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Freaks and Geeks: Anyone a fan?

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I watched quite a few episodes, back when my mom was going through her 'I wish I was still young in the 80's kick'.

I always laughed myself silly (I was less educated than I am now) that the initials for Freaks and Geeks was F.A.G.'s :P


So, I finished up the eighteenth and final episode yesterday, and man, how bittersweet.  What a great show.  I guess I'd only seen maybe four or five of the fifteen episodes that NBC aired back in '99 and 2000, and I really wished that I would have watched 'em all (with around four or five million other people--so that it could have continued).

I thought there were a bunch of Star Wars references before, in the few episodes that I saw, but they're all over the place throughout the whole series:

[*]Darth Vader Time Magazine cover on the inside of a character's locker
[*]Darth Vader poster on the back of a character's bedroom door[*]C-3PO and Artoo-Detoo poster on a character's bedroom wall[*]Artoo-Detoo and C-3PO alarm clock[*]Kenner Darth Vader carrying case[*]Kenner Turret & Probot Playset[*]Kenner X-Wing Fighter[*]Kenner AT-AT Walker[*]Kenner Cloud Car[*]Star Wars bedsheets and bedspread[*]Star Wars pajamas[*]Homemade Yoda and Luke Skywalker costumes (for a sci-fi convention!)[*]Kenner "The Force" lightsaber[*]Multiple Star Wars references in dialogue[/list]

There were a couple of things I couldn't make out, along with a few things that I probably missed altogether, but it was almost like watching E.T. or Poltergeist--Star Wars all over the place.

Awesome DVD set, too--six discs, 18 episodes, 29 commentaries (!!!) from the guys behind the show, and (almost) the entire cast (some even in character), all the way to the NBC "suits", and even the Internet fans.  Plus, several deleted scenes from every episode, along with a few other behind-the-scenes clips.

You guys who have never seen this show--most of us grew up right around this same time--owe it to yourself to check it out for all of the Star Wars stuff, and then the fantastic writing, characters, and stories will reel you in.

Seriously, I know that spending $50 on a DVD set of a series you've never seen seems awfully silly, but try to at least rent it from your local rental store if they carry it, or to get it from Netflix or something.

It's that good.

Pistol Pete:
This was an absolute great show and the idiots at NBC ruined it, way better than the Wonder Years ever was and look at how long that went on

A little late on this bandwagon, but who cares.

I usually end up throwing money away when I buy something impulsively, but I saw this set leering at me and couldn't help it, so I dropped the $50 having never seen the show, but going off of some of your recommendations (Virex never leads anyone too far astray...).

Damn, it's such a good, character driven, well-written show.  No wonder it got creamed in the ratings.  This show is a perfect example of why some programs need a little time.  The kids really developed into their characters; the only good actors in the first episode were James Franco, Linda Cardellini, and Samm Levine, but by about the seventh episode, all of the actors had come into their own and the show was really rolling along.

Linda/Lindsey is such a babe, too.  She's freaking Velma from the Scooby Doo movies.  What a fall from grace....

James Franco gives me all kinds of man love goosebumps.  What a babe.

And all the Star Wars stuff....just awesome.  On that note, I noticed something a little...well...convenient.  Lots of the episodes were either written or directed, or both, by Jake Kasdan, who is Lawrence Kasdan's kid.  Lawrence, as we all know, was the writer for The Empire Strikes Back, so there's obviously an in.

Another thing I noticed was that another frequent contributor to the writing and/or directing was Rebecca Kirshner (she's also apparently done a lot of work on Wheadon's Buffy series).  And Irvin Kirshner, of course, directed TESB.  That's not a terribly common last name.  IMDB doesn't say anything about a relationship, but I'm willing to bet there's something there.

Anyway, it's a great show.  Eighteen episodes for fifty bucks is a great deal, and well worth it.  Haven't watched any with the commentaries yet, but I'm looking forward to it.

OTS, but I think I'm the only person in the world who seldom listensto the commentary. Is that wrong of me?


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