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Messages - Straxus

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Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Captain Kagi-well maybe that is!
« on: September 21, 2006, 06:19 AM »
Well the crude outline drawings, editing and cutting pasting images probably by themselves only took 10-15 minutes... The biggest time consumer was locating the appropriate toasted Ani and a suitable Palpatine image. I had fun making it. The scenario was first thing that popped into my mind for use of the gear strap...hehe.
I am glad you liked it. I was a little concerned that you might take the comic the wrong way...
I kinda wanted to make comic-style replies to forums threads for a long time but never got arround to it until this one... I just had the sudden inspiration to do I did.

What did you use for the metal part of the gear strap?

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Captain Kagi-well maybe that is!
« on: September 20, 2006, 03:36 PM »
Wow! Looks even better with the straps/holsters red. The gear strap is a very nice touch to the character...

I realized what that particular gear strap was used for. I created a little comic to give an example.

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Captain Kagi-well maybe that is!
« on: September 19, 2006, 06:01 PM »
Looks great Outrider!
Will you be making anymore of those Kamas? I probably could not afford any until next month, but would be interested.
What is the hologram from?

Most definitely! Though it will be after I have made the entire Galactic Marine sculpt and mass produce it, helmets, equipment, etc... (as in duplicate as well as I can with the limited molding/casting techniques I currently have at my injection molding machine would be nice...LOL)

Here is a copy and paste of an update I gave on another forum. I have not had much opportunity to work on
customs as much as I like, however a small update is better than none I guess...
(I cant beleive its been a month since I did an update...)
Well here are some pics of my re-re-re-reworked Galactic Marine helmet...heheh. (I think its my fifth one...the last one was way too big...)
I have my new Microman Batman posing with it. Figured it was suitable as alot of the microman framework will be used for the Marine's articulation. I dremeled the heck out of a snowtrooper helmet cast to make it hollow. I then filled it with some sculpey to make a smooth layer. I baked the parts till sculpey was solid. Then I sculpted some more over the smooth face area and started carving in to the soft sculpey and then started smoothing it out. I then used an engraving tool attachement for my dremel to carve in the half ring ridge in the back of the helmet section.
pic added as reference to explain what part I am talking about...

I have intentionaly left the lower section of the mask thicker and rough as that area may need editing depending on the size of the sculpted torso combined with shoulder pauldron and detachable armor. (The plan is to make the Galactic Marine "cold environment" torso armor fit over a generic type torso like the DS gunner...not sure if I wrote that in an ealier post or not...)

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Customs by Fritzkrieg Update 09-13-2006
« on: September 14, 2006, 01:28 AM »
Very cool. The color works well for deep water diving.
Was curious what the recipe was.

That mandalorian has a very interesting selection of parts. When repainted should look really cool!

I like the security guy. The DSgunner works great for so many customs. After finaly finding my four gunners I played arround with various other parts combining with that of the DSgunner and found it to be great!
I like the gun. That from G2G?

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Count Douku .. Jedi Knight
« on: September 10, 2006, 01:43 AM »
Asside from the wide leg stance giving illusion of being short looks good to me.
What figure did you take the lower torso from out of curiosity?
WiP so far, needs to be painted again
The boots definitely need a different color though. The current color looks like he is wearing rubber boots for wading though mud and sewers... (Well on some missions it would be appropriate I guess...)

Customizing Tips and Tricks / Re: i just need some help
« on: September 9, 2006, 05:25 AM »
Well due to the method it appears hasbro uses to connect peices (looks like part of one peices is inserted into part of another mold and molded arround for some joints) I am just suprised we dont see more screw ups like that.

Customizing Tips and Tricks / Re: i just need some help
« on: September 7, 2006, 05:31 PM »
Hmmm it may just be a factory reject that made it past quality control. Unfortunate but these things do happen. Hopefully I am wrong though.

Customizing Tips and Tricks / Re: i just need some help
« on: September 7, 2006, 03:11 AM »
Was it in a package or did you buy it loose on ebay?

Very cool figures!
Sorry I had not posted on this over last few days, I have just been banging my head against the wall with my curreent projects...LOL
Great stuff there!
I like the addition of figures based on Imperial Gunners to your teams. For a figure that is not actually super articulated I must say it has alot of potential for customs and variety. (After my hectic searching I was finaly able to add four to my collection of figures...)
I like the weathering on these the look of true vetrans of actual combat. Too many of the troopers in star wars looked like they had never seen any actual combat and kinda showed in the OT... Stormtroopers usually really sucked... ("these shots are too precise for sandpeople...only imperial stormtroopers are so precise..." ya... imagine how bad sandpeople shoot then...)
These guys on the other hand look like they probably could have wiped out the rebellion if given the chance!

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Customs by Fritzkrieg Update 09-06-2006
« on: September 7, 2006, 02:56 AM »
Looks great! I like the theme you got going on with the Republic Commando figures...though I have the question of...where the heck do you find the fodder?!?!?! I have only ONCE ever found a scorch figure. I have only been brave enough to remove his head long enough to make a mold/cast of.
I was really into the Warhammer inspired commandos but this guy is cool too. I have not had chance to check out the Chap Mei military figures yet, but looks like they might be another good source of fodder!
Was curious where you get the cool blaster effect things?
I like the officer disguise Luke. However it painfully reminds me how many DarkHorse comics I really need to locate and read to keep up on the expanded universe.
The head you chose for Cal Ferin is really cool. I think I remember you saying somewhere in another site that it was from a G.I. Joe figure?

Celebration IV - Ultimate Group Project / Re: UGP Spec Ops?
« on: September 1, 2006, 06:43 PM »
Definitely! Last time I checked their site was temporarily down with a message saying that they were restocking, so hopefully by middle of month they will have restocked and I can order then.

Celebration IV - Ultimate Group Project / Re: UGP Spec Ops?
« on: September 1, 2006, 12:37 PM »
Now that I finaly aquired some DS gunners I can see the great customizing capabilities of the figure!

Your figure would be a great template for the UGP diarama's security. It would be very cool to see tons of them arround the starport... (maybe give a few of them batons and have them beating the crap out of some other figure! Prefereably a Gungan...named Jar Jar...)

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