Collectibles > The Legacy Collection

Walmart Dewback w/Sandtrooper

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The dewback is very accurate, a new mold in green, superb paint job,

the other good point is the paint job of sandtrooper, based on votc stormie, this time he has all the hip area in black, a detail hasbro should have consider earlier in that sculpt.

Jesse James:
Anyone still have these around?  I have a store that refuses to cut these things loose.  They had like 8 AT-St's they clearanced, but these are in the clearance aisle but are still full price.  It's nuts.

I haven't see one since this time last year.  There was one Wally that still had a couple of AT-STs clearanced, at regular price, that finally moved sometime just before this past Christmas.

I think the new Tie Bomber is going to take their place.  All the Wally's near me either didn't get it in until after Christmas (and its stocked an the opposite side of the isle half way down from the SW toys...) or has them clearanced for regular price.


--- Quote from: Jesse James on February 17, 2011, 01:24 AM ---Anyone still have these around?  I have a store that refuses to cut these things loose.  They had like 8 AT-St's they clearanced, but these are in the clearance aisle but are still full price.  It's nuts.

--- End quote ---

Was just coming here to post that I saw the same thing today. About 5 or 6 Dewbacks in a "clearance" aisle that still ring up at full price. ::)


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