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Messages - Jeff

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Was thinking the same thing, and was bummed that they're looking at including a Mando with them... I'd rather it be a little less expensive and not have him, but I get it.

If they are going with Mando, I'm hoping it's S1/E1 Mando with his pre-beskar armor.  It's been a long time since we got that look for him and it might be nice to get that version again since I have so many Beskar Mando figures now.  Give him a nice soft goods upgrade over that original VC166 Mando and bring back the pulse rifle for disintegrating Jawas.

it will get repacked at least one more time with Kuill.

Yeah, that feels like a safe bet these days.  I am dumb so I'll likely buy a second Mando/Blurrg just in case they don't though.


Hasbro just posted a video reveal of the E-Wing with Chris Reiff.  He gives a tour of the vehicle, along with a pipeline reveal for the pilot - Lt. Callahan

For those with no Instagram:

$100 feels reasonable based on what we've seen for things these days.  I'll probably pony up for one and just sneak it into my Rebel Hangar table next to Poe's X-Wing.

Jayson is also reporting that a New Republic E-Wing Pilot figure will be a separate carded release.  Nice to know that someone will be available to put in the cockpit.

The Vintage Collection / 2024 TVC Blurrg & The Mandalorian
« on: February 7, 2024, 10:47 AM »
Disclaimer - nothing official until Hasbro confirms it, etc, but we all know Jayson's track record by now.  From the Yak Master List.

“Zander” – Mandalorian & Blurrg

If true, it's about damn time.  I wonder what they'd charge for this if Speeder Bikes are $50 these days?

Your Top 20

Hm.  The sequel stuff is so weird.  I'd buy all 20 of these if they made it to TVC but it feels like this stuff is so far from Hasbro's plans.  I guess maybe the Elite Praetorian Guard has a chance since they could kitbash the one they did into a v2 and v3 from TLJ and then also kitbash a version from TM season 3.

I guess I keep holding out hope they try a 3.75" scale Babu Frik for a TROS Sith-3PO since they could re-use both of those easily (Babu repaint with IG12/Grogu and then countless uses for a new 3PO sculpt).

The Vintage Collection / Re: 4” Epic Hero Series Figure Line
« on: February 1, 2024, 05:48 PM »
How do Luke, Grogu, Ahsoka, and the Stormtrooper get to retail?

Walmart loves those aisle-blocking shippers.  Maybe they'll have those with the rest of the figures.  Or, Walmart is just a cluster and those 4 pegs will be over in the auto-motive section or something.  Walmart gonna Walmart.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 4” Epic Hero Series Figure Line
« on: February 1, 2024, 02:07 PM »
Hasbro finally sent out a press release for this line today.  Nothing new in there, so not bothering to post them here.  Only interesting thing to note is that Hasbro PR says these will be Walmart exclusive (even though we've already seen Amazon and EE taking pre-orders for them).  I guess maybe Walmart is the only brick and mortar retailer for them?

The Vintage Collection / Re: 4” Epic Hero Series Figure Line
« on: January 31, 2024, 02:23 PM »
Thanks for reminding me how bad that TVC Sabine removable helmet is...  :-X

The Vintage Collection / Re: 4” Epic Hero Series Figure Line
« on: January 31, 2024, 11:38 AM »
Articulation aside, these definitely are super generic, almost cartoony / childish sculpts compared to what we've grown to expect. 

Thanks Rob for the comparison.  I think I'll be passing on all of these unless they make something truly new and interesting.

Holding out hope that maybe the supporting vehicle or speeder line Jayson rumored for these will offer something useful/exciting and not also be dumbed down, out-of-scale type things.

Other Toy Lines / Re: Transformers
« on: January 30, 2024, 10:49 AM »
Hasbro Transformers HasLab #4 - Robots in Disguise 2001 Omega Prime

The arms are different for sure.  The hands are much more open on the Disney version.  Backpacks seem different too.  They feel different to me, but hard to tell with the pics/lighting.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2023 TVC 3.75" Obi-Wan Kenobi 3-Pack
« on: January 26, 2024, 01:36 PM »
This set is down to less than $21 again - great deal to army build Purge Troopers or Jawas ->

#ad #sponsored #thanksforyoursupport

I feel like every Haslab backer should've received one set for free.  It would've been a nice bone to throw at the collectors. 

A nice bone... but a really expensive one -  21,768 Ghosts x $50 per set = $1,088,400 in potential lost revenue

I agree with you guys that $50 is a bitter pill to swallow but I still held my nose and pre-ordered one.  It sucks, but I can't imagine setting up my Ghost with Rebels Season 3/4 figures for Hera, Ezra, Kanan, Zeb, and Chopper and no Sabine so $50 it is.

Pre-Order Link:
(Premium Member only for the first hour I believe...)

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