Collecting > Customizing Tips and Tricks

Fodder Alert!

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Yep, Darth Delicious just used those arms on a custom recently -

--- Quote from: DarthDelicious ---Here's one I've been working on today while sick in bed.

It's Canderous Ordo, from Knights Of The Old Republic! It's mostly the new comic pack Talon Kaarde, with a new head and an old Solo vest. I still have some paint work to do to make this more accurate, as well as maybe finding another head...this one is okay as a stand-in, but doesn't look enough like Ron Pearlman for my tastes, who Canderous always sort of looked like to me...but there you go. I think I also overdid it on the beard stubble.

--- End quote ---

Definitetly some good fodder in that Thrawn/Karrde set.

Just a quick head's up - the Baron Fel & Ysanne Isard Rogue Squadron #29 Comic Pack will be on sale TOMORROW, February 20th @ EE for just $8.50 if anyone is interested - good Imp fodder for customs!

It's back - they must have a ton of these left over at EE. :P

The Baron Fel & Ysanne Isard Rogue Squadron #29 Comic Pack will be on sale September 4th @ EE for just $7 if anyone is interested - good Imp fodder for customs!


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