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Messages - Dave

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I think Jayson has a K-2SO repack in his rumor list for the Fall and then Dedra is all so far for TVC. 

Sounds about right. 

One all new figure - Vel.  We have two versions of Cassian (one super lazy and inaccurate kitbash).  One re-release/kitbash clone trooper.  And now we're getting a repack.  Nice work Hasbro. 

Is it too much to ask for six or so figures from each franchise so you could have a mini-display of the key players?

Are we ever going to get any figures from Andor?  The show has been out for two years and we only have two of the characters (I don't count the clone trooper).  Can we get Luthen, Marva, Bix, Mon Mothma, Syril, Cinta, kitbashed riot troopers, etc.?

I don't believe anything has been shown/pipelined other than Dedra. 

Nope.  Dropping to $600, although it sounds like there is some debate about putting in a transition year with a $5000 limit.

This is gross sales, so you'll have to factor in fees, packing supplies, cost of goods, etc. to calculate profit. 

I'm selling a **** ton of Legos this year and have passed the $5k limit already.  I'm not looking forward to tax time and the dancing I may have to do as I have no interest in reporting a profit on my sales. 

I hate this new law.  I'm not doing this as a business - just doing a Star Wars garage sale online.

Anybody sell enough stuff in previous years to get a 1099 tax form?  It looks like the threshold for 2024 has dropped from $20k to $600.  Just curious if you've bothered to report this as income in the past of if you use some sort of offsets to ignore the 1099.

I'm selling a pile of Legos on eBay and its going to end up being a bunch of money.  I think its silly that I have to pay taxes on my Star Wars garage sale.

Agreed.  Based on the history of the Tonnikas I don't expect they'll ever get released in any form ever again.

I'm sure all the others, and probably the one that didn't fund will get recarded and made eventually (and based on past history probably released before the cantina is).

Kenner Retro Collection / Re: 3rd Party Kenner Retro-Style Toys
« on: July 25, 2024, 01:43 PM »
Rob (and crew) - how long does it usually take Stan Solo to get everything shipped out from pre-orders?  Just curious when I should expect my Tonnika Sisters - if it'll be soon, or if I might be waiting months for them.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2024 TVC Wave 7 (New TVC Wave 39)
« on: July 25, 2024, 01:42 PM »
These are dumb. 

These just feel lazy.

It's hard to argue against those opinions.  The rest of the wave (TVC Thrawn with a new head; yet another Ahsoka; kitbash trooper from a VG) don't exactly move the needle much either.

Have there been any fan site interviews or have we heard any commentary from Steve Evans on any of this?  I'm guessing much of this may have been started before he came back to the Star Wars franchise, but I'd be interested to know if he is going to continue the fake deluxe and excessive kitbashing that we've seen over the past few years, or if that might get scaled back for more "new" stuff.

While I hate lame kitbashes of existing figures with minor changes (Mando and Bo Katan), I do like the Shriek Hawk 4-pack where we get somewhat new figures even though there are reused parts.  I also like the Mando Judge and Mando Fleet Commander figures that likely have a lot of common parts.

The Vintage Collection / Re: San Diego Comic Con 2024 Reveals
« on: July 25, 2024, 09:08 AM »
Thanks Jeff!

I'm fine with how they've done the pack-ins for these too.  If they put someone like Moff Gideon or Mando in there it'd be really stupid. 

Although I would be even more happy if they cut the price on this by $18 and sold the figure separately, but then I buy them both anyhow.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Do You Keep a Carded Set of TVC?
« on: July 18, 2024, 04:44 PM »
I have been playing with the idea of building a nice-looking pegboard or carded display shelf of sorts to allow me to easily rotate what I have up on the wall and store 3x4 as many figures in the same amount of wall space.

Something like this might work.

That is almost exactly what I used in my carded display setup.  It holds an acrylic case perfectly.  Here is the one that I ordered -

I purchased a pile of these (they're offered in a few different lengths) and created about eight shelves full of figures.

TV-9D9 / Re: The Acolyte (Disney+)
« on: July 17, 2024, 11:56 PM »
Yeah, not the greatest, not the worst.

Overall I was left feeling mostly unsatisfied. 

I really think the story could have been a lot tighter.  There was just too much unimportant stuff going on and too many characters.  There were too many tangents that they spent a lot of time on.  If they had taken the 8 episodes and told a cleaner story I think it could have easily been 100% better.

For example, the Jedi spent the first few episodes figuring out who Mae was.  Then the Jedi were figuring out her plan and what her motives were.  Then the Jedi were trying to figure out who Qimir was (looks like he got away without any witnesses other than Vernestra sensing him).  And then in the last few episodes the writers were teasing if Qimir was really the master and what his relationship was to Vernestra.  I think they should skipped through all that backstory and spent a lot more time on Qimir, Vernestra, and the creepy dude hiding in the cave.  I know they kind of wanted to tell the Osha becoming an acolyte story, but I'm not sure I buy Osha going to the dark side with the way they told the story.

And that tracker weasel was annoying.  Can't Jedi just use the force and figure out where other Jedi are?

Between pricing, availability, the Acolyte and those Holocomm figures, Hasbro seems determined to break my collect-them-all mentality.  ::)

They did that to me about a year ago with Black Series.  I only pick up truly new OT stuff, which I'm not sure they've had anything in the past year.

Jayson posted on X about some SW Black Series stuff being on sale for Prime Day.  I guess its not the stuff you're looking for.

It was interesting to see all the stuff on Prime Day was Black Series, Young Jedi Adventures, and other kid oriented lines. No TVC.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Who Is Left From The Cantina?
« on: July 15, 2024, 01:53 PM »
Right now my OT cantina setup has all of the figures made from this scene, but also the random aliens from the prequels that don't always fit in other displays. (I don't display a lot of my prequel stuff)

I know some would love to have all these guys made.  I'd be fine with that, but I'd also be fine with random aliens made from the Mandalorian, Solo, Rogue One, etc. and just stick them in the cantina.  This was half the fun of Star Wars as a kid was the wacky aliens.  I don't need them to be scene correct to put them in the cantina and add to the crowd.

So instead of having three flavors of the same character (Solomahal, Atheloe, and Ownellco with the ascot), give me totally new random aliens from the Solo bar and Sabacc scenes and I'll stick them in the Tatooine cantina. 

I know, kick me out, I'm a heretic.  I mix my different media figures together and don't care about being dogmatic about the 17 guys that they haven't made from brief snippets of Richard Pryor's comedy bit and The Holiday Special.  :P

The Vintage Collection / Re: Big Items of the Future!
« on: July 13, 2024, 09:22 PM »
6" Vehicles are just so damn big.  I can't imagine how big an AT-ST would be - 3.5' tall?

I've purchased the small vehicles (landspeeder, dewback, speeder bikes) and they're sweet.  I got the Snowspeeder and its just too big.  I passed on the TIE fighter because it was too big too, even though I think you could have purchased it on clearance for $40.

I don't think 6" Star Wars fans are that hard core and I think the fan base there is super diverse, so I'm not sure there is anything that a lot of people would rally around.

I've gave up on 6" figures a year ago because I've just run out of room.  I know I wouldn't back anything 6", but didn't hesitate to back a big ass Ghost and Cantina because its 3.75" and goes with the thousands of figures I've already got and plan to keep.

TV-9D9 / Re: The Acolyte (Disney+)
« on: July 12, 2024, 10:08 AM »
Agree with most comments here.  This show is not great, but not terrible.  My daughter and I have been watching it and she thinks its fine.

I do think it was odd to revisit the destruction of the coven and not really reveal anything new.  I would have liked to see something that was clearly controversial that would leave a deep regret with the Jedi.  Sure Torbin and Sol shouldn't have gone back, but what option did Indara have to resolve the situation once Kelnacca got "possessed"?  Sure you might feel bad that it ended that way, but it didn't seem controversial.

I thought they were developing an interesting dynamic with Qimir and Oshi as she considered becoming an acolyte.  To just drop that story line completely and go back to the coven story line seemed like an odd choice.

It'll be interesting to see how they wrap this up and if they leave it totally open ended.  I guess there haven't been any statements as to if this is a one and done season or if there will be more seasons, but it doesn't appear a second season has been green lighted yet.  Maybe it'll depend on how the show does from a viewership perspective.

My recommendation would be to take the $ they're spending on this show and try something different vs. do another season of this.

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