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Messages - Matt_Fury

Pages: 1 ... 440 441 442 443 444 [445]
The Wookiee Arcade / Re: Star Wars Strategy Game Coming
« on: April 4, 2005, 12:32 PM »
One thing I do like about this game is that it looks like we'll be able to control large cale space battles.

Good graphics (like FC had), an intuitive control set-up, andnot have the crappy "Command Point" system and the ability to overwelm your enemy, and I think we'll have a winner here.

Power of the Jedi / Re: favorite POTJ figure
« on: April 4, 2005, 12:24 PM »
I liked the ANH Ben Kenobi...the scuplt was awesome on him.

Collector's Tips / Re: Keeping up with figures
« on: April 3, 2005, 04:09 PM »
I use an excel spreadsheet with a different page for each line.  When I built it, I was trying to use some newly learned excel skills, and it looks pretty good with banners on the tops of the pages etc.

Each page basically has item and quantity, I need to add another column for price and then possible a total on the bottom of the page so I can get an idea of what my collection is worth, just in case I ever need to make an insurance claim.  :o

Collector's Tips / Re: Starcase
« on: April 3, 2005, 03:55 PM »
Thanks DSJ, I'm going to need cases for those plus other odd styled carded stuff like the Luke With Bacta tank.

Newbies / Re: Thought I'd stop lurking
« on: April 3, 2005, 12:35 PM »
Hey Matt,

Welcome on over, glad to see you.  I'll have you know that I have the entire video games section devoted to Force Commander and its raw greatness in holding together the RTS genre for Star Wars gaming single-handedly.


Why does this not suprise me in the least???

Oh, and JesseVader, my collecting focus is anything but focused!  Although I particularly like to get exclusives, the NASCAR SW cars some of the Disney stuff (I have this Jedi academy pendant on my wall that I really like) and of course the movie posters (I now have all six!).  I still, however, like the 3.75 inch figures although I stopped trying to be a completeist after the POTJ line.

Collector's Tips / Re: Starcase
« on: April 2, 2005, 10:52 PM »
Hey Bobafett14...I just got three cases of Protecto-paks and they're awesome!

Also nice that they're less expensive than the Star Cases.

Will the Oscar cases hold figures like the Max Rebo Band Pairs, Princess Leia 2-packs, Shirtless Maul and other odd sized large carded figures like that?

Newbies / Thought I'd stop lurking
« on: April 2, 2005, 10:40 PM »
Since a lot of people I enjoy talking with have been migrating over to these forums from Rebelscum (ar for whatever reason can't talk over there anymore!)  I thought I'd finally come out of the shadows and talk over here to. ;D

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