Author Topic: Everything Rebelscum  (Read 650281 times)

Offline Hung Solow

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Everything Rebelscum
« on: June 2, 2003, 10:49 AM »
Do you think I should send a egreeting to Philip and the mods, if I get banned.  I just let them know that threatening to ban me is like pissing in the wind.  I own 3 computers, and have access to many modems, plus I work for Time Warner.  I despise idle threats.  I come and go as I please.  If I get tired of them, I simply won't visit any longer.  They should consider themselves lucky that they have me, rather than give me flack.  While I may annoy some, I like to think that I add my own unique flavor.  Would this be too much???  I'm not going to give an official "I'm leaving" statement.  It's lame, and would probably get deleted anyways.   ::)  I don't blame the Nazis for what they did.  Hitler was in control.   I try not to have their mods.  Like Neil Young said... "It'd better to burn out, than fade away".  If anyone wants to add their name, LMK.
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Offline dustrho

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Re: Should I...
« Reply #1 on: June 2, 2003, 11:02 AM »
"You must do what you feel is right." ------ Ben Kenobi

Offline Angry Ewok

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Re: Should I...
« Reply #2 on: June 2, 2003, 12:25 PM »
Yea, Phil threatened to ban me because I refused to remove my signature... It was a WW2 Northern Aviation Poster quote, and just happened to say, "japs" and "Nazis" in it... Phil decided that "japs" was offensive, and said I had an attitude.

I can't say I'm too fond of some of the staff at Rebelscum, so I hardly ever post there anymore.

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Re: Should I...
« Reply #3 on: June 2, 2003, 12:33 PM »
What benefit would it have if you did?  Would you get some satisfaction out of it?  Would there be a point other than you can?  

The deal is that Philip is responsible for the site and as such, legally responsible for the content.  I do not agree with lots of what RS is doing right now, but the content that may be deemed offensive, whether you think so or not, is Philip's responsibility.  That the words "Japs" and "Nazis" are deemed contextually offensive or a liability risk is not at all unusual.  Is it correct?  Nope, not necessarily, but hey, run your own site, make your own rules.  When the Japanese veterans society lawyer sends you a letter regarding the "harmful content" of your site, you can take the risk associated with your decision.  Similarly when the Jewish community gets up in arms (or the non-Nazi German community is offended) you can bear the brunt of their anger.  

Are those events happening?  Nope, I seriously doubt it, but in the litigenous US they easily could.  The point is not what you find offensive, it's what the site owner finds offensive.  Try the same stunts at boards you remain fond of and see how long your behaviour is tolerated.  

That said, I'm not much of a fan of RS and haven't been for quite a while.  It's been far too juvenile for this old man for too long.  It's sad, but I've never seen the point of pouring gasoline on an open flame.  
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Re: Should I...
« Reply #4 on: June 2, 2003, 01:44 PM »
I say you just let it go David.  They've gotten the point now from a number of different members and former members there now.  It probably won't do any good to just keep harrassing them or fanning the flames (this suggestion goes for everyone here really).  Not to mention it wouldn't reflect terribly well on us here at JediDefender, since you've become an active member over here now.

While we generally don't agree with some of the rules and changes that have been put in place recently at RS, or how they don't seem to care about their forum community there, we don't want to start a "site war" between us and them.

I say we all just let 'em be, and concentrate on continuing to enjoy the great atmosphere, more lenient classifieds, friendly community, and more caring and helpful staff here at JD.   8)

My $.02

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Re: Should I...
« Reply #5 on: June 2, 2003, 02:26 PM »
I agree with Matt just let it go.  I'm going to slowly stop posting over there and fade away once I see if they come up and start answering people's questions but after that I'm going to stop posting over there for the near future.

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Re: Should I...
« Reply #6 on: June 2, 2003, 02:43 PM »
I personally would just aviod that site if you feel that way. Nothing will come out of sending " hate " mail to Philip. Everyone may not like his rules or choice of mods, or other things he chooses to do with his site but in the end it is his decision to make on how he wants to run RS. It is everyone else's choice to participate in his or any other site. In the end I can't see any good comming out of emailing negative things to RS staff. Anyway that type of thing usually justifies their reasoning for banning people or implementing other changes, it certainly won't make them rethink their actions it will only cause your opinions to be quickly dismissed.
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Re: Should I...
« Reply #7 on: June 2, 2003, 04:50 PM »
Let it go.  Its not worth it.  Just stop posting there, as I've done
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Re: Should I...
« Reply #8 on: June 2, 2003, 05:41 PM »
I have to agree with the rest of the group here. I say just leave. It is very childish over there and people seem to want all the glory.

The mods here do their best to keep the peace and keep the trolls out of here. This is a very respected place. You will like it here.

Keep up the good work everyone.
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Re: Should I...
« Reply #9 on: June 3, 2003, 05:20 AM »
I have to agree with the group.  I'd let it go.  I don't think engaging them in the way you suggest will be positive.  We have a nice little community here, and I'd be glad just for that.

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Re: Should I...
« Reply #10 on: June 3, 2003, 09:22 AM »
I see no sense creating a disturbance in the Force. Just leave & let it go.  

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Re: Should I...
« Reply #11 on: June 3, 2003, 09:38 AM »
Hung, I say just forget about it also........It's not worth the hassle......and it's obvious the admins don't respect the members enough to answer some very important questions which have arisen from thier new set of me this is a slap in the face to the forum members......they are there long enough to post new rules....yet can't take the time to answer questions about the rules.....

I have already started to slack off posting at RS........That place is going downhill faster than an avalanche.......but I don't blame all of the mods.....I've met Bryan in person and have found him to be a really reasonable and likeable guy.......and I don't feel as if he's part of the problem there.

I did change my sig line at RS.....and from what I've found it is complaint with every current standing they can't tell me to remove it based on a rule violation.

Here's my new sig line:

"Are you looking for a place where Star Wars and other toylines can be freely discussed,bought,sold or traded? Then Check out"

I figured why not show people the other option...without raising hell about it............but I wouldn't go so far as to waste my time sending an e-mail to Phillip or any other staff members.
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Offline Hung Solow

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Re: Should I...
« Reply #12 on: June 3, 2003, 12:58 PM »
I'm with you Brian.  Good idea.
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Offline hansloroll

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Re: Should I...
« Reply #13 on: June 4, 2003, 02:24 AM »
Just stop going there.It isn't worth the aggravations.I hate their recent implementations but oh well.
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Re: Should I...
« Reply #14 on: June 4, 2003, 02:44 PM »
My posting severely dropped off over since these new rules started coming into effect.

I thought about posting an "I'm leaving" thread, or something asking what's the deal with the sudden influx of all the new (and harsh) rules....but I don't see what good it would do.

I've just stopped posting there almost completely, which is no small feat considering I spent all day at work there most every day for a LOOOOOONG time.

Instead,  I've just found other ways to screw around during the day when I'm bored.

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