Collectibles > The Black Series 3.75"

The Black Series 3.75" - Wave 4

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I agree. Hasbro is so concerned about cutting costs, if they were going to go with a plastic kama, why not cut back the ball jointed legs and ankles?

Figure looks nice from the waist up though.

I saw a lone Torryn Farr at 2 different Targets in the past 2 days, probably one of those random figures from a partial case that showed up as we have been hearing about.

Found a fresh case of Wave 4 at TRU just now... and I passed? Yup, I actually have no need for Bastilla (got the TVC version of her)  and I figure I can nab Dack for cheap on Amazon. The rest I'll get in Wave 5, whenever I decide to order a case.

I saw the "new" Bastila Shan today and was not impressed. The first iteration seemed a lot crisper as far as paint apps. The brown parts were pretty washed out on the newer one.

Saw some of wave 4 today, too. Since I already split a case and got the set I just picked up another Snowtrooper Commander.


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