Author Topic: The Ultimate Group Project - Diorama Construction/Design  (Read 160383 times)

Offline roron corobb

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Re: The Ultimate Group Project - Diorama Construction/Design
« Reply #285 on: March 30, 2007, 04:05 AM »
On the globe the henge is gone and the gap is filled. It didn't take very long, so that is cool. I was going to pick up some paint and see if I missed anything. I might work on the legs next. Once I do that I should be alble to do some more test pictures of ideas. I might try a pedestal too.

If I start to run out of time to work on this, I would be happy to have you finish it up. Let me know how much time you would need to finish it in time to get it in before the dead line and I can set that for my goal to finish it.

Thanks for getting me back into this. I haven't had time to customize in a long time and it's fun. That would be a greaqt idea for the Royal Guard statues, placing them outside a door way. Maybe a Imperial government building.

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Re: The Ultimate Group Project - Diorama Construction/Design
« Reply #286 on: March 30, 2007, 08:38 AM »
RC - If you want me to do the pedestal.  I'll need it by April 19th.  That gives me a week or so to work on it (among other UGP activities) so that I can send it to Phruby by the May 1.

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Re: The Ultimate Group Project - Diorama Construction/Design
« Reply #287 on: March 31, 2007, 03:34 AM »
Okay, I wasn't able to work on the globe much today, but I had some free time at work. So I came up with this:

Overall side look with base:

Idea I had about the legs to hold the globe:

The base which I would need someone to make for me as I don't have the tools or time to make, but I though it would be cool to add:

picture is not to scale for size, but if you take the picture Chewie sent me and scale it up to the 7 1/4 inches all the other sizes fit in. Also I thought for the center, maybe a fountain or just put some of that train water in there.

Let me know what you guys think and if someone wants to help with the base (if everyone like it) let me know. I would not even know what to make it out of to get the right scale step for the figures. Thanks
roron corobb
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Re: The Ultimate Group Project - Diorama Construction/Design
« Reply #288 on: March 31, 2007, 12:28 PM »
Love the globe idea, but I have an idea for the project managers.

I have been trying to find a contribution to add to the project that is feasible for me with my new job and taking care of my wife. Here is my suggestion, please let me know.

I have a boxed AMT Palpatine model kit from the SOTE line that is in my fodder box. It is complete and comes unpainted in a grey color. I think it stands around 10-12 inches tall. I could slap it together and shoot some stone texture paint on it giving it that Palpatine homage look, reminiscent of the statues being pulled down at the end of ROTJ. I have a full woodshop and could make a base like Roron was discussing out of MDF. Beat the idea around and give me some feedback today. I can knock this out tomorrow if given the go ahead. Let me know.

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Re: The Ultimate Group Project - Diorama Construction/Design
« Reply #289 on: March 31, 2007, 02:25 PM »
I could slap it together and shoot some stone texture paint on it giving it that Palpatine homage look, reminiscent of the statues being pulled down at the end of ROTJ. I have a full woodshop and could make a base like Roron was discussing out of MDF. Beat the idea around and give me some feedback today. I can knock this out tomorrow if given the go ahead. Let me know.

I was hoping ther might be a way to go that route :)

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Re: The Ultimate Group Project - Diorama Construction/Design
« Reply #290 on: March 31, 2007, 03:30 PM »
I think that is a WONDERFUL idea Sarge... if you are able to do it, I really think it would be outstanding...

Is this the model you're referring to?

Also it's great of you to try and contribute, I know you have quite a bit going on buddy.


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Re: The Ultimate Group Project - Diorama Construction/Design
« Reply #291 on: March 31, 2007, 06:40 PM »
Chewie, that's the one. It is gathering dust in one of my fodder boxes. I'll dig it out tonight, glue it together and post a pre-texture paint pic of it with a figure beside it for scale. The picture on the box is a painted version of the model. As mentioned, it is a dull grey colored plastic and would look (IMO) really cool with a stone texture sprayed on. More to follow tomorrow.

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Re: The Ultimate Group Project - Diorama Construction/Design
« Reply #292 on: March 31, 2007, 09:10 PM »
Looking great guys! I'm really impressed with what everyone has shown in these last few days.

I need to start piecing together the final layout for the city, and I need to figure out the number of buildings we will have and whatnot. I went back through this thread and noticed I didn't explicitly state any assignments, thought I did, but I guess it was mere suggestions, or it was lost in that long post I typed and lost. At least there is still a month here to get this done. Anyways the entire city layout is going to be dependent on the number and size of the buildings we have, so I'm going to need measurements from anyone who has started on buildings, statues, etc, unless I gave them to you in which case you are fine.

Here are the final assignments for all dio team members. If you guys have any problems or questions let me know immediately via PM or here in the thread and we will get them worked out ASAP.

Standard Sized Buildings - These are going to make up a large portion of the city. Rather than type this several times since a lot of the dio team will be assigned one of these, I'll type it once here, and this is what I am referring too if I assign you a standard. These are going to be the bread and butter of the dio, so there is no need to get too fancy with them. They are going to be fairly simplistic structures that serve either as dwellings for poorer inhabitants, industrial type buildings, or storehouses, potentially even little shops. Size-wise these need to be between 6" x 8" and 8" x 10". They can be two stories if you'd like but one story is ideal. I'm not going to put too many constraints on the design; I'll leave that largely up to you guys, but don't go with anything too wild. Look through the concept thread to get some ideas, or check out Tatooine type housing and imagine it grey. We want the buildings to have almost a primitive look, but with some obviously advanced technology subtly mixed in, to really give it a SW world type of feel. As for materials use what ever you are comfortable with, as long as the end result looks like concrete/stone. You can use my spray texture method, the stone fleck paint, or something else. We want a light grayish color for the buildings possibly with darker smooth steel mixed in. You can make these buildings partially open or give them open windows/doors, but if you do you are responsible for complete internal works, or at least as much as you can see inside, and you still need to finish by the deadline. Remember to try and keep these simple. Check with me if you want to do anything a little different with them. And please send me final measurements and whatnot as well. Also try and keep me apprised on your progress, ideally with WIP pictures. So we can make sure we are all headed in the same direction with this. Feel free to also look at my sample on page 5 of this thread for an idea of the color/texture we are shooting for.

Small Market Stalls - As with the standard buildings these are something a lot of you will be assigned so I'll make a general post about it here too. These little guys are for the open-air market. There really are going to be very few restraints on these as they are meant to reflect the individualism of each of their vendors. That being said don't go wild and come up with something completely alien here either. These should be no bigger than 4.5" x 3", they can be smaller if you'd like. Most of these should be selling small little trinkets, fruits, vegetables, meats, etc. Kevin (Famine) is already taking care of a gun dealer so there isn't much need to have more than one in a small Imperial controlled space. The idea behind the market is that it is A) a place for residents to shop, much like Tatooine’s street vendors, B) it should be a great place to display a large crowd of customs, and C) With their size they should be relatively quick to build but will help take up a good amount of space. The vendor for you stall can either be inside or outside of the booth. Feel free to build them out of whatever material you'd like, while trying to take your vendor's personality into account. You don't need to make the vendor itself if you don't want but it would be great if you could. As with the Standard building be checking in with me on these to make sure we are on the same page.

roron - I'm really liking what you have shown so far. So have you decided whether or not you are going to go with copper or stone? Either way I'm looking forward to it. Are those the final measurements you plan on using? If not try and send them to me in the next few days here, including the overall height. Other than that, get this done before May 1st, or have it to Brent by April 19th if you can't finish. Sarge will be making the base for you. Would you prefer he ships it to you so you can fit each of the supports exactly in the whole or would you rather have him ship it to Phruby and have him do it? Let me know your preference in the next few days here and we can start hashing out the details.

Sarge - I really like the Emperor statue idea. Why don't you plan on doing that then? I think it should look great in the diorama. So go ahead and throw that guy together and ship him out to Phruby. If you skipped over roron's assignment above I'd really like for you to make that base for his globe as well. I believe his measurements there are final, but if you two could coordinate that together, make sure you are both on the same page, that'd be great. Just keep me apprised as to what is going on between you two, and what size you decide on. And try not to go much bigger than that, we need to save room for buildings. Oh and can you give me the diameter of the base of that Emperor statue at some point as well?

Brent - For now if you could crank out a few more big trees, I really liked where those other ones were headed, that'd be fantastic. Hopefully around 8-10 for the whole dio. If you need the time to spend on buildings let me know and I can do a few trees. Other than that, if you would still be interested in making the open air cantina let me know. If it helps in your thought process I was thinking it should be somewhere in the neighborhood of 14" x 18". I'll give you some freedom to make that a little bigger or smaller as you see fit, just don't exceed 24" in either direction. Looking back I think we should be able to include your building sample into the diorama with some minor modifications. If you could just sand down some of the bigger adobe spots so it looks more like concrete and less like adobe and then repaint it grey, that'd be fantastic. If you don't want to do the cantina, you can make a standard building instead. And you can do both of course. I'd like a market stall as well if you have time.

Glassman - I know you aren't strictly on the dio team, but if you could whip up a standard building and a market stall that'd be fantastic. Especially since we elected not to make a backdrop correct?

Darth Ennis - Ennis if you could please also make a standard building and a stall.

Daigo-Bah - Greg I'll give you a choice on what you want. You can either do a standard building, or be in charge of all the little accessories throughout the city. By accessories I mean little planters, benches, trees in planters, etc. Justin has done some cool things with the little Bar stool/table things that came with the cantina figures this year. So something along those lines would be cool.

We were thinking about a having small Imperial Motor Pool in the dio as well so the accessory job would also entail providing greeblies and accessories for anything you might find in a motor pool. Like say the Box/hose that came with the POTF2 deluxe Snow trooper, tools, lights, etc. You would have to build everything you could potentially find an assortment of pre-made accessories, and make a few more. So you can choose from either of those choices, or both of them would work out great too. Let me know what you want to do so we can figure out if someone else will need to head up city accessories.

Famine - I already gave you two market stalls, but if you would like to make a few more plus a Standard building that'd be fantastic. Let me know via PM or AIM if this is a possibility for you.

Phruby - You and your local crew are taking over the grey section of wall that separates city from terrain correct? I'll have the corrected measurements for you here in a second. If you could also try to whip up a standard building, and a market stall that'd be great. And if possible maybe you and Anton can help with motor pool accessories? I'll also have a list of all the on-site materials we will likely need for set-up.

CHEWIE - When we chatted last night I got the impression you are still in for the droid junkyard. If you could just finish that back wall and whip up the droid junkyard that'd be awesome. You can coordinate something with jedistyle on this one if you need help due to your schedule.

jedistyle - If you could please make a standard building and a market stall. Also be ready to help Chewie with the Junkyard.

Smartypants - I'm not sure whether or not your parents are letting you work on any buildings for the project. If they are I need a market stall or two out of you.

Myself - I'll be building all 16 sq ft of terrain, as well as contributing my sample building. I'm also going to make a market stall or two, and will be on-site to build addition buildings as needed at set-up, which hopefully will not be very many, if any at all.

I think that is everybody. If I left you off the list here, or you are interested in doing more, be sure to let me know ASAP, so I can get you something to do with enough time to do it before the shipping deadline, which is May 1st. Again let me know if you have questions, concerns, or anything like that. I think that about covers it. Let's get to work and hammer out one hell of a diorama. :)
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Offline roron corobb

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Re: The Ultimate Group Project - Diorama Construction/Design
« Reply #293 on: March 31, 2007, 09:37 PM »
Ryan brought up maybe copper for the globe. Wondering what everyone else thinks. Also chorme might look cool. If I can get the right type I might even be able to buff to shine. Also opinions on the support legs, is the modern art type look work for everyone. Let me know when you can. I would like to start them soon. Thanks
roron corobb
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Re: The Ultimate Group Project - Diorama Construction/Design
« Reply #294 on: March 31, 2007, 09:45 PM »
Modern artsy-fartsy sounds good to me. I don't have any problem with copper, stone, or chrome for the globe, you can pick that unless someone feels it needs to be a certain color.

BTW- The Deadline/Status Sticky thread has been updated with all the new assignments. If everyone will keep me informed as to how far you are on your assignments, I will update it regularly to show our status.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2007, 09:49 PM by Ryan »
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Re: The Ultimate Group Project - Diorama Construction/Design
« Reply #295 on: March 31, 2007, 09:52 PM »
Sounds great, Ryan. Roron has been in contact with me and I'll work on the globe base and get you those measurements on the Palp statue tomorrow in the a.m.
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Re: The Ultimate Group Project - Diorama Construction/Design
« Reply #296 on: March 31, 2007, 09:55 PM »
Good to hear! :)
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Re: The Ultimate Group Project - Diorama Construction/Design
« Reply #297 on: April 1, 2007, 12:22 AM »
Hi Ryan- I think the best assignment for me would be a standard building, a market stall, and one or 2 accessories.  I have the foamcore and few other things for the building, but not very much stuff that could work as accessories.  Is that ok?  Maybe if each person who is making a building and/or stall could whip up something for an accessory too?
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Re: The Ultimate Group Project - Diorama Construction/Design
« Reply #298 on: April 1, 2007, 12:25 AM »
Sounds good Greg. I'll put you down for a Building and a stall then.

I was hoping to give the accessories all to one person so there is some similarity between them, but maybe if we can't find anyone who wants to do this we will have to break it up like you suggested.
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Re: The Ultimate Group Project - Diorama Construction/Design
« Reply #299 on: April 1, 2007, 06:30 PM »
Ok, here is the promised pic from me showing the AMT Palpatine model / statue. This pic gives you scale of the model.

Have to excuse the crappy photo, now you realize one of the reasons I haven't posted pics of my work lately, my camera decided to rearrange some of the Iraqi sand that is lodged inside it.

Still mulling around what kind of base to put this on. The base of the model is an oval shape. Ryan, I think I can make something that is substantial for Palp's ego and should have a footprint of around 6in X 7in. My question on this is: how tall to make the base for the statue?

Next issue: Texture for the statue. In the pic I display what I have available to me. The most recognizable is the spray texture. My feelings on that are it might go on too thick and I will lose the detail on the face and such. Another option is the Patio Paints Texture. I can pick up a bottle at Michaels this week. My plan is to use a Xizor AMT model I have in my fodder bin to test both type and see how it looks. My plan is to have this done by Wednesday, 4 April.

Next question: What color do we want the statue to be, as in, grey, brick, black stone, etc?

Until later,


Roron, I'll drop you an email reference the base for the globe, look for it sometime immediately after this posting.
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