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Harry Potter

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Mister Skeezler:
My girlfriend has read them all, and can't wait to see the movie. I've only seen the movies so far, but I'll probably read the books myself.

Darth Kenobi:
I can't wait till this movie comes out as will.  I saw the first two movies before I read any of the books.  When book 5 came out I bought all of them and read them all in abnout 2 weeks.  

Count us among the Potter fans too.  Patty's read all the books so far, while I've only read the first but plan to read the others.  The movies are definitely fun, and I hope they can keep up with them every year or year and a half, and eventually cover all the books.  Like SW, it's just a fun world to hang out in for a few hours, so I say the more the better.  We'll be watching it opening weekend, I'm sure...   8)

CNN has an article up today talking about the three principal "kids" in the Harry Potter films.  Alfonso Cuaron (director of Azkaban) talks about how he would like to see them stay throughout all of the movies.  Clicky HERE for more.

Hmmm....I thought all of the kids were already substantially older than their characters are supposed to be.  I think I could could buy Harry and Hermione, but Ron's getting pretty huge.  He's already slouching quite a bit not to tower over his co-stars.

He's got the best handle on his character, though.  If they can pull it off with the originals, I agree that it would be awesome.

One thing in that article alarmed me, though.  The director for #4 is the same guy that shat "Mona Lisa Smile" into this world?  That's disconcerting, to say the least.


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