Community > Watto's Junk Yard

How much snot can the body produce? Or...

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Jesse James:
Good choice then, or no?

Definitely a good choice if you're stopped up all the time like I am.  Kinda like waterboarding, without all the intrigue, though.

Jesse James:
Do yo have a guy dressed like a CIA operative administer it?  Kinda make it an experience?


--- Quote from: Jesse James on February  4, 2013, 02:55 PM ---Do yo have a guy dressed like a CIA operative administer it?  Kinda make it an experience?

--- End quote ---

Funny, the other day I actually hired a guy on Craigslist to show up at random, unexpected times to give me trea

Jesse James:
He didn't advertise himself as doing "wet work" did he?  Beware that stuff.


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