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Super Hero/Comic Book Movies

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Qui-Gon Jim:

--- Quote from: JediJman on July 26, 2015, 05:35 PM ---Caught Ant Man last weekend and it easily cracked the top five from Marvel for me.  Great storyline and the right mix of action and humor with lots of little ties into the bigger Marvel U. I keep waiting for something Marvel to fail,  but everything they touch turns to gold.

--- End quote ---
EVERYONE is waiting for Marvel to fail. I actually saw someone predicting that Cap 3 will be the one. My bet is this person probably predicted that every picture since Avengers is goinG to be the one. Sooner or later, they will be right, I suppose.

Deadpool actual trailer:

NSFW, obviously.

Yikes! I assume this one is going to be R-rated.

I'm not much of a Marvel guy, so the only thing I know about Deadpool is that he's insanely popular and he's not at all like that one Wolverine movie where he was played by... Ryan Reynolds?

Speaking of which, is this Deadpool supposed to be based on that movie at all?  Or is this a Deadpool reboot that just happens to star the same guy who played him before in a movie that everyone wants to ignore ever happened?

Nice burn on the Green Lantern movie costume though... I guess Ryan Reynolds still hates that CGI monstrosity.  :P

There's a nice burn on the X-Men Origins: Wolverine version of Deadpool in the preview trailer:

Both characters are played by Reynolds.  And given that Deadpool has the unique superpower of knowing he's a character in a comic book (and we assume, a movie), and routinely breaks the fourth wall, it has the potential to get ridiculously meta.

I think you could probably reason with the time travel stuff that went on in Days of Future Past that the Weapon X program that developed Wolverine and Deadpool in Origins never existed.  As I understand it, Deadpool does exist in the Fox X-Universe.


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