Collecting > Collections

JediJman's Month o' Vintage

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I'm just impressed that there are vintage figures still left on cards, and that the cards are in mostly, mint condition! Wow!

Those are beautiful! It's cool to see those price stickers. I didn't know Target was around in 1983. I guess we didn't get them out here until the 1990's.

Thanks!  I didn't know about Target back in the 80's either, though I know they were around in places like Minnesota.  Today's feature gets back to basics...kind of.  With all the recent talk about the great Gentle Giant 12" droids, I had to dedicate today to R2-D2 with Sensorscope and C-3PO with Removable Limbs.  The little guy goes first.  R2 comes with a pretty good card and bubble.  While it is unpunched, there are some creases up near the punch tab.  The card also has a little bend and discoloration on the lower right.  The bubble has yellowed a bit, but is otherwise solid.  The picture makes it look dented a bit on the top for some reason, but that's a trick of the light and angle.  On the flip side, Threepio looks case fresh and has the Emperor offer to boot.  Flat, unpunched card and a crisp, clear bubble make this a really nice piece to display.  Just a bit of light veining near the top.  I'm really happy with both of these.


Sweet! Is it just the angle or did vintage R2s have long legs and short torsos? I haven't looked at mine in a while.

And what did Sara think of all these?

Just the angle I think.  Sara is, of course, in love with all my SW collectibles.  These are no exception.   ;)


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