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Messages - Mitsukara

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Star Wars Action Figures / Re: custom snowtrooper
« on: March 28, 2006, 12:41 PM »
I know what you mean about the globby paint- acrylics tend to get this stringyness to them when they get older. My first custom has pants I deemed "wooly" because I goofed up the painting a bit and he's got these little lines sticking up...

The figure looks pretty darn good to me though; the AT-AT driver limbs work great for a snowtrooper, definately. All in all I like it a lot better than Hasbro's snowtroopers to date.

Am I correct in thinking you took the AT-AT driver body, took off the head and chest panel, and added the veers armor and Snowtrooper head?

It's really a shame Hasbro decided to kitbash with POTF2 (do they still have Buff Luke molds sitting around, I wonder?) and Saga parts for the snowtrooper in the Battle of Hoth wave. I'm crossing my fingers a little bit that he'll be part of a VTSC ESB line though...

Saga Collection '06 / Re: 2006 vOTC (or vTSC) - now with pics!
« on: March 28, 2006, 11:48 AM »
Err, I know this has probably already been mentioned somewhere- I could've missed it in this thread even- but when exactly are these supposed to be released in stores? I've read "April," but does anyone know a date? Also, does anyone know of any places likely to carry them besides Toys R Us/Target? Will Wal Mart have them?

Personally I hope Han's a pegwarmer just so I can find one! Especially not having a VOTC Han yet, I really want one of these. Super-articulation, a nice trenchcoat, a removeable vest and belt... what more can you ask of old Han besides maybe a better likeness? Plus given a choice, I want a superb ROTJ version of Han more than an ANH one. Not that I won't still try to buy one of those for my collection... then I'd be in "Han Heaven" as it were. Well, except maybe Bespin Han... I guess you could buy the POTF2 "Princess Leia Collection" figure and steal his jacket at put it on VTSC Han? Hmm... EDIT: oops, sorry John C, missed your post when I said this.

Speaking of a better likeness though...

Did you actually swap heads, or is that superimposed?? If a headswap is possible/easy even, I have a well-painted Carbonite Han head and the idea is very, very tempting...

I also need a/some Scout Troopers and one of those Lukes <3 You know what's funny is that even though Luke seems to come with a Vader hilt, I'd still find it useful because I don't have a Vader hilt. (I think the VOTC Vader is the only figure that came with one actually; sadly the Evolutions figure doesn't even have one! And then they packaged Anakin with two hilts and only one blade *scratches head* Maybe they meant to include a Vader hilt then and accidentally got another Luke/Anakin hilt?)

The Sandpeople and Greedo are cool, but I consider them extra and I'll only get some if I happen to find them in stores and have enough money after everything else I'm going to be buying for a while.

I'm really excited about this Han, though. I can't wait to have one of those and a VOTC Chewbacca... and the great thing is they'd both be in ROTJ mode!

Thanks for posting all these nice pictures!

Star Wars Universe / Re: Clone Wars = Canon or EU?
« on: March 28, 2006, 12:13 AM »
Perhaps it's wrong of me to interject this, but another interesting little question of canon exists between the prequels and Return of the Jedi (though it can be glossed over in viewing the films). Remember Luke asking Leia if she said she remembered her "real" mother, and she seems to? Now read the ROTJ novelization, wherein Obi Wan related some pretty interesting history to Luke about how their mother took Leia with her into hiding on Alderaan with aid from Bail Organa.

For that matter, one could argue Splinter of the Mind's Eye invalidates ESB and ROTJ... though they wouldn't.

In Star Wars, the only thing you really have to believe as part of the story is ANH, I guess ^.-

Sorry if I'm off-topic here as I have no real firsthand knowledge of the Clone Wars cartoons. Just a thought...

Hmm... there's quite a few of those I hadn't really heard much about, and I'm pretty curious about it. And now you've got me all worried about what SOTE tries to imply...

I've noticed a lot of mixed opinion on pretty much every piece of EU I've seen reviewed except the Thrawn Trilogy, so I'm well aware of the gray areas I'm looking to delve into. Which is why hearing more opinions helps, certainly...

I suspect the Courtship of Princess Leia isn't so much a great and deep story, so much as the novel overall sounds like fun and I'm interested to see the missing link between Han and Leia's relationship in ROTJ and their married life in the Thrawn Trilogy. I might decide it sucks, but it sounds worth looking into.

Everything else I'm kind of muddling along on really, although SOTE's ominous following/marketing/timeline placement make me curious enough to want to see what it's about. Rather I'll like it or not... who knows.

Splinter of the Mind's Eye sounds corny as heck, and as such I suspect I'll get a kick out of it. A quasi-hokey continuation of ANH with no knowledge of any other Star Wars and a lot of key parts missing (that mostly directed at Han and Chewie) do not sound to a deep and powerful continuation make, but the very title and plot overviews sound funny, and thus it sparks my curiousity.

The NJO, I just really don't think I'd like because of how dark it seems to be. I don't really want to read about Chewbacca and others dying needlessly at the hands of horrible super-aliens (who are supposedly like Borg ripoffs anyway), with the New Republic we're supposed to care about in previous books getting ripped apart and Coruscant essentially destroyed. Alcoholic Han Solo? Anakin Solo dying? And everyone who survives the mayhem constantly stressed and struggling for survival? It all sounds about as much fun as a hole in the head to me, even with the New Jedi Order itself and the progression with Luke and Mara and all the other important storyline points, sorry :( It's kind of like having another episode III after the original trilogy and the rest of the EU, and that's no fun.

Cheesy or unrealistic as it may be of me, also, I don't really like to imagine the main characters of the Star Wars movies growing old only to enjoy another huge war worse than "the big one." It's not that I need them to ride off into the sunset; I like the Thrawn Trilogy, how it puts things in peril and the characters face some pretty big personal challenges and a lot of progression in their lives, but it doesn't screw things up. The NJO screws things up forever, pure and simple.

Fett is awesome, and I can definately swallow him surviving. Palpatine is another story, and while it sounds like it might be enjoyable to read, Dark Empire sounds kind of bogus to me storyline-wise.

The X-Wing books I need to look into, or at least the first one, but right at the moment I'm looking for more original main charachter-motivated stories, so I don't think I'll pick that up next, just before long.

I'm still puzzled though- all the interesting pre-Thrawn trilogy stuff aside, what the heck should I read next in line after the Thrawn Trilogy, if I'm wanting to go timeline-wise? The Jedi Academy trilogy, or skip it and move on to something later? I still might read the Jedi Academy trilogy even if it is horrible, if it contains some kind of vital plot points forwarding the series.

And I do eventually want to read Timothy Zahn's other books I think- the mediocrely recieved "Hand of Thrawn" duology, Survivor's Quest, and probably Outbound Flight. I pretty much liked his storyline style and I love the charachter of Thrawn so I'd probably be interested in the vague and direct tie-ins with him. And a focus on Mara Jade is likely a good thing too

And, as I said, I'd kinda like to get to the Corellian Trilogy someday...

I'm not 100% sure, but I think the Sandtroopers heads are made to pop off so you can remove their pauldron (you have to pull a little bit but it pops off and back on without any damage as far as I can tell) and thus make them into "stormtroopers," which would make sense considering the box identifies them as such. I've actually tried my loose one both ways for a while, but they're not quite right for stormtroopers since the stuff on their belts is wrong and of course, they're covered in sand (or in the smeared figures' cases, perhaps another word not entirely dissimlar to "sand'...).

Hmm... I think I'll put off buying Splinter of the Mind's Eye and go for The Courtship of Princess Leia and Shadows of the Empire first. Maybe if they still have the cheaper hardbout of COPL (nice abbreviation) I can afford to buy both... we'll see.

Thanks again for your reccomendations!

Thanks! This advice does help quite a bit. I'd heard a little about the X Wing/Rogue Squadron books but kinda forgot to look into them much. I should, though...

At the moment, I think I'm leaning on The Courtship of Princess Leia, Shadows of the Empire, or Splinter of the Mind's Eye as my next purchase. I'll have to decide when I get to the bookstore I suppose ^^

By the way- does a paperback version of the Courtship of Princess Leia exist with the original cover (with the wedding outfits/Prince Isolder/star destroyers in the background as opposed to the endor-type gear and the Rancor), or was that only on the hardbound? Used hardbounds sell for cheaper than paperbacks anyway, so if I feel comfortable holding the book to read it I might buy that version instead (whenever I buy it).

The prequel era is kind of interesting, but not something I'm really looking to get into yet. I'm pretty enchanted with the "New Republic Era" thanks to the Thrawn trilogy and in part to a love for Return of the Jedi, but I'll have to see as I read more books.

One of my primary disappointments, though, in my choices of what to read next is that I'll be seeing no progression at all with Mara Jade's storyline. I'm really kinda eager to read what comes next there...

I suspect I'll read The Truce at Bakura eventually, but I'm not just itching to get to it either. I'll probably have time for it sometime...

The Jedi Academy trilogy doesn't sound all that good, but it has the virtue of being next (I think?) after the Thrawn trilogy, beginning Luke's efforts to rebuild the Jedi Order, and I think Mara Jade appears in the third book. Is this series skippable or something that should be choked down if you really want to know this part of the storyline? Or maybe even something good that's underrated?

Eventually I might read the Young Jedi Knights series...

EDIT: I totally forgot to mention it, buy I have copies of the Lando Calrissian Adventures (you know, "The Mindharp of Sharu" and such) and the first book of the "Han Solo Trilogy" ("The Paradise Snare"). Perhaps I should read those sometime? I think there was also a book similar to the Lando Calrissian Adventures that had to do with Han and Chewie in the few years preceeding ANH. I don't know much about it- does anyone have some reccomendations on that?

I totally relate, Clone Commander. I have yet to dish out for a VOTC stormtrooper, myself...

However, by some weird twist of luck our Wal Mart had a few Clonetroopers Evolutions sets- fashionably late, this was last month- on clearance! I have no idea why because I never saw them out anywhere; knowing Wal Mart, they kept them in some stupid place nowhere near the figures and then wondered why they didn't sell good.

But the plus side of this was that I picked up two boxes for $15, and I was pretty happy at that. The Sandtrooper rocks (I apparently got the middle set, with the yellow uniforms and the sprayed-on sand rather than the smeary crud), and sad to admit I never bought a clone before then either!

So my totally amazing army consists of one loose Sandtrooper with the pauldron removed (are the heads supposed to pop off and on that easily on these figures? I did it by hand accidentally the first time, and it stays on pretty well when popped back on), one in abox, and two POTF2 Stormtroopers (one with playwear). Likewise, I have four clones total.

I toyed with the idea of modifying one of the Sandtroopers but that just doesn't seem right. I aim to get at least one VOTC Stormtrooper eventually, and fill the ranks a little more with some more POTFs and maybe commtech ones.

Since that's kinda pathetic, I count my two POTF2 Tie Pilots in with my stormtroopers, so my empire has 6 troops! Yay! And the Grand Army of the Republic is an army of 4.

Then again, the Empire looks a whole lot more impressive when it's got 2 and a half ("quick change!' y'know) Vaders in it, no?

Of course, I don't own a single snowtrooper or scout trooper :( I need to get a VTSC Scout Trooper in stores if at all possible, as I really love those guys; they're really my favorite kind of stormtrooper, actually.

PM Sent regarding VOTC Chewie...

EDIT: Make that POTJ Leia instead, now <3

It should be noted that I don't always have a whole ton of money to spend on Star Wars figures, sadly, so I'm sorry if I'm not able to take you up on some of your offers. I do not wish to set prices in advance, but I will most likely not be able to pay more than $14 for any single figure (except for a complete evolutions set or something like that, of course).

Should I run out of money to spend for a while, then I will post saying so and mention when I should be able to buy stuff again at that time.

Since the list is a bit long, I know some might not care to read it. Therefore here's a short version of items I'm especially interested in:

Cheap Outland Peasent Disguise Anakin (all I really need is the torso/waist/lower torso really)
VOTC Lando at a good price
EU Mara Jade
VOTC Chewbacca
Fodder: Lando Calrissian Heads, Cantina Han/Cantina Han Legs


ROTS Early Bird Kit Chewbacca, R2D2, or whole set
Min condition: loose, fairly stiff joints/no major damage. Accessories prefered, but depending on price I could do without,

Cheap POTJ Bespin Escape Leia
Min condition: loose, fairly stiff joints. Blaster(s) not required, but if you have them that's good too.

Cheap Stormtroopers, Snowtroopers, and Biker Scouts of various kinds
Whatever you've got for less than $5 apiece I'd like to hear about... unless it's a POTF2 Stormtrooper, and then I'm still interested if it's dirt cheap. But generally, POTF2, POTJ, TSC, loose vintage, whatever! Paintwear and playwear must be within reasonable limits and please describe what you're offering if you reply.

Anakin Skywalker to Darth Vader evolutions set
Min condition: loose with all accessories, no major paint wear, joints as tight as they should've come in the package. Can be varient with or without scar on the episode III Anakin but with scar is preferred. Vader with tighter grip right hand preferred if such a varient exists.

POTF2/EU/POTF Commtech:

EU Mara Jade
Minimum condition: loose with no major paint damage and tight joints; accessories would be nice but are not absolutely neccesary.

Cheap "All New Likeness" Princess Leia Organa or heads from this figure
Minimum condition: loose with no major paint or joint damage, okay if accessories and freeze frame are missing.

Final Jedi Duel Cinema Scene (from ROTJ)
Min. condition: loose with all parts included in good condition. Might be interested if Vader is missing but the rest of it's there.

Cheap Final Jedi Duel Cinema Scene Luke Skywalker
Min. condition: Loose with fairly good joints, no major paint wear, lightsaber included.

Cheap Ceremonial Gear Luke Skywalker
Min. condition: loose with decent joints. Accessories nice but totally unrequired, however his removable "vest" part of his jacket must be included. Freeze frame not needed.

Cheap Luke Skywalker in Stormtrooper disguise (Purchase Pending?)
Min. condition: Loose with decent joints, no major paint wear, helmet included.

Cheap Commtech Luke Skywalker
Min. condition: Loose with good joints, no major paint damage, accesories good but not neccesary.

VOTC Figures:
VOTC Chewbacca
Min. condition: loose with no major paint damage and tight joints. Should preferably include bowcaster accesory; I don't mind if you don't have the VOTC bowcaster and steal a ROTS or similar one though ^.- Just something better than a POTF2 bowcaster...

Original store-cost or less VOTC Han Solo
Min. condition: loose with no major paint damage and tight joints. Blaster would be good but isn't neccessary.

Original store-cost or less VOTC Lando Calrissian
Min. condition: loose with no major paint damage and tight joints, and undamaged cape. Blaster would be good but isn't neccessary.

VOTC Stormtrooper
Min. condition: loose with no major paint damage and tight joints. Blaster would be good but isn't neccessary.

2006 Saga Collection:

Cheap TSC Boba Fett
Min. condition: loose, minimal paintwear/reasonably tight joints, should include blaster and stand, "flame" piece and hologram mini-figure are not neccesary

2002-2004 Saga and/or OTC figures:

Cheap Outland Peasent Disguise Anakin Skywalker[/b]
Min condition: as long as he's got both halves of the torso, I'm interested ^.-

Saga/OTC "Jabba's Palace" ROTJ Jedi Luke
Min condition: loose, decent paintjob if available, tight joints preferred. Preferably with accessories.

Saga/OTC TIE Fighter Pilot
Min condition: loose, decent paintjob, tight joints preferred.

Mega cheap Saga Throneroom Duel Luke Skywalker... actually, just the lightsaber is good too
Min condition (if it's the figure): Black right hand, otherwise in about as good a condition as this dude could ever hope to be. Must include lightsaber, rest of accesories are good as well.

Custom Parts/Fodder I'd be interested in:
Lando Calrissian heads, especially a Bespin Escape Lando heads. (Some pending, but can you have too much fodder?)
EU Dark Jedi, POTF2 Bespin, or Commtech Luke Skywalker Heads
"All New Likeness" Leia Heads
Cantina Han/Cantina Han Legs
Saga or newer Imperial Captain/Moff/Admiral-type body parts

Cheap Micro Machines Star Destroyer, vintage or 1995-era
Min. condition: loose with no major damage.

Titanium Series Star Destroyer
Min. condition: loose with no major damage.

Thank you for reading! :)

Saga Collection '06 / Re: VTSC Series 3?
« on: March 24, 2006, 02:05 PM »
Biggs Darklighter in either X-Wing gear or his cut scene duds. Sure, maybe no one else wants him, but he'd be pretty darn cool.

Han Solo in bespin gear/jacket. Sure, there's a pretty good one out there with POTJ Bespin Capture Han, but he's not "super articulated" at all and the head is a mediocre likeness. We have (okay, I don't own one... yet) a great ANH Han and an awesome ROTJ Han on the way, and this would really complete it I think.

For that matter, I think a lot of people would love to see a VTSC Han Solo Hoth Outfit- erm, Hoth Battle Gear figure. The Saga figure reeks of 1995ish and has a likeness resembling Chevy Chase, although it's not truly a bad figure... but Hoth Han is a well-loved classic and deserving of the VTSC treatment.

On that note, I'd like to see a VTSC Hoth Luke, but that's just me <3

Luke Skywalker in Bespin Fatigues is another likely choice. The Saga figure is great, but I'd love to see a truly SA version with a lightsaber that could attach to his belt (and just think, that itself would be a vintage throwback, since it would be the first Luke Bespin figure that had one since then) and a more general-purpose face.

A new VOTC C3PO that's a real C3PO, with bending knees and swivel elbows and removeable limbs! Not to mention a good likeness and vacuum-metallized paint.

I don't really lust for a SA Snowtrooper, but it's high time for one. The TSC kitbash = lame.

SA Lando in Han Solo's clo-, um, Smuggler Gear. Maybe he only had one scene, but you all know you want him! Think how multi-purpose this figure would be! He would be the height of awesomeness.

SA Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight, preferably with removeable cloth robes so he could also be Death Star II Luke. Or heck- throw in the poncho and helmet, too, and a removeable right hand (one gloved, one not) and you've got a Luke that covers all but one scene of ROTJ...

Maybe he's boring, but I would need him. Need him I tell you! Saga Jabba's Palace Luke is cool but far from "ultimate."

Endor Leia with softgoods is an awesome idea. I'd definately buy one.

SA General Lando. Again, the saga figure is good, but better could be achieved.

SA Admiral Ackbar. He could be a pegwarmer for a VTSC figure, but I'd like to see a new one that could sit and gesture and cross his arms and do all that good stuff.

Star Wars Universe / Re: Shadows and EU
« on: March 23, 2006, 09:30 PM »
I agree with DoctorPadawan's #1 and #2 there; the POTF versions look pretty nice overall, and I love my Thrawn (I paid $10 for him after all) and Mara is near if not at the top of my want list, but it would be cool to see a Thrawn with the proper shoulderpads already made on, at least angle cuts (ball jounts would be better) on his arms and bending knees so he can sit and ponder and gesture as he explains his plans and such. I'd also love to see a Thrawn sporting a real "nutrition frame" with a ysalamir that more resembles what the books described.

A SA Mara is a no-brainer as she seems to be a pretty vital character in the entire EU and a fan favorite. Heck, I'd also like to see another version in her Jedi garb from later novels as many a kitbasher has made.

Talon Karrde seems like another good choice, because I suspect he appeared in a good handful of books and was very memorable. He's also a fan favorite, I think.

If I may be so bold, I think two of the most obvious choices for any sort of new EU line would have to be the Jaina and Jacen Solo, and maybe Anakin Solo as well. Probably adult, Jedi versions. These are ongoing pivotal characters and really a part of the main group of characters as far as I can tell, and are definately big fan favorites.

While he's not the most exciting charachter ever, I for one would like to see a Captain Gilad Palleon figure. He plays a role in a few books beside the Thrawn trilogy, and pretty much all of Thrawn's scenes in the Thrawn trilogy, and many of C'Baoths, were from Palleon's perspective. Plus I believe the guy played some kind of important part later on when the Imperial Remnant allied with the New Republic (or whatever precisely happened there). In any case, I'd rather buy one of these than a General Veers, and Thrawn figures could really use a "buddy" to display next to them.

While I think his role long-term was a lot more limited, I'd like to see a Joruus C'Baoth/Jorus C'Baoth figure, as he was a very memorable villain and, by virtue of being a clone, appears in Outbound Flight as well as the Thrawn trilogy.

Some kind of Bothan, be it a spy or Borsk Feyl'ya, would be great, as these dudes were mentioned in the movies but never seen and played a pretty good role in events. Borsk Feyl'ya is not only a memorable charachter, but I'm pretty sure he plays an ongoing role (I think I heard he was in the NJO books).

Another good alien figure would be a Noghri. I have no idea if they were mentioned beyond the Thrawn trilogy, but they're pretty impressive and a vital pat of that trilogy, and I think quite a few people would like to have one. Maybe it could specifically be a main charachter, like Rukh or Khabarakh; Rukh would go quite nicely with Thrawn and Palleon if they were making a Thrawn Trilogy set.

Garm Bel Iblis would be a good figure to have and display next to Mon Mothma and Admiral Ackbar. I don't know if he made any apperances beyond the Thrawn trilogy, bu he was memorable and would fit right in with a senate and such.

If I had to pick and choose a select few of these suggestions, I'd say SA and/or Jedi Mara first, the Solo children second, a new Thrawn third.

I'd probably have more/better suggestions if I read more books, but I would definately buy all these figures if they were made. As it is, I aim to kitbash because they aren't being made. Well, okay, Garm Bel Iblis/the Noghri/the Bothans will have to wait a while, probably...

Okay, I just finished reading the Thrawn trilogy for the first time a couple months ago, and I absolutely loved it! The writing style wasn't bad at all, and the storyline was quite interesting. Like most who've read these books I think, it left me wanting for more though, not because it was lacking but because it basically opens up the storyline possibilities instead of coming to an entirely grand close.

That said, these are the only EU books I've read... I've (from several years ago) come into posession of copies of Showdown at Centerpoint and Before the Storm, but while the Corellian trilogy sounds very interesting, I really should read it from the beginning when I read it. Before the Storm, I haven't yet felt enthusiastic enough to read.

So I'm wondering what I should read next. There are many equally valid choices from what I can tell. Shadows of the Empire sounds interesting on account of how it ties in to ESB and ROTJ so directly, The Truce at Bakura sounds somewhat interesting, The Courtship of Princess Leia sounds pretty fun, Splinter of the Mind's eye sounds a bit on the wacky side but is interesting... and then there's the matter of reading things set after the Thrawn trilogy, too.

I really don't feel a desire to read the New Jedi Order books nor the Swarm War books, because while there is some appeal in the concept, they sound pretty dark and depressing and that's really not my forte. I like lighter stories, or dramatic stories that end well (Perhaps I should point out Return of the Jedi is my favorite out of all six movies, with ESB second). I really enjoy romantic comedies if they aren't dull, as well (mostly I read manga of this type rather than watching movies and such).

I do, however, want to read more about Mara Jade and our movie heroes (Luke/Leia/Han/Lando/Chewbacca/R2D2/C3PO) and the Solo children. I really liked Thrawn's character so I'm eager to read some pieces that tie into him and some where he actually appears (eventually I might read Outbound Flight primarily for the sake of reading Thrawn with Anakin and Obi Wan appearances as a bonus, unless the book is like really awful somehow). Survivor's Quest sounds like a pretty interesting book, but I don't think I'm ready for it storyline-wise.

I've thought about the Jedi Academy trilogy; I thought it sounded interesting in a way, but I've yet to see a review that didn't dismiss it as bantha poodoo. And on top of that I can't even figure out what "I, Jedi" is about nor how it ties in, nor if it meshes with the other EU books...

The Corellian Trilogy as I said sounds interesting, but like Survivor's Quest, I feel a need to read more backstory from books in between there and the Thrawn trilogy before I'm ready to jump in with it.

Anyway, at the moment I'm hoping to buy a novel in a couple weeks when I get a chance to go to a nice bookstore; so I'm wondering if anyone has some recommendations or advice on what I should read/what order to read it in. Thanks to anyone who can help!

I just now got to check this thread again, so sorry if my response is a bit tardy. I looked into the Kit Fisto figure, though, and I'm really impressed! He seems to have a pretty nicely sculpted body, nothing too crazy about his tunic (at one point, actually, I thought about using an Anakin Secret Ceremony body, but I decided to hold it back as a next-to-last-ditch option because of his hands and the windblown-looking tunic). His articulation is great too; I don't mind the traditional swivel waist, his arms are just as good as Obi Wan's, and he has ball-jointed knees. I imagine he can still do some pretty great poses leg-wise without the ankle joints, just as long as he's carefully balanced or has a stand. For that matter, if I really felt the urge once I had the figure in my hands, I could still buy an Obi Wan and swap legs, too, but these legs look pretty good and I'd probably keep them. Though, it would give me an excuse to buy the TSC version and get the cloth cloak, too...

At the moment, I kinda think I want to aim for using one of these. I found a nice, so-far well priced (a day and five hours can change everything of course) eBay auction for four ROTS figures I don't have, one of which is Kit Fisto and two others are ones I really wanted (C3PO and Tarkin), so if it doesn't get insanely high or anything I'll be bidding. I'll have to replan my other spending a bit, but two great figures and a real start on my Luke kitbash is too tempting to pass up.

My one question, though, is how Kit Fisto's neck articulation works- it seems to be a swivel but he seems to have a weird kind of neck post as well! I don't want to get anyone upset or anything, (I know there's some kind of tension, but not much about the specifics), so I hope it's okay to link to a picture from's photo archive of a disassembled Kit Fisto:

Maybe the neck "stick" there could be cut out and Luke's head would stay in as long as you don't hold the figure upside down? Or perhaps I could still fashion some kind of insert to hold it in a little better? Hmm... anyone know the mechanics of this figure firsthand (or secondhand even)?

Anyway, I'm sorry that every post I've made in this thread seems to ask another question, but I very much appreciate all of your input and suggestions, and you've given me a lot of good ideas to potentially try. I feel a lot more confident about trying to make the figure I want now, and I'll be sure to post once I have some results! (eventually...)

Ooh, interesting! I've never actually used nor seen these molds (except on television), but I find the prospect interesting.

That would also be a good way to get more mileage out of your Luke head if it really kept the details! I can just imagine a bunch of figures sporting a DJ Luke-style head. And the tempting ideas expand from there...

I'm curious, is there any chance this would preserve the neck articulation at all? Like, maybe the mold would set, but maybe not stick to the plastic/be detachable from the plastic?

So many methods, so little experience and means. Hmm...

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