who did Boba in AOTC will be on the show, so it'll most likely be a Fett show! ;D


--- Quote from: Artoo on June 11, 2006, 11:27 PM ---I heard the kid who did Boba in AOTC will be on the show, so it'll most likely be a Fett show! ;D

--- End quote ---

Or he'll play a clone of Boba, Booba, who is dispatched to kill Boba.


Damn it.  >:(

I'm no longer expecting much of anything out of this series, if he really is the principal actor.

Jesse James:

Well, if he's it and the whole thing is CGI around him, look out...  Fett takes out every Gungang and podracer in the galaxy while hanging out with Watto and badly animated Hutts.  Yech...


Actually, it might work out okay if that's legitimate information, the Vader quote is more in referense to Jesse's terrifying vision.

...although, it'd be improved if there were a bunch of rebel fleet troopers in it, right? ;)

As I've said before, I'm not holding my breath for this show, but I'll look into it once real/more concrete information really starts popping up. At the moment I'm more eager to catch up on earlier EU books (70s, 1983, and early-mid 90s).


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