Author Topic: Everything Rebelscum  (Read 615904 times)

Offline JoshEEE

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Re: Everything Rebelscum
« Reply #3495 on: March 20, 2007, 11:01 PM »
I was going to post a long, drawn out entry citing every statement made with the actual unbiased facts (I can do this because unlike "some" who have posted here, I see first-hand what really goes on behind the closed doors) but I then I realized it will fall on deaf ears to those who don't understand the grand scheme of said topic or the intricacies of this business (non-profit, of course).

It won't fall on deaf ears, I'm listening.

So go ahead and believe that RS has pictures up first, always.

Never said always. I've seen JD scoop them several times.  In fact, I actually started watching for it after I made a similar claim awhile back and Matt (I think) asked me to keep my eye out. So yes, I do notice there are times when JD is first with the news and I know you guys take pride in that when you are.

Believe that sites don't steal each other's news.

I never made any mention of that. I do think that all of the collecting sites post the same news within a short amount of time, so it makes sense to assume it originates some place and often does not get credited to where it originated from. That indeed sucks if it happens.

Continue on believing that back-stabbing, underhanded behaviors don't occur in this hobby and that everyone is a friendly competitor.

I'm not sure I know what you're talking about here....

Go forward believing that this large "traffic" is a blessing (without having market research on the demographics of said "traffic").

I never said it was a blessing, I just said it's the big reason that things like classifieds and store reports are more plentiful there.  I also pointed out that their being big is what brings all the noobs, trolls and assorted yahoos to that site.  They flock there because it's the big one....and I think RS's biggest problem is they don't have the staff to deal with it.  If they had the kind of staff you guys have, that would be a very different place.  It'd be a "best of both worlds" kind of situation.

I simply ask that you don't come to my site and tell me how that site is some martyr.

I think people here throw a lot of crap RS's way, but I don't think that makes them a martyr.  They probably have no idea half of it is being said anyway.

I'll give you that they have a lot of nice features, good pictures, nice coverage but if you knew any back story whatsoever it would make you sick. Or would it? I'm not so sure there are people that could care less and simply want the fastest, main stream thing and don't care how it is obtained, what was done for it and who runs it.

You have no idea.

I guess I can't comment on that one...because you're right, I know not what you speak of. 

There are some things I know....I know several years ago the staff there banned a lot of my friends here for expressing their distaste for the place (on this site, where it should have been ok to do so), and that sucked.   I also remember there were some people who were banned for nothing but being members here and that was also wrong.   Eventually, most folks who wanted to were allowed to return.  That seemed like a good start towards ending the drama.  I also know RS doesn't treat JD as "the name that shall not be mentioned" anymore.  In fact, I've seen them credit JD quite a few times.  I always thought that was a good sign that they were over all that stuff so many years ago.  It seems like this thread is the only place the drama still lives on.

However, if there's some seedy underbelly, or "site war" still raging behind the scenes, I guess I haven't heard about it.  Knowing that, I hope you won't hate me for not hating them.

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Re: Everything Rebelscum
« Reply #3496 on: March 20, 2007, 11:12 PM »
Oh me oh my, that vaunted traffic has brought RS to a standstill.  :o  I can't even get on their site.

As for their reporting?  I'm not that impressed.  There really have not been a lot of great stories that have broken there over the past couple of years.  Their best scoop in the past several months seems to have been a French Hasbro product list, and the only reason they seem to have gotten that is because it may have been posted by a user in their forums.  The really interesting news has been coming from the smaller sites and from Hasbro's Q&A sessions.  How many times are people linking to for new images now?  Including RS?  And very often the new images they are presenting aren't even the product of real news gathering.  It's an image getting posted after someone saw it at an e-tailer site.
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Offline CHEWIE

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Re: Everything Rebelscum
« Reply #3497 on: March 20, 2007, 11:51 PM »
I think the reason that some people perceive the majority of people here being RS haters is because of threads like this even exisiting.  This definitely isn't a "hail Rebelscum" thread afterall.

Do I like RS?  They're fine in my book and I enjoy going to their site.  Just like JD is, and other sites I frequent.  Every site has it's good points and I think they also have areas they can improve on.  And I don't care if RS, JD, GH, or some small European site that I've never heard of has news up first, as long as I find what I'm looking for.  I know a lot of the other sites would love to dance on Phil's grave, but I think RS still has a lot to offer the community.  Like it or hate it, RS is here to stay...

But, I can see it from the views of the people that dislike RS, and they have their reasons... I do think that it gets a little old though, and seems to show jealousy over their success when people complain about them so much.  Maybe I'm reading that all wrong though, it's just how it appears to me.

In a hobby that has become so competitive, it's inevitable that there are going to be some sites that some people despise as some personalities clash; and there's some people that like all the sites and ignore spats between sites.  Personally, I like all the sites, and see some of the stuff that goes on and have heard things from staff from differnet sites about "who did this and who did that so screw them for eternity" - but I think it's way overdue that everyone consider past differnences as water under the bridge and move along, and keep the community fun.  I wish that would happen.


Offline blimpyboy

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Re: Everything Rebelscum
« Reply #3498 on: March 20, 2007, 11:58 PM »
Everyone's so judgemental about the palce because what.....there are too many people there?

Yes, that's the only reason, Josh.

**** me - I can't believe it's taken me this long to figure out that you're Virex. 

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Re: Everything Rebelscum
« Reply #3499 on: March 21, 2007, 12:09 AM »
**** me - I can't believe it's taken me this long to figure out that you're Virex.

And you are. . .  ?   ???

Anyway, guilty as charged.
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Re: Everything Rebelscum
« Reply #3500 on: March 21, 2007, 12:19 AM »
**** me - I can't believe it's taken me this long to figure out that you're Virex.

And you are. . .  ?   ???

Anyway, guilty as charged.

I'm the last horse to finally cross the finish line. 

Oh yeah - I'm blimpyboy.  I also happen to share your name, Matt.  I'm also Dressel Rebel's gay lover.

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Re: Everything Rebelscum
« Reply #3501 on: March 21, 2007, 12:28 AM »
I'm the last horse to finally cross the finish line. 

Oh yeah - I'm blimpyboy.  I also happen to share your name, Matt.  I'm also Dressel Rebel's gay lover.

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Offline JoshEEE

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Re: Everything Rebelscum
« Reply #3502 on: March 21, 2007, 01:34 AM »
In a hobby that has become so competitive, it's inevitable that there are going to be some sites that some people despise as some personalities clash; and there's some people that like all the sites and ignore spats between sites.  Personally, I like all the sites, and see some of the stuff that goes on and have heard things from staff from differnet sites about "who did this and who did that so screw them for eternity" - but I think it's way overdue that everyone consider past differnences as water under the bridge and move along, and keep the community fun.  I wish that would happen.


I agree with everything quoted above. 
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Offline Jesse James

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Re: Everything Rebelscum
« Reply #3503 on: March 21, 2007, 02:39 AM »
I think some clarification needs made here because it always seems to get misunderstood in this thread and crap over yonder at RS.

There is no "hate" for that site...  There's certainly dislike for certain people at that site.  There's certainly dislike of how the forums are handled at that site which is to criticize that "community" in general.  There's lots of good people there, but they're shadowed by 2 things that the vast majority here dislike...

-ignorant users in mass abundance.  Lots of people who wouldn't last a WEEK here are over there.  They'd either be told to shape up and ship out, or they'd simply get banned for things they do.  We tolerate a certain level of "douchebaggery".  We also know when to drop the hammer.

That's, to me, the A#1 problem with Scum's boards...  They don't give 2 ***** who is there.  They want the traffic, regardless, and only react to people who make it to the administration's radar.  Everyone else, and every other member's disgust with certain people, is ignored.  I could name one specific person who's been there for YEARS, who is a total prick.  I'll say it proudly that the guy has no personality other than a bad one, and adds nothing but misery to other people with every post he makes.  He's condescending, a total dip****, never has anything but negativity to aim at OTHER people (not even the toys, just other people).  He's an ass, always has been, he wouldn't last a week here, and yet he's let slide routinely...  Only because he doesn't bother the admin.

-And next, staff that are, or can at the very least behave like, the same ignorant users cited above...  Sometimes it's been Philip acting this way.  Sometimes it's been moderators abusing their "powers".  Sometimes it's simply telling your readers when they make suggestions to go piss off because it's your site and you run it how you please...  No explanation, nothing cordial, just a big "go toss off". 

It's maybe the fact they are left dealing with children a lot, or with people who can't grasp the concept of proper "netiquette", I don't know.  I do know that the people who have dealt with these "leaders" and got disrespected have generally left.  Good for them.

But, with that said...

There's not some blanket hatred between our site and theirs.  We mention them, they mention us.  They have their world, we have ours.  They've always been friendly when we met them, we've always been friendly in return...  We're friends with some of their staff here...  Some of them probably dislike some of ours, and some of ours dislike some of theirs.  Nothing major, and there's no actual major dislike. 

This thread exists for one simple reason...  It CAN exist here.  It CANNOT exist there. 

Maybe some of you view this thread as negative...  I don't.  I know you cannot say the things there that are being said here.  I know if you've got a beef there, from past experiences, that you ran into a brick wall and any complaining you did was mysteriously removed.  ALWAYS. 

We let this thread go because it's everything you cannot do there.  It only ever bumps up when something dumb goes down over there.  Something so dumb that people get banned over it when they say, "Yo Philip, this is dumb".  And let's face it, this thread's back because of the "All Caps Title" rule over there.  And that's a pretty dumb rule...  and it sounds like it was a sour grapes incident from Philip...  again.  I don't even dislike Philip personally, he seems like a personable man at times, but then I see him on the forums there and he seems like a guy on a power trip at times with something that I admittedly feel he "stole" from under another person.

As far as between-site incidents (Outside of Scum)...  Knowing the **** I've seen, not just the public stuff with Scum, I can safely say that there's TONS of bull**** between sites.  And some of them act like children about this hobby and like to hold major beefs over the pettiest of bull****.  Like Chris I won't get into specifics, and I'm not even an admin at this site and I can tell you I've seen some comical stuff in just recent months much less the years I've worked here.

I've got a buddy who is in the hobby...  I've wanted him to join up here.  He won't, even though he likes our site a lot, because he went through the bull**** of between-site-politics at another place and hates it.  I dont' blame him because you wind up putting up with a lot of people that take the hobby as serious as if it's their real job.  They treat this as life, and people like that are pretty much impossible to deal with.

At the end of the day though, we actually do get along with Scum here.  If we didn't we'd not be mentioned by them ever, and we'd never reciprocate I'm sure.  Their forums though are generally the focus of this thread...  Sometimes the front page, but not nearly as much as the dumb things that go on in the forums, and i don't think many here can deny that this thread got bumped because of a pretty dumb thing that happened there.

Compounded by another dumb thing you (Josh) brought up yourself here (the swearing rule).  This thread exists for a pretty solid reason then.  But there's never been any real "water" to put a bridge over.  Our guys that are banned don't WANT to be there and happily avoid that place (and this thread for the most part) while the rest of us just comment on the dumb as it crops up.  It cropped up this past week I'd say.
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Offline blimpyboy

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Re: Everything Rebelscum
« Reply #3504 on: March 21, 2007, 02:24 PM »
That's, to me, the A#1 problem with Scum's boards...  They don't give 2 ***** who is there.  They want the traffic, regardless, and only react to people who make it to the administration's radar.  Everyone else, and every other member's disgust with certain people, is ignored.  I could name one specific person who's been there for YEARS, who is a total prick.  I'll say it proudly that the guy has no personality other than a bad one, and adds nothing but misery to other people with every post he makes.  He's condescending, a total dip****, never has anything but negativity to aim at OTHER people (not even the toys, just other people).  He's an ass, always has been, he wouldn't last a week here, and yet he's let slide routinely...  Only because he doesn't bother the admin.

If you're talking about the same guy I'm thinking of, TK 421 1/2, way back in late 2003 I got a warning from Phillip the Wise himself about antagonizing him.  Granted, I did purposefully go through his list of most recent posts and respond to each one letting him know about how big of a jackass he was being, trying to bait him into saying something that would get him banned, and Phillip e-mailed me telling me to knock off the flaming.  Figures.

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Re: Everything Rebelscum
« Reply #3505 on: March 21, 2007, 02:59 PM »
If you're talking about the same guy I'm thinking of, TK 421 1/2

Something tells me that's not the guy Jesse's talking about.  :)


Offline Jesse James

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Re: Everything Rebelscum
« Reply #3506 on: March 21, 2007, 03:05 PM »
Hah.   :D
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Offline JoshEEE

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Re: Everything Rebelscum
« Reply #3507 on: March 21, 2007, 03:24 PM »
If you're talking about the same guy I'm thinking of, TK 421 1/2

Something tells me that's not the guy Jesse's talking about.  :)


Something tells me you're right.  But if you say his name three times, he's going to appear here and start a flame war.

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Re: Everything Rebelscum
« Reply #3508 on: March 21, 2007, 04:23 PM »

So go ahead and believe that RS has pictures up first, always.  Continue on believing that back-stabbing, underhanded behaviors don't occur in this hobby and that everyone is a friendly competitor.

I was a little miffed a few months back when I exclusively posted the first image of the 12" Endor Trooper squad here in the JD forums and only a few minutes later the exact same image was photoshopped (with the trademark blue background) and splattered on the front page of RS.

Now I know images on the internet are free to everyone, but it would've been nice if JD or myself were credited for the image.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2007, 04:23 PM by ruiner »

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Re: Everything Rebelscum
« Reply #3509 on: March 21, 2007, 06:20 PM »

So go ahead and believe that RS has pictures up first, always.  Continue on believing that back-stabbing, underhanded behaviors don't occur in this hobby and that everyone is a friendly competitor.

I was a little miffed a few months back when I exclusively posted the first image of the 12" Endor Trooper squad here in the JD forums and only a few minutes later the exact same image was photoshopped (with the trademark blue background) and splattered on the front page of RS.

Now I know images on the internet are free to everyone, but it would've been nice if JD or myself were credited for the image.

Wow, really? They photoshopped it?  Was there a JD watermark on it?
I'd love to see pics of that...I never noticed (but I do remember that squad photo on their front page).
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