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Captain America (Movie & Sequels)

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I finally got to see the new Capt America yesterday.  I absolutely loved it!  I am having a hard time trying to figure out which is my favorite Marvel movie at this point, it's a toss up between Civil War and Winter Soldier.

Also, after being a Spider-Man fan fr over 40 years, I have finally seen a good and accurate Spider-Man movie.  :D

I Am Sith:
I was also finally able to get out and see it yesterday.  Definitely not my favorite (Winter Soldier), but definitely up near the top 5.  Thought the plot, action, humor, suspense, etc. were all a good mix.  Really liking what the Russo's are doing when they are at the helm and looking forward to what Infinity War has to offer.

The highlight for me was definitely Spiderman - how he was used in the conflict, how he was portrayed by Tom Holland, how Tony Stark designed and gave him his costume...  Really looking forward to the new movie and more Aunt May!

My only gripe, and this is definitely personal, was the opening action scenes.  I've never been a fan of the in-your-face fight scenes and on-foot chases.  I think this is why to this day I've never watched another Hunger Games movie.  I could never get past the first one and the running/fighting sequences.  The opening scenes in this movie reminded me a lot about that film and just didn't do it for me.  I thought that the end fight was much easier to watch and still gave me the level of suspense and realism that I needed without having to be right on top of the action.

Favorite lines - Bucky: You couldn't have done that earlier (after Falcon gets rid of Spiderman).  Falcon: I hate you.

I enjoyed Captain America Civil War and for me, the main highlight was Tom Holland's performance as our very own friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.

Everybody thought Spiderman would suck. I hear Aunt May is hot. Never thought I would type that.

Finally saw it. I didn't care for some of the opening fight scenes' style, either.

I'd forgotten how Zemo got all that info. It's only been hours.  :P

His plan depends on room service being nosy. "If she doesn't look in the bathroom, my plan is doomed!" Or something.

The character was so-so, because the actor didn't do much for me. I don't know why they bothered to call him Zemo, though.

How did Iron Man know who Spidey was? Is he like Lex Luthor in Dawn of Justice. RICH GENIUSES CAN FIGURE OUT ANYTHING...cuz rich...and smart.

Next movie
 Stark: "That's you, isn't it...BROTHER VOODOO."

Ah, the reveal...hard to take after too many super hero movies. I mean, Jack "Sandman" Napier killed Tony's mom and dad? Was Tony's mom's name Martha?

Anyway, it was good.  Nothing terribly wrong with it other than Chris Evans' lack of charisma and Winter Soldier's supporting lack of charisma.  :D


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