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Topics - Brian

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Jocasta's Reading Room / Star Wars Comics - Marvel
« on: January 19, 2006, 02:56 PM »
I quickly looked through and didn't see a topic just for the old Marvel comics, so I thought I'd start one.  I remember reading some of these as a kid (many at a friend's house), and have always wanted to pick up some now to read through.  After Jesse's reply to my question about the "Han saving Chewie" issue, I've thought about getting some online.  For those of you who remember, or maybe currently have, some of the old Marvel comics...are there any time periods or issues you could recommend being really good stories?  I've thought about picking up some of the individual issues that centered around the movies as well, but aside from that, are there any others that you might recommend?

Jocasta's Reading Room / Best OT-based Comics/TPBs?
« on: January 19, 2006, 12:26 PM »
I was curious if anyone out there had recommendations on some good TPBs to pick up that deal with Star Wars during the OT timeline.  I've heard good things about Infinities, and also have the movie TPBs, but are there any good ones that take place between the movies, that help to fill in the gaps, etc.?  I'm always interested in OT stories, and much of the current stuff has been prequel based (although I did pick up the recent Rogues 3 parter), and I was curious if anyone had recommendations of some good TPBs to pick up?

Revenge of the Sith / ROTS Line: Any You Never Saw/Found?
« on: January 11, 2006, 04:21 PM »
Now that the ROTS line is all wrapped up, and clearing out what is left around the country, were there any figures (or vehicles, beasts, etc.) that you never ended up seeing at retail?  Even if you didn't plan on getting them, are there any that you missed out on?  I think the only figure I can think of that I never saw at retail once is the Holo Plo Koon.  The others from those last few (501st, Holo Aayla, Wookiee Gunner, etc.) I only saw one time and to be honest, the wave with the Grievous Bodyguard variant, Shu Mai, etc. I only saw once as well and some other figures throughout the line were somewhat limited in appearances as well (red royal guard, evolution packs, etc.)  I saw Gree and Bly both on two occasions, but that was about it as well.  Off the top of my head though, I think the holo Plo Koon is the only figure I never saw in person from this line...up to this point.  I didn't need it anyways, but just surprised it never has shown up.  Are there any that you didn't see throughout this line at all?

The Original Trilogy / OT "Alien" Names: Old School or New School?
« on: December 21, 2005, 11:29 AM »
With the announcement of the upcoming Momaw Nadon/Hammerhead figure, it got me to thinking about the vintage line again.  Although I'm familiar with all the newer names for these figures, I still look at this character/figure and think "Hammerhead".  Maybe it is nostalgia, but I kind of like those simpler names for some reason.  Nothing against the new ones either, which are also fine.  Which names do you prefer?  Are you more of a Hammerhead, Walrusman, Squidhead, Yakface, and Pruneface person, or do you prefer Momaw Nadon, Ponda Baba, Tessek, Saelt Marae and Orrimaarko?

The Legacy Collection / Fan's Choice Returns - 2006 ToyFare Poll
« on: December 13, 2005, 03:02 PM »
According to this post over at RS, the Fan's Choice Poll will be returning in 2006.  According to the article, starting December 14th, fans will be able to vote at for the figure they want.  This seems to be a collaboration between Hasbro and ToyFare, and the voting is unlimited...anyone from any aspect of the Star Wars Universe is fair game.  The "top 25" will be published in issue 105 of ToyFare, then those 25 will be voted on as well.  More info at the linky.

Watto's Junk Yard / Your Picks: Five Movies
« on: November 18, 2005, 03:04 PM »
This is inspired by an episode from this season's "The Office" in which they played a game called "Desert Island", and talked about picking things like "if you were on a desert island and could only watch one movie the rest of your life....", etc.  Expanding that a little bit, if you could only choose five movies to watch, which five would you pick?  Up to you whether you want to use the "Star Wars Saga" or movies individually, same for other franchises.  I suppose the right way would be to use the movies individually, but that makes it tougher.  For the sake of argument, we'll say you can use any movie, regardless of if it is available on DVD/VHS, etc.  I'll have to give this some thought myself, but I just wanted to get the ball rolling and see what some people's choices would be.

Collections / How Your Collection Has Grown...
« on: November 14, 2005, 04:35 PM »
While re-arranging some things in our office/collection room this weekend, it got me to thinking how quickly all of this has grown.  Although I don't have nearly as much stuff as many people here, I still have more than enough, and it is funny to think how things have changed over the years.  I really got into modern collecting around the time TPM was going to come out.  The first modern figures I bought were the POTF2 commtech Luke and Han, which at the time I thought were amazing after the vintage figures.  I had seen the initial POTF2 waves off and on in the stores, but just wasn't really into collecting at that point.  After that, I started picking up more POTF2 stuff, and buying loose figures online as well.  When I started, one shelf on our desk (which is probably a foot wide and about 6-8" deep) held my entire collection (vintage stuff from childhood being packed up).  Slowly, it spread to a second shelf the same size, and when I outgrew that area, it went to the top of the desk.  After awhile, my wife decided I needed more room, so she picked up a 6 foot tall, 5 shelf bookcase.  Before long, those shelves were full and I had boxed POTF2/POTJ/Ep1 vehicles stacking up on either side of it.  Long story short, I went from a small, foot wide shelf of figures to a bookshelf, two glass display cases, 5 large shelves in the closet, two storage containers, two "decorative" shelves of Unleashed, and space on the desk.  I try to keep displaying all of my stuff, but I'm getting to the point where some of it may need to be packed up.  Have any of you outgrown your display area?  How has your collection grown over the years?

Watto's Junk Yard / Nostalgic TV: Favorite Shows from your Childhood?
« on: November 4, 2005, 02:56 PM »
While happening across a few "retro" and nostalgic sites today (such as this one), it got me to thinking about all the great cartoons (or other) shows we had when we were kids.  I grew up through the 80s, and I look back fondly on a lot of the shows we had then.  Maybe they haven't aged the best now, but some still seem to hold a special place for me.  What were some of your favorite Saturday morning, or weekday morning/afternoon shows?  I can still remember catching a Transformers episode before I went to school during the week, and then coming home to GI Joe and He-Man.  Good times.

A Few Favorites
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe - one of my favorites growing up, and one that I had a lot of the toys from too.  Halfway tempted to pick up the DVD Season set, but have only broke down for the "10 best" one so far.  That really brought back some memories.

G.I. Joe - G.I. Joe was a staple of my childhood, right up there with Star Wars, comics, and He-Man.  I watched this quite regularly as a kid, and did my best not to miss an episode.  Between our group of friends, I think we had most/all of the toys covered and could have quite the battles set up with the toys.  Another one that has tempted me on DVD, but has been put off so far.

Transformers - "Generation 1" as it is often called, and what I feel was the best time for Transformers.  I didn't really have a whole lot of the toys, at least the bigger ones, although I always wished I had more.  The cartoon was really good I thought, and I can still remember what some of the voices, etc. sounded like.  I've been tempted to get the DVDs of these as well, but they've just been put on the backburner like Joe.

Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends - Maybe not as "mainstream" at the time as the first three, but this was one of my favorite shows.  I've always been a Spidey kid, and still am, and this show was so great at the time.  I've noticed that Toon Disney has started showing these every so often, and I've caught a few.  I kind of wish they'd release these on DVD eventually.  I can remember when this show became the "Spidey/Hulk" show, with some Incredible Hulk toons as well.

Superfriends - As cheezy as the show seems now, I really liked this when I was a kid.  This, combined with the Super Powers line, brought a lot of fun.

Batman: TAS - Not really a "kid" anymore, but I remember watching this with my younger brother when I was in HS.  I still watch the reruns of this and Superman: TAS on Boomerang, and have a couple of the DVD sets.  Great stuff, and lead into the current Justice League shows too.

Thundercats - Kind of ripped off from He-Man, but I liked this show too.

Silverhawks - Short lived, came about shortly after Thundercats, but I liked it.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - "Vintage" version, another favorite.

DROIDS/Ewoks - Star Wars, so I definitely watched it.

Inhumanoids - Some might not remember this, and I don't think it was on long, but I really liked it.  had a few of the toys too, kind of neat stuff.

M.A.S.K. - Great toyline, and I liked the show a lot too...another one that didn't seem to last long.

Ghostbusters - "The Real" Ghostbusters I believe it was called, although they looked different than the movie.  I remember Egon having blonde hair, and some other minor differences.

Scooby Doo
Bugs Bunny/Looney Toons

Others I Remember
Alvin and the Chipmunks - Maybe a little embarassing to admit, but I liked this show as a kid.
Charlie Brown and Snoopy Show - Always a fan of the Peanuts gang.
Animaniacs/Tiny Toons - A little older with this too, but Animaniacs in particular was quite funny.
Garfield and Friends - Pretty funny show.
Disney - Rescue Rangers, Talespin, Darkwing Duck, DuckTales, etc. - A little older here too, but entertaining.  Watched w/brother.
Muppet Show/Muppet Babies - I remember the Muppet Show quite fondly, and still enjoy watching the old episodes when I can.  I remember the Muppet Babies cartoon as well, although it is a little embarassing to admit it.  I remember a fair amount of Star Wars references on that show though.
Inspector Gadget - A good show, should be reruns on somewhere.
Mighty Mouse
Hanna Barbera Shows
Video Game Shows - Pole Position, PacMan, Captain N?
Fat Albert

Those are just a few that I can remember, or that I took off the list from that site above.  I'm sure there are others I'm forgetting, and some of these I didn't watch as much as others, but I do remember them.  Anyone else have fond memories of certain toons or shows from when you were a kid, whenever that may have been?

Saga Collection '06 / 2006 Exclusives
« on: October 31, 2005, 02:38 PM »
Well, Rebelscum has another "411" up at their site, this time detailing the exclusives for the next year.  If true, it looks like a whole heck of a lot of them again, and once again...I feel for completists.

Here's a few of the highlights, visit the link for more info:

Clone Wars Gunner
Battle Packs - Demise of Boba Fett, Defense of the Senate
Vehicles - Rebel Armored Snowspeeder, Endor AT-AT

General Grievous Demise Action Figure
Snow Bunny Amidala
Battle Packs - Skirmish in the Senate, General Windu's Squadron
Collector Cases - SAGA style

Basic Lightsaber w/DVD
Basic Lightsaber Classic Battle Packs
Glow in the Dark Lightsabers

Also cleverly hinted at in the closing write up is a new George Lucas figure exclusive, and an online retailer Kir Kanos figure.  Again, read the story at the above link for further details.

Other Toy Lines / Pirates of the Caribbean Collectibles
« on: October 26, 2005, 02:08 PM »
According to this article at, it sounds as if there will be a mass retail line for the upcoming Pirates of the Caribbean movie(s).  The line will be made by a company called Zizzle.  Although I am a fan of the original movie, and will likely enjoy the others to come, I don't know if I will collect any of these.  What I found interesting about this article was this portion:

"Kids will be able to take to land or sea with different play sets, including an Ultimate Black Pearl ship measuring nearly three feet long!"

Now that's a vehicle/playset ;).  I still wish we could see more of this in the Star Wars line, I think that it makes a line overall more exciting.  Anyways, might be a neat line, more details at the linky.

The Prequel Trilogy / So, Are You Happy with the Prequel Trilogy?
« on: October 20, 2005, 11:47 AM »
Now that we're all wrapped up with our Saga, at least on the movie side of it (most likely), are you happy that Star Wars was revisited in the prequel movies?  I've read some comments over the years that some people feel they shouldn't have been made, been made differently, or should have left certain things undone.  Overall, are you happy we got more Star Wars movies, do you think they fit in with the Original Trilogy?

I've seen comments over the past few years that we "shouldn't have seen Yoda have lightsaber/fight", we "shouldn't have seen Palpatine with a lightsaber/fight", "shouldn't have seen Anakin/Vader as a kid", "shouldn't have seen little Fett", "no Midichlorians", etc, etc.  Are there any statements like that you would make, things you kind of wish we wouldn't have seen...for whatever reason.  Maybe it tainted your vision of the character/story in some way, or just didn't seem right.

I think overall I'm glad we had the prequels.  It brought Star Wars back to the forefront for a few years, and overall I liked the movies....especially Revenge of the Sith.  Aside from this latest movie, I don't know that the previous prequels really "fit" with the OT like I would have hoped/liked, but now as an overall Saga I can appreciate it more.  I can honestly say that I don't often watch TPM or AOTC on DVD, but I do like them both.  I sometimes try to think about it clearly if I like them as movies, or just because "its Star Wars".  There are definitely aspects of both that I like a lot, and some parts that I really don't care for.  Overall though, it has been nice to extend this Star Wars ride a little longer, and I'm definitely glad we can an installment like ROTS that helps to bridge things together...or even as a stand alone film, answer some "backstory" questions of our favorites from the OT.  I did/do enjoy the prequel trilogy, and I think the only thing that held me back from enjoying it more overall was that I didn't seem to have quite as much connection with the characters (as with OT).  Some of that might be nostalgia or just a general preference for the cast of characters in the original movies though too.  I can say that I was really excited about each prequel movie as it came out, and I saw it, but with the exception of ROTS, my excitement over them faded a little over the months/years.  I still like them, but like I said, don't really get the inkling to watch them much.  Anyways, I guess what I'm asking, what do you think of the Prequel Trilogy?  Are you glad it was made?  If not, what would you have rather seen?

TV-9D9 / The SW Saga on Television
« on: October 19, 2005, 02:03 PM »
According to a couple of sources it sounds as if Spike TV has acquired the rights to air all six of the Star Wars movies.  It reportedly cost them about $65 to $70 million for a six year deal, besting the bids of USA, TNT, TBS, and Sci Fi.  They will have the network premiere of ROTS as well, I believe in 2008.

Revenge of the Sith / Best/Favorites of the ROTS Line
« on: October 13, 2005, 04:38 PM »
Well, although some of us are still scrambling to pick up figures from the "Final 12", we finally have an idea of what the entire ROTS line encompassed.  A whole mess of figures, variants, exclusives, ships, and some other "crap" along the way too :).  Overall, it was probably fairly easily the best of the prequel movie lines, and we got a lot of nice stuff.  What were some of your favorites of this movie line, likely the last "movie" line we'll see?  Feel free to list as many, or as few, as you want.  Here's a few I liked, in no particular order:

Sneak Preview Figures
Wookiee Warrior - nice figure, nice army builder

Basic Figures - Collection 1
1. Obi-Wan Kenobi (Pilot) - favorite of the line, one of my favorite all-time figures
2. SA Clonetrooper (#41) - another one of the bests, looking forward to Gree and any other (regular priced) repaints
3. Clone Commander (#33) - not technically "movie accurate", but a very good figure...looking forward to Bly
4. AT-RT Driver - nice "different" clone, and a solid figure overall....pleasantly surprised when I opened this one
5. Misc. Clones (Gree, Bly, #6, Shocktrooper) - don't have the "Final 12" ones yet, but I'm really looking forward to them...for some reason the Shocktrooper is one of my favorite figures, even though it doesn't use the #41 sculpt

Basic Figures - Collection 2
1. Count Dooku - VOTC like quality, as a number of figures in this line were
2. C-3PO - probably the best 3PO we've seen so far...if we can't get artic. knees, give him a silver shin and re-release him later :)
3. Royal Guard (Red) - soft goods reminds me of vintage days, wish I had more than one
4. Padme (Republic Senator) - very nice Padme figure, somewhat under-rated I think (much like Bail Organa)
5. Misc Jedi (Plo Koon, Agen Kolar, Shaak Ti, Ki Adi Mundi, etc.) - most/all Jedi are pretty well done in the ROTS line.

Other Basic Figure Line(s)
Evolutions - Great idea, and the sets I have are great (no Sith Lords yet).  I wish this line would continue, we've all discussed the potential here.  VOTC like quality here.  Best ROTS Anakin by far I think.

ARC 170  - a fun ship, nice and big too
Jedi Starfighters  - I like the look of these, the original two anyways...don't have the exclusive ones
Wookiee Copter  - a fun toy again, and wookiee stuff is just cool :P
AT-RT  - big fan of this one as well, if I had the room I'd pick up a couple more

Boga  - I kind of liked this one, although I know most don't.  Always a fan of a new beast to the Star Wars Universe, not too many from this line really

I didn't get a lot of the exclusive figures, some were good, some were nice...all were overpriced for the most part.  I liked the Target clone (only Target figure I've gotten so far), and the Holo Yoda (thanks JD!), and some of the others looked nice as well.  I'm personally always a fan of the cup sets, although the $13 price point can take a hike.  The Early Bird set is kind of neat, and I'm glad I got it.  Maybe a tad overpriced as well, and could have been even better than what it was.

Lots of stuff here, probably some things I'm forgetting.  I thought the Burger King toy promotion was neat, although a little overwhelming.  I always enjoy Unleashed and the Galactic Heroes line, and both of those were solid I thought.  Lots of "miscellaneous" stuff this year it seemed, some good, some not so good.  Again, probably stuff I'm forgetting, but I've gotta run...anyone else have favorites from the year of ROTS?

Power of the Force 2 / POTF2: Any You are Still Missing/Wanting?
« on: September 16, 2005, 02:07 PM »
Although its been awhile, and I'm sure most of you have your fill of the POTF2 figures...I was recently going through the list of what was released and seeing if there was any I was wanting to pick up.  I ended up finding 30+ figures I was missing.  Granted, I really didn't start collecting until the "tail end" of POTF2, and was picking up loose figures after the fact in many cases.  Since then, I've been waiting for many of them to be "updated" in the newer lines, or maybe even recarded/re-released since that seems to be Hasbro's newest trend ;).  Its mainly secondary characters, but they are ones I'd like to pick up eventually...particularly the ones who had counterparts in the vintage line.  Anyways, anyone else still missing a few pieces from the POTF2 days?  I could probably list a few vehicles/beasts/etc. as well :P.

Watto's Junk Yard / Your Collecting Budget?
« on: September 14, 2005, 12:03 PM »
I posted this in the "Collector's Challenge" thread as well, but thought maybe it should have its own thread for those who don't participate in the challenge.  Anyways, do any of you have a general "collecting budget" in mind from month to month.  Obviously, it averages out, but is there a target amount you attempt to stick to on a monthly basis?  It always depends on what is available, sometimes a lot of stuff hits at once...and sometimes its a dry spell like you've never seen...and then there are years like this where there is all kinds of stuff hitting in a 2-3 month span.  Anyways, when I first started collecting Star Wars, I pretty much kept to a $30ish/month budget or so, and that worked pretty well.  Then more and more Star Wars stuff came out, and my interests also branched off into other lines (Marvel, LOTR, DC), so I unfortunately waved bye-bye to that budget awhile ago.  This year has been especially bad (basically 3 to 4 times that), and I'm hoping to return to a more $30-$50 range from here on out.  My wife would rather me go to $10-$15/month, but I told her I thought that was too low .  Anyways, does anyone else here set a rough budget for themselves...or thinking about it?

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