Community > Other Toy Lines

2024: What Are You Collecting?

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Star Wars
G.I. Joe - probably not too many
Marvel Universe
NECA Predator
NECA Gremlins
NECA Aliens/Prometheus
NECA Rocky

update:  forgot The Hobbit, it has been too long since the first wave came out...

Hey, look at that Hasbro, you are losing me....

One line I forgot to mention on my earlier post is the Batman: The Animated Series line from the 90s.  I've been slowly going back and picking some of those up (as well as a few I had from those days), and I hope to eventually get nice loose figures of the main heroes and villains.  It has long been my favorite show (despite being a bigger Spidey fan than Batman fan) and I have always loved the animation style of that universe, and wanted to pick up the figures as well.  When you take out all the zany Batman variations, it really isn't that many figures to pick up either.  So, if any of you picked some of these up in the 90s, and are looking to dump them, let me know :).

Hasbro Star Wars - mainly just newer vehicles (still in it for Ewoks and logs though)

LEGO Star Wars - anything that grabs my attention + has to be a good deal

GI Joe - waiting for the movie reboot to see if there's anything good to eat

Transformers - hate the current lines, but still in the market for MPs and a few 3rd party bits

Qui-Gon Jim:
I am assisting my 2 year old son in amassing a collection of Thomas the Tank Engine Trackmaster toys. Of course, he doesn't know he's collecting.  :)

evenflow: collecting has calmed down.

MOTUC - all in

WWE Elite - random figures

DCUC - out
Marvel Legends - out
Marvel Universe - out
Star Wars - at the moment out, may pick up random figures if any get released


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