Collectibles > The Clone Wars '08-'13

CW Deluxe Figure & Vehicle Line

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Well it was a crap creature when it came with Yoda back on '05.

I plan to see this peg warming.

I believe this is the Deluxe assortment that Hasbro confirmed in a Q&A a while back. I'm not too keen on this particular set, but with that package I can see a number of nice Clone Wars items coming from this line. Hopefully Hasbro is smart enough to extend the concept to the Legacy line.

I'm not paying for action figures made out of cardboard!   :D

Jesse James:
Yeah, I'm kinda digging the thought of "deluxe" making a comeback, even though it's not always done well at retail...  I can see a new speederbike making the rounds though, and I have a feeling kids will dig Anakin on the bug.  I just hope there's more than CW figures making the rounds in the deluxe line-up. 


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