Multimedia > The Wookiee Arcade

Tiny Death Star app

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I installed this app after seeing you guys talking about it on here.

It's a pretty fun little game. Kinda cute, full of lots of tongue-in-cheek-humor with the cut scenes and commands from the Emperor and Vader.

I've been playing for about a month now and I'm only at 66 levels - 10 of those are negative-number Imperial levels.

I've been following a pattern of:

1x Retail Level
1x Recreation Level
1x Food Level
1x Service Level
3x Residential Level

for each septet of levels - you get 15 bitiZens and need 12 of them to fully staff the businesses - so that means you have three "spaces" for floater/improved bitiZens to staff your business levels.

I'm pretty much spending my coins as I accumulate enough to buy the next level - which as of right now, means I get up to the 600K-700K range and then buy. Out of my levels right now, in the current septet I'm building, my food level and one of my residential levels are still being built.

In the beginning there was an Ugnaught VIP that you could get that would cut 1hr off the build time of any level, I would say since around having like 15 levels, I haven't gotten one of those VIPs since - do they only show up in the early stages of the game?

I was kinda shocked at the exponential growth in both the time it takes to build a level AND the cost to build a level, but I guess that's how these games work, otherwise, once you reached a critical mass of levels you'd have no problem adding the rest.

I'm at the point now where I can still get enough coins together so I always have 2 levels being worked on, so there's never any lull in new construction.

The one thing that I've found is an absolute must is to get three level 9, dream job employees at your businesses as quickly as possible - and it's always better to take a level 7 or 8, dream job employee at a business than it is to slot in a level 9 employee in the same business-type since the dream job employees produce 2x the limit of the item they order for. Getting the 2x of the item, even if it takes a little bit longer to get it, makes all the difference in the world of keeping that business open when I'm not playing the game.

I absolutely refuse to buy any of the in-game currency - finding Rebels, locating bitiZens, giving bitiZens their dream job and building new levels gets you the Imperial "Bux" fast enough as long as you don't spend them on completing item orders or levels faster. I'm currently saving up so I can get the final elevator - it's 499 bux to unlock and I'm at 319 bux right now - so I have a ways to go yet, but it is doable.

I'm sure if I play long enough to get to almost 100 levels like Scott has, I'll probably get sick of it, but for now, the curiosity-factor hasn't worn off yet so as boring as it is at times, I'm still engaged and want to keep playing.

Not bad for a free app....

Jesse James:
I get bored with it at times then I feel like I need to get back to it, so despite me wanting to quit, I'm still there plugging away.   :-\

Holy new levels!  My ugnuaghts are going crazy for the next two at 137 levels.  I still need three of the Salvage Mission levels.  Also unlocked lots of characters in the last week, Bespin Luke, Pilot Luke, Ithorian and more. 

So here's a question - if I wasn't playing back during the holidays, does that mean I've completely missed out on getting the Panna City Medicines level and/or Holiday Special Boba Fett?

And if I didn't have enough Imperial Levels so that I could make it to the final reward during the February promotion, does that mean I can't get the Imperial Marches level?

Lastly, what are the "Salvage Mission" levels?

Edit - nevermind, I found what the "Salvage Mission" levels are - there appears to be six of them:

* Chiss Hospital
* Endor Adventure
* Kashyyyk Shack
* Csilla Apartments
* Endor Arms
* Wookie Arms
They appear on the levels list with just a "lock" pad-lock on them but w/o any way of purchasing them. I suppose that means you could still get them "randomly" when you say "Build a Service/Recreation/Retail/Residential Level" - but I'm not 100% sure.

I blew through most of the bucks I had to send probes to Kashyyyk and I was able to get the Kashyyyk Shack level and two Wookies that are part of the Imperial Registry section of Bitizens - Quagga & Salporin. I had to look up where Quagga was from - apparently he was in the game Star Wars: Demolition. Salporin was in Heir to the Empire, so he's a Zahn creation.

The rescan is going to automatically occur for me in a few hours, I'm hoping that Csilla and/or Endor are in the rescan so I can try to get their Service/Recreation levels.

There are so many other Residential levels available, I would not be heartbroken if I never got those...

I did notice that the Imperial "Overbridge" level appears in the same way as these other "reward" levels - just a padlock on it, so I'm not sure if the Overbridge can also be picked up/found via a Salvage Mission or not...


They are running another "decoration" event right now - and if you can get up 60 levels decorated, you can get the Imperial Overbridge Level and along the way unlock Grand Moff Tarkin.

I've blown through all of the Imperial Bux I had been accumulating on the Salvage Droids.

I think it's complete rubbish that if you spend 25 bux on the "gold" salvage droid that you don't always get something good. When you end up getting stuff you can manufacture on the Imperial levels that, to me, just defeats the purpose of using the Salvage droid in the first place.

I've had the most success with Endor so far - I've unlocked the Endor Arms, Willy, Teebo, Weechee, Teek, Shodu, Deej and Logray. So the only Endor item I have left is the Endor Adventure level.

I've also been able to get the Csilla Apartments and a couple of Chiss in the Galactic Registry.

I'm basically building up my bux during the cycles where the three scan areas are Debris/Asteroid fields. I also haven't spent any bux salvaging the ship wreck - looks like from that all you end up getting are unlocking the droids in the Galactic Registry - Series 1 group, so I've focused only on the areas that can net me levels.

Everything I've read online indicates that I'm totally SOL when it comes to getting Panna City Medicines, Holiday Edition Boba Fett and Imperial Marches. Hopefully that will change in the future. I have level 9 dream job bitizens for both of those levels and I'm going to hold on to them with the hopes that I'll be able to acquire those levels some day.

Fingers crossed that Endor Adventure, Chiss HSP and Wookie Arms don't become equally unobtainable at the end of this month....


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