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Messages - CorranHorn

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Was any more said about these at Toy Fair?

No.  There were some rumors that some overseas retailers have them on their product lists but no one has started taking any pre-orders or anything yet.

There was an unidentified R2-D2 on the shelf with the other TVC figures.

That is VC149 R2-D2 that they announced at 2018 MCM Comic-Con London.  Pretty basic R2 for the Vintage Collection $13 price tag sadly.

Looks like the build a droid version of R2, still available at Five Below.

1.) Willow Hood
2.) Wedge Antilles (Snowspeeder Pilot)
3.) FX-7
4.) Luke Skywalker (Dagobah Training)
5.) Leia Organa (Bespin Gown)
6.) Hoth Rebel Trooper
7.) Imperial Probe Droid
8.) C-3PO (Removable Limbs)
9.) Imperial Technician
10.) Snow Trooper Commander

I got all the previous emails but as of 7:10pm CT I haven’t received the latest update. Very strange, hope it doesn’t mean anything

Hah I had similar feelings.  I’ve debated spraying mine down in adhesion prompter to act as a kind of sealant for it since mine was ok.  I should probably check him again, actually.  :-\

I have been wondering if there is something that could be put on this like a sealant. But I haven’t dared try anything yet

Looking at the press photos, it appears Hasbro is using the 2011 TVC Stormtrooper, which is a mod of the 2004 VOTC Stormtrooper for Han. The giveaway is the cod piece lol.  Only the helmet is shared with the new 2019 TVC Stormtrooper. That’s a bit disappointing as I was hoping to be able to build up the new design when Target overflows with Han. Oh well...

The Vintage Collection / Re: Hasbro Pulse / Pulse Premium Discussion
« on: February 16, 2019, 02:17 PM »
I was able to use PayPal. Had to login again for it to work, though.

Hmm didn't think of that. Glad to know it works, thanks!

Kenner Retro Collection / Re: 2019 Kenner Retro Collection
« on: February 16, 2019, 02:16 PM »
Sorry can't help myself. I see what you're saying, but how many of these things is Hasbro making? And are unscrupulous ebay sellers really going to be buying these in bulk and flooding the market with remake Leia blasters? I just think some of us are exagerating a bit here.

Leia blasters can go for up to $100 now, so yeah if these retro weapons are hard to distinguish from legit vintage, you can bet there will be a lot of buying in bulk by unscrupulous dealers

The Vintage Collection / Re: Hasbro Pulse / Pulse Premium Discussion
« on: February 16, 2019, 02:14 PM »
I ordered Yak and Klaatu this morning to secure them in the event Target and Walmart don't get these. Was anyone able to use PayPal to pay for their purchase? It's listed as an option in the cart, but when you get to payment method you only get the option of a credit card.

Does pre-order get you into the premium deal for free?

It's supposed to, but the welcome email I got made no mention of me now having premium access.

Galaxy of Adventures / Re: Triple Force Friday - October 4th
« on: February 16, 2019, 01:29 PM »
I noticed there is no reference to the final Clone Wars episodes in that press release. Will that mean no TCW toys? I sure hope not.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Hasbro Pulse / Pulse Premium Discussion
« on: February 16, 2019, 01:24 PM »
I ordered Yak and Klaatu this morning to secure them in the event Target and Walmart don't get these. Was anyone able to use PayPal to pay for their purchase? It's listed as an option in the cart, but when you get to payment method you only get the option of a credit card.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Hasbro Pulse / Pulse Premium Discussion
« on: February 15, 2019, 08:55 PM »
What the terms don’t mention is if you get to opt out of the premium service for 2020 before they charge your credit card that $50 for the new year. I would hope they would give users the option to renew or not

I think there are a lot of collectors that are OT only and I know there are some that are one of everything, too.  But I think it'd be a hard swallow to buy something at full price when most of the figures are usually cheaper at amazon or if people are patient enough to wait for clearances at B&M.  I do know there are people who have claimed to not have bought a figure at full price, so I would think Hasbro would have to offer some kind of enticement to those who buy into this program (I'm getting something that these bargain hunters aren't for my 'loyalty').

I suppose we'll find out tomorrow.

I fall into all if these categories, I am not all in on 6" as I get only certain figures. And I have been able to maintain a $9 average on buying figures thanks to being patient. While this subscription service will be great for many, there is likely an equal number of folks who won't partake. Hopefully that won't hinder this being a success for those who want the service. But Hasbro would be best to monitor pricing on Amazon to remain competitive.

In package I don’t think there is way to tell if your Jabba melted, not without opening it.

When i found my Jabba had melted, there was no distinct smell, just that he fused to a Max Rebo piano. I have heard of no other reports of a smell, so a packaged Jabba is basically Schroedinnger’s Cat

Do you guys with melted Jabba's have pictures?  Was the "melt" due to actual heat or did the product have some kind of chemical reaction?  So weird.

Here are pictures of my Jabba and the damage it wrought. I don't think heat had anything to do with it, to this day the Jabba is quite sticky and it has been separated from the rest of the collection. No clue what to do with it now, such a shame...

In package I don’t think there is way to tell if your Jabba melted, not without opening it.

When i found my Jabba had melted, there was no distinct smell, just that he fused to a Max Rebo piano. I have heard of no other reports of a smell, so a packaged Jabba is basically Schroedinnger’s Cat

The Vintage Collection / Re: The Future of Star Wars Collecting?
« on: February 8, 2019, 03:29 PM »
At this point I don’t think the issue is going to be at Hasbro but with their two biggest accounts - Walmart and Target.

If you’re like me, then you see the following at these two stores:

Walmart - bare pegs, wave 2 and 3 showed up once or twice at a store and now there is nothing. Likely means Wave 4 will be a blink and you miss it event here

Target - flooded with Wave 1 at every store. Just this week at 3 stores near me I asked if they could see what was in back. Each time the person helping me brought out a cart full of more Wave 1 figured or even unopened cases of Wave 1. With so much backstock on Wave 1, these stores will never receive Wave 4.

Obviously Hasbro has a part to play in both of these scenarios, but at this point they can do nothing and just wait for the big 2 to act.

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