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Star Trek

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This new trailer makes me wonder if they are introducing Khan for the first time. This could be a retelling of the Space Seed episode. Notice the scene with the hybernation chambers.

I'm growing less sure of the villian's identity, but I think the twist on this one will be that Kirk has to sacrifice himself instead of Spock at the end.  They will still end up doing the mind meld, but Kirk's essence will be trapped in Spock, and we'll see the ramifications of that in the third flick.  Either way, this looks like a flick worth seeing.

Saw a leaked tape of  the first 9 minutes and it doesn't shed any light.

Holy ****balls!   :o   8)

International Star Trek Into Darkness Trailer

The New International Star Trek Into Darkness Trailer!

Is there something I'm missing?  I didn't see anything in the trailer that really wowed me.  It was good... but pretty much standard action stuff.


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