Multimedia > The Original Trilogy

the death of Obi-Wan...

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The only thing I can find is this from

The Dark Lord confronted Kenobi as the Jedi was returning to the Falcon. After decades of delay, Vader finally squared off against his former master. As a diversionary tactic to help the others escape, Kenobi sacrificed himself to Vader. The Dark Lord struck the Jedi down, and Kenobi became one with the Force. He left behind no body, just empty robes and his own Jedi weapon.  

 I am pretty sure that there is no official remark other than he becomes one with the force. I could be wrong but my opinion is that maybe he and Yoda were living beyond their time until there business was complete then their mastery of the force allowed them to cross back and forth at will,  Perhaps that is why he said to Vader he could never win and He ( Obi wan ) would only grow more powerfull than he could imagine?

After all Yoda and Old Ben did have alot of time living alone to master the force. Just my $.02

I'm pretty sure Lucas will "bamf" Ben once he releases the OT on DVD. It's pretty clear that Vader had no clue what the hell happened and that Ben disappeared BEFORE Vader's blade struck. It was the best look of shock on a metal mask this side of Iron Man.

Not to stray off topic, but what the heck happened to Kenobi's lightsaber? Is it part of Vader's hilt collection in his meditation chamber now?

Snively Bandar:

--- Quote from: MisterPL on May  2, 2003, 04:53 PM ---Not to stray off topic, but what the heck happened to Kenobi's lightsaber? Is it part of Vader's hilt collection in his meditation chamber now?
--- End quote ---

One of the nearby Stormtroopers picked it up when Vader's attention was drawn towards the Falcon.  He's the one that's going to be released by Hasbro soon - you know, the McQuarrie Sketchtrooper with lightsaber?   :P

On topic, I've always just accepted the semi-official explanation that Obi-Wan just became one with the Force.  When the fans start asking too many questions about the how's and the why's in the Star Wars universe, we wind up with an explanation about damned Midichlorians!  So hush up fellas, lest George spend 10 valuable minutes of Episode 3 explaining the disappearing Jedi trick in scientific terms.   ::)

I heard this crazy rumor a year or two ago that when you first see Ben in Star Wars he kind of appears on screen (like your said MisterPL) like he appears out of nowhere.  They theory was that Obi-Wan gave himself up to the force and was already dead and came back to help Luke and that was why Uncle Owen said "He died the same time as your father"

I remember that same thing FX-7, seems like we talked about it at Rebelscum...let me see if I can find it...

MisterPL was one of the original thought provokers...

Yoda and Obi-Wan:CLONES


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