Collecting > Collections

DARKLORD'S Collection**UPDATE**1/23/11

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commander apoc:
So that's where all the Tie-interceptors went........... ;D

I still can't find non of those ships here in The Netherlands :( ......... hopefully in the future..........

I do have 2 tie-fighters, a tie-bomber and the Tie-advance... but you've got the rest of the army :P

It's a shame that you don't have a bigger room for the complete ship display without the boxes ofcourse...
but than again..... who does have a bigger room than that? ;)


--- Quote from: Darth_Anton on November  7, 2006, 09:46 AM ---Hey! Nice to see you over here Darklord! Again, I bow down to you and your collection.

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Howdy DA!

It's always nice to stop by.  You guys always make me feel so at home!  Thanks so much for the nice words!

--- Quote from: JesseVader08 on November  7, 2006, 11:58 AM ---Army building with ships!  Now that I haven't seen before.  Any plans to open the rest to display like the TIE Interceptors?

--- End quote ---

Well, the Tie Interceptors are only loose because of the flood damage that my collection suffered three months ago.  They were the biggest casualty, so for the moment they are loose.

But now I am hard at work creating custom designed packaging for all the toys in my collection with damaged boxes or no boxes at all.

You can check out my designs in this thread:

Besides which, space limitations may certainly prevent my displaying the full Imperial Fleet squadron loose.  And  (don't tell my wife) but I am considering completeing that THIRD Tie Fighter convoy into a full squadron.

Each squadron has 12 fighters in it, so that means I'd only have to get 6 more fighters to complete that half convoy and end up with...  3 full IMPERIAL SQUADRON WINGS. ::) ::) ::) ::)

You should be able to hear the sirens from the firetrucks and EMTs responding to my home.   :o  I have to go lie down.....


--- Quote from: JDH1173 on November  8, 2006, 02:03 AM ---You should be able to hear the sirens from the firetrucks and EMTs responding to my home.   :o  I have to go lie down.....

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 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Good one!!!

Darklord, great stuff.  Where in Brooklyn do you live?  I lived in Williamsburg/Greenpoint from 1988 to 2003.  I'm now in the Bronx.  Lando the Scoundrel is in Long Island City.  It's good to see another New Yorker out on the boards.


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