Multimedia > The Prequel Trilogy

Scenes that made you shudder

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when palpatine said my little green friend

Jabba the Slug:
I stumbled upon this topic and I liked it a lot, so...

1. Definitely Padme's funeral (seeing her dead made me so sad!).

2. When Anakin ignites his lightsaber on the Jedi younglings.

3. Padme confronting Anakin on Mustafar and being strangled by him.

4. Padme giving birth and dying while the scene cuts to armored Vader rising.

5. Obi-Wan and Yoda stumbling upon the Jedi bodies, while the scene shifts to Palpatine proclaiming the Republic a new Empire.

6. Obi discovering Padme's pregnant, while the scene shifts to Vader crying on a Mustafar balcony.

The great new music in this film helped a lot.

The part that gets me starting is when Anakin ignites his lightsaber on the Jedi younglings and when Order 66 is being carried out.


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