Community > Other Toy Lines

Anyone collect other 1970s & 80s toy lines?

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--- Quote from: Jesse James on June  2, 2005, 07:53 PM ---I have a fairly hefty Starcom collection.  Not sure if you're familiar with that line or not 10", but it was one of the most innovative toy lines (IMO) of the 1980's.
--- End quote ---

Wow, how did I not catch this before?
I guess that makes two of us here who loved this line.  The little magnets on the feet were great!

My collection isn't anywhere near complete, but that's because I haven't really tried to finish it up (I've got just about all the Starcom stuff, missing a few bad-guy ships).

I think this is the only "StarCom" site I know of...

Maybe we'll have to compare notes sometime, Jesse!   ;)

Bob Crane:
Mostly 70’s lines- Matchbox M.A.C. and Fighting Furies, Mego 8”… a bit of Micronauts. Lots of Japanese diecast stuff- Popy, Bullmark, etc.
A set of Dune figures would be choice but clear bubbles are bloody difficult to find, so far I only have Sting with his Cornish Rex… or was it a Sphinx?
Used to have a set of Raiders and Super P’s but sold them for I is the Idiot King.

I collect Space 1999 related stuff and anything to do with Gerry Anderson. Most of his stuff goes back to the 60's.

Growing up:

Star Wars
GI Joe

Sprinkling of:

Super Powers
Secret Wars

These days, I have a full run of Vintage SW through POTF, most of the MOTU figures I had (not much past 1986) and most of the M.A.S.K. stuff


I collect damn near anything I can get my hands on. ;D BUt for some reason I can never finish off my collections. I've got every Super Powers figure except Tyr, and the Riddler. Ive got the majority of the M.A.S.K. Line save for the Split seconds jet and the Laser tag Truck.  And so on. My closet reads like a laundry list of incomplete. *0's toy lines. Whats really sad is if you can name any line no matter how obscure it might be. Ive probably got at least one figure lying around. I guess its God's way of telling me I have too much free time. ;D


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