Author Topic: Rogue One (SPOILERS)  (Read 154610 times)

Offline P-Siddy

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Re: Rogue One (SPOILERS)
« Reply #285 on: December 16, 2016, 10:37 AM »
I agree.  Better costume and alien designs in Rogue One than in TFA (not that we're getting much from TFA either). 

Moroff?  I thought he was on Jehda with Saw's crew.  I could be wrong. 

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Re: Rogue One (SPOILERS)
« Reply #286 on: December 16, 2016, 10:39 AM »
Did anyone notice Moroff on Scarif? This video implies he may have appeared there. I recall him on Yavin, but not on the Beach.

I thought I recall him running through the palms briefly in one scene.  Not sure if he was on that second U-wing that was taking down the AT-ACTs...

I'm a little bummed that 99% of the rebels attacking Scarif on the ground were all human.  It would have been great to see a bunch of different creatures all in the fight.  Not sure if that was just for budget reasons or not.

We got some great figures of Moroff and Pao, and they were barely in the movie.  Its better than TFA where we had a bunch of figures of guys you couldn't really even spot.  But I was really looking forward to the Moroff character and was hoping he would be a Wookiee like character throwing Stormtroopers around.

Small gripes from an overall awesome flick.

Offline JediJman

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Re: Rogue One (SPOILERS)
« Reply #287 on: December 16, 2016, 11:22 AM »
Anybody see it in 3D and have comments on the 3D effects?  Is it worth seeing?

I was going to go see the movie again today (saw it in standard 2D last night) and was debating about seeing it in 3D.

I saw it in 3D.  It was cool, but nothing stands out to me as being filmed for 3D where it was flying in your face.  Honestly the best 3D effects were in the Guardians trailer where ships and blaster bolts are flying into your face.  You do get some nifty free SW 3D glasses to keep though:

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Offline McMetal

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Re: Rogue One (SPOILERS)
« Reply #288 on: December 16, 2016, 11:53 AM »
Yeah, I saw it in 3D and was impressed. I think there is a crispness there you don't always notice with the 2D versions. Especially with the space battles.

Moroff definitely was on Jedha - he showed up with Bodhi when they first introduced him. I don't think any of those other guys even made it off but if they did I doubt they would have gone on to Yavin.

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Offline Jedi Idej

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Re: Rogue One (SPOILERS)
« Reply #289 on: December 16, 2016, 01:56 PM »
Love the grittiness of this movie. Vader's brutality. "Good" guys doing bad things for the cause. Seeing how many died to get those plans. Oh, the humanity.

So much to take in. So much action. Lots of funny bits (and the occasional should-have-left-out). My favorite is probably Chirrut Imwe's "Are you kidding me? I'm blind", after getting a sack placed over his head.

I saw this in 3D just so I didn't have to wait 2+ hours for the next available near-midnight 2D showing. First time. A little distracting at first but afterwards didn't really notice.

Offline GrandMoffNick

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Re: Rogue One (SPOILERS)
« Reply #290 on: December 16, 2016, 02:36 PM »
Love the grittiness of this movie. "Good" guys doing bad things for the cause.

Yeah I really liked how they set the tone immediately with Cassian offing the guy who told him about the "pilot".
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Offline JediJman

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Re: Rogue One (SPOILERS)
« Reply #291 on: December 16, 2016, 02:50 PM »
Love the grittiness of this movie. "Good" guys doing bad things for the cause.

Yeah I really liked how they set the tone immediately with Cassian offing the guy who told him about the "pilot".

I thought that was too much at first - like the Rebels wouldn't have stooped to that level in their idealistic world.  But it's a necessary piece to understand why all those Rebels joined Cassian in the Scarif raid.

Speaking of which, I thought it was a good mix of humans and aliens on the Rebels side.  I think they had to mostly have humans in order to fit in well with ANH, which was clearly a top priority.  It would be weird to see dozens of alien races among the Rebels, then get to Episode 4 and find an almost all human cast.  This was a nice way to bring in some aliens without overdoing it.  I really like the Blue Mon Cal in there as well. 

I didn't get the reference to Blue Squadron...?  Wasn't there a blue squadron in the book, but left out of the movie?  I guess this would explain why we don't see much of blue in the rest of the films.   :(
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Offline GrandMoffNick

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Re: Rogue One (SPOILERS)
« Reply #292 on: December 16, 2016, 02:55 PM »
Have we had any mention of them making a "Stormtrooper Doll" like Jyn had as a girl? I want one for my son and one for myself.
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Offline JediJman

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Re: Rogue One (SPOILERS)
« Reply #293 on: December 16, 2016, 03:03 PM »
Have we had any mention of them making a "Stormtrooper Doll" like Jyn had as a girl? I want one for my son and one for myself.

They had some stuffed beanie figures like that a while back - can't recall if there was a Stormtrooper or not.
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Offline StBrianOfMinneapolis

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Re: Rogue One (SPOILERS)
« Reply #294 on: December 16, 2016, 04:46 PM »
Love the grittiness of this movie. "Good" guys doing bad things for the cause.

Yeah I really liked how they set the tone immediately with Cassian offing the guy who told him about the "pilot".

It's interesting you say that. I was having trouble figuring out why Cassian killed him. At first I thought it was cause the dude was freaking out. Operational security is probably a better reason.

Offline tmanthegreat

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Re: Rogue One (SPOILERS)
« Reply #295 on: December 16, 2016, 05:41 PM »
Saw the movie first thing this morning (couldn't make it for the first showing last night - and then it was pouring rain so I was glad I wasn't standing in line).  I'm still trying to digest it all at this point, but it was definitely awesome and is the Star Wars prequel that George Lucas never delivered.  Lots of action and a gritty feel.  It was different than any of the other Star Wars films, yet very much the same.  It felt like Star Wars from the classic ships to the locations, just the scale was bigger.  I loved all the cameos - Tarkin, Leia, Vader, Gold Leader, Red Leader, Bail Organa, Mon Mothma, R2D2 & C3P0...  Was great to see all those characters in their classic forms on the screen once again.  The transition to ANH was done very well...  Really you could play this movie and then go right into ANH almost as one long film.

I need to see this again soon  ;D   
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Offline Dave

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Re: Rogue One (SPOILERS)
« Reply #296 on: December 16, 2016, 06:15 PM »
Just got done with a second watching. 

A few extra thoughts:
- I couldn't spot Moroff on Scarif, but the U-Wings dropped off more troops.  Maybe he was in one that wasn't highlighted.
- The rebel ship that crashed in to Vader's Star Destroyer was a transport, not The Ghost.
- 2D is better than 3D.  I thought 3D washed out a lot of the background and awesome scenery.
- The Tarkin scenes were awesome.  I would love to read more about how they did those.

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Re: Rogue One (SPOILERS)
« Reply #297 on: December 16, 2016, 08:20 PM »
Caught the first showing this morning in 3D, I think I am done with 3D as it isn't worth it

Absolutely loved the movie, my gripes on the Rebels cartoon still stand, but as brutal as the final battle was there is absolutely no way they would kill a bunch of beloved cartoon characters...

I really like Jedha and wished they would have expounded a little more on its significance

The cool new Aliens (was that an Ugnaught?) they non stop action, Vaders castle!!, it really tied III and IV together and still paid reverence to all that was and is about Star Wars

The very best thing...the end few minutes with Vader storming the hallway...absolutely epic

Offline Scott

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Re: Rogue One (SPOILERS)
« Reply #298 on: December 16, 2016, 08:50 PM »
Oh and I really want a figure of Vader's Igor that guy was epic!

Offline Phrubruh

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Re: Rogue One (SPOILERS)
« Reply #299 on: December 16, 2016, 10:57 PM »
Just got out of the theater and loved it! That Igor guy reminded me of Snoke.  Tarkin and Leia looked great. So Jyn's dad was Darth Doofensmerts with his built in self destruct. The ending felt like it was taken from ROTJ with the shield generator and rebel fleet arriving. Sad that everyone died but that was unavoidable.
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