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Messages - Ryan

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The Vintage Collection / Re: 2024 TVC Wave 7 (New TVC Wave 39)
« on: July 25, 2024, 03:33 AM »
Weird numbering choice for Din. I am definitely not overly excited for these two. The barbell hips, improved plastic for the darksaber, and new packpack are a nice upgrades and all... but none of them are really something I particularly needed or wanted this soon after their initial releases.

They could have at least given Bo Katan a new headsculpt w/ her longer Season 3 hair cut and given Din the two blasters he is pictured with on the card. (I think Nick mentioned this too in the SDCC thread.) These just feel lazy.

I'd rather have something else, but this set looks good. At least they are including new parts with some of these releases, looks like we get two new headsculpts, all-new belts/kamas, a new cloak, & then they mixed things up by throwing Paz Vizsla's torso on one of them. For some reason I was expecting this as a troop-builder pack, not a Special-Action-Figure-Set. I'm in for two.

Why must they add an army builder figure in a playset.  She even bragged that they specifically do that!

So you'll string together a very long hallway at $60 a pop. 

Like 4 for example...  :-X

This one looks really good, not quite an OT-era Star Destroyer/Death Star Hallway, but it will make a decent stand-in. I like that they made the lights swappable. The doors look awesome, especially when compared to the Nevarro cantina this feels like one of the better diorama sets. I am also in the pro-generic-army-builder-pack-in camp. Since I likely already have a few of the pack-in figure loose (or close enough), it makes for a nice extra carded figure if I don't feel compelled to buy multiple sets.

I ended up preordering four sets to start, but before December I may drop that down to two and then pick up a few more sets later when it eventually goes on sale.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Do You Keep a Carded Set of TVC?
« on: July 18, 2024, 01:33 AM »
I have been playing with the idea of building a nice-looking pegboard or carded display shelf of sorts to allow me to easily rotate what I have up on the wall and store 3x4 as many figures in the same amount of wall space.

Kenner Retro Collection / Re: 3rd Party Kenner Retro-Style Toys
« on: July 17, 2024, 03:57 PM »
I haven't done any of these 3rd Party toys since I don't really do much Vintage collecting... But with the Hasblab Cantina coming I am thinking about picking up that ball speeder for the shelf. TLDR on the drama, is Stan Solo's site the "safe" one to order from or is that the one run by the con-artist sounding fellow?

The Vintage Collection / Re: Who Is Left From The Cantina?
« on: July 15, 2024, 01:25 PM »
It's fun to see this one dusted off! I'd love it if we could get at least 1-2 of these guys over the next year or two. Thanks for putting this together Jeff! It is really interesting to see how the names have changed over time and that we are still learning details about how the scene was constructed and filmed nearly 50 years later.

Nice. I'm in on this one. It's one of the better Halloween releases, it looks like it could fit into a regular shelf in jawa junkyard or something too.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2025 HasLab Mos Eisley Cantina
« on: July 9, 2024, 02:47 AM »
Happy to see the last-minute run to get us Nabrun! I too am hoping that we see Ariel make it into a Cantina 4-Pack with a few other NEW never before-made Cantina aliens. I'd be happy if they did 2-4 of those sets to help newer collectors fill out their Cantinas and get us some new aliens and much-needed updates. I'd even be fine if each set had 1-2 rereleases (depending on the figure).

I’ve already been charged.  Lol.

Same. They sure didn't waste any time. After a local con this weekend and a bunch of new stuff hitting in the last week it was an egregiously expensive holiday weekend.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Do You Keep a Carded Set of TVC?
« on: July 9, 2024, 02:42 AM »
Not sure how it happened... but yes.  I sold or opened most of my old carded collection (all lines) back in 2010-2011 just before TVC started, with the exception of my VOTC/VTSC and a few other random exclusives. I was moving in with my then GF-now wife, and I decided to return to collecting almost exclusively loose to save space. When TVC 1.0 ended and the 5POA lines took over I took a pretty full hiatus from collecting for a few years until 2020-2021 when I got back into collecting during COVID. I was still intending to collect mainly loose, and it did start that way... There came a point though where I was a bit behind on opening some recent purchases and had a few extras... I was on Zoom calls everyday and had a big empty wall in my office behind me, in what is supposed to be my temporary collection room. So I decided to throw up my extras and my backlog of openers behind me to fill the space. I loved the look and one thing kind of led to another and I started buying duplicates to keep carded again. So now I now do 1 loose & 1 carded of each figure + army builders/extras of some figures. I also weirdly keep one cardback (with the bubble cleanly cut off) for each release. Those I have in a box for some reason but would love to do a few flip binders for them eventually. I have no plans to sell the loose collection, or the carded collection, but in the future if my habits ever change the carded would be the first to go.

I have just about all of TVC 2.0 carded, and a few TVC 1.0 figures that I had from the original run. I haven't gone back to pick up too many 1.0 figures yet due to the price but plan on slowly backfilling what isn't rereleased. I currently have 274 carded TVC figures total with about half on display on the wall in my temporary office and the rest in storage totes. I have been rotating them a bit to keep the lineup fresh.

My wife is still married to me and hasn't killed me yet...

Are you sure it was not the BS Jabba the Hutt that came out last year? The local toy store has that on the shelf next to the Jabba's Palace Denizens 4-pack and it makes me do a double take every time!

I can check again tomorrow... I forgot all about that one. Looking at pictures of the BS version now, I am 90% sure that I may have been mistaken. Stupid Black Series using Vintage packaging. :-X

Very cool vendor though. They had a 10x20 stall filled mostly with Star Wars, TVC & BS. It was BY FAR the biggest grouping of TVC I've seen in person, outside of my own collection, in years. I'll probably go back in tomorrow.

Sorry. False alarm everyone. :P

It’s been awhile since we’ve heard anything on this one. I’m at our big local con this weekend and saw that a dealer has one of these in hand for sale. He was asking $150 so it was an easy pass, but I suspect this set may be on its way soon.

I just opened these up, overall I love the set. I still wish Enoch would have been a separate single-carded release, but I'm glad I bought three.

I also realized upon opening these up and adding them to my inventory spreadsheet that I now have 1000 figures/vehicles from TVC 2.0 in my collection. :-X

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2024 TVC Wave 4 (New TVC Wave 36)
« on: July 3, 2024, 12:57 AM »
Sweet, that's a nice score! The only extra thing I've ever gotten from Amazon that we didn't order was some crappy shower caddy that was sent to our house in Denver, addressed to someone else in Georgia. I'd much rather have some Vaders or Stormtroopers.

I got my Leia's today from Amazon. What an incredible figure, even with the limited poseability of the legs due to the plastic skirt. The likeness is stunning and I really like the swappable hoods. I'm glad I got an extra. I'd still prefer a soft-goods skirt overall but the aesthetics of this version are great. If they put out a softgoods version I'd be dumb enough to buy 2-3 more.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2024 TVC Wave 4 (New TVC Wave 36)
« on: July 2, 2024, 06:18 PM »
Wait, did they send you the whole case on accident?!

Thanks for the breakdown on Luke. I didn't have one loose, I feel like it is close enough to the original that I won't go backend track an old one down. 

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2025 HasLab Mos Eisley Cantina
« on: July 2, 2024, 06:16 PM »
This is the second Haslab I've been on the fence about (the first being the Khetanna which I did not back.)

I will probably back this, but I won't do the deluxe.  I wonder how many people are still on the fence like me?

In the initial excitement after the official reveal, I was a firm Yes, but over time my enthusiasm has cooled to Probably No. I’d still love the Tonnikas but the rest of it doesn’t do too much for me. Maybe I will get caught up in the FOMO again by the end, but it’s hard to say right now. I hope it funds as many tiers as possible though regardless.

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