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Star Wars Rebels - 5 POA Animated Style Figs

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Has anyone else seen this article?  EW:  Hasbro thinks 'Star Wars Rebels' has 'plenty' of female figures. No

So... when did Entertainment Weekly get themselves into the business of discussing the Star Wars Action Figure business?  I know who the contributor is who wrote this piece.  She blogs and works (or has worked) for EE.  But has she noticed that there are only TWO female main characters in the show??!?!  And that Sabine only just started shipping within the past few weeks, with Hera on the way, very soon as well?


--- Quote from: Nicklab on February 18, 2015, 10:05 AM ---Has anyone else seen this article?  EW:  Hasbro thinks 'Star Wars Rebels' has 'plenty' of female figures. No

--- End quote ---

I think JTA asked a similar question at TF and that was the response they got.

Steve, that article is about the Q&A at JTA. 

The EW piece explains why Hasbro asked Paul/JTA to change their answer...  the JTA Q&A now reads:

--- Quote ---Q: Where are the action figures for the female characters from Rebels, like Hera, Sabine, or Maketh Tua? Male characters like Ezra and Kanan have been released multiple times already in many formats and scales, yet the best we've seen on shelves so far is a single Sabine with a non-removable helmet and a yet-to-be-released Hera, both of whom are packed with re-released Stormtroopers. Female characters have always played an integral role in the Star Wars saga, from Leia in the original trilogy to Padme in the prequels to Ahsoka and Asaaj in The Clone Wars and have always been among the first characters released in figure form, yet for this new chapter in the Saga, they've barely been a blip on the radar.

A: Hasbro actually has some great new characters from Rebels hitting shelves now such as Sabine and Hera and have recently been releasing more females within our Black Series and Saga Legends line such as Mara Jade, Toryn Farr, Bastila Shan, Luminara Unduli, Padma Amidala (Geonosis), and a number of great Leia’s such as Ep IV, Endor, and the awesome Boushh disguise that was revealed at NYCC. (Editor's Note: Hasbro has asked to have this answer revised.)
--- End quote ---


--- Quote from: Jeff on February 18, 2015, 10:21 AM ---Steve, that article is about the Q&A at JTA. 

--- End quote ---

I see that... interesting.  So, misquoting or damage control?

Clearly nobody at Hasbro has a five year old daughter who watches Rebels and tries to buy figures at retail.   >:(

I get it that you don't want to pack a Mon Mothma in every case, but not having two of the main characters (and the only females) available for many months after the line launches is pathetic.

There are essentially nine main characters (counting a Stormtrooper as a main character).  They made seven in the first wave of Rebels and Mission Series.  Pretty sad the two they left out were the only female characters.

We're going on four months since the line launched and I'm guessing we're still a couple of months away from being able to get our hands on Hera.  A few have managed to just get Sabine, but I can't imagine your average soccer mom looking for toys for her kids at Target is going to stumble on a Sabine any time soon.


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