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Topics - Brian

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The Prequel Trilogy / Is the PT Lacking "Signature" Vehicles?
« on: August 24, 2009, 03:19 PM »
A friend of mine was mentioning this to me the other day (he is not a fan of the prequels), saying that something that he thought was missing was the "cool" or signature vehicles that we see in the OT.  In a way, I can sort of see that as well.  It may just be nostalgia or an OT preference, but I would think the majority of the "general population" would be familiar enough with the Falcon, TIE Fighters, X-Wings, Speeder Bikes, and possibly the AT-AT to recognize them by name.  There are others that are possible (Slave 1, AT-ST, Landspeeder) as well, although the names might not come to mind for those who aren't as familiar with the movies.

If you look at the PT, I don't know if you could say that.  You've got a ton of non-hardcore fans that saw those movies as well, but I wonder - outside of maybe "Jedi Starfighters" or podracers - if any of the vehicles could be recognized by name at all.  Not that there aren't some cool things (AT-TE, Juggernaught, etc.), but aside from the big podracer focus of Episode I, and possibly the Jedi starfighters in AOTC/ROTS, I wonder if much would be known to the general population - at least when compared to the Original Trilogy.

The Original Trilogy / The Empire Strikes Back - 30th Anniversary
« on: August 14, 2009, 10:01 PM »
Ok, I know this thread is a little bit early, since the 30th Anniversary isn't until 2010, but I was just looking at this feature at, discussing the first trailer for ESB 30 years ago.  I thought it might be a good way to kick off this thread.  They have the video of the actual teaser, and while I'm sure many of us have seen it before, it is still fun to watch I think.  They also have a short article with some facts about it.  I guess I never realized that Harrison Ford did the voice over for this trailer, but now that they say it I can definitely hear that it is him.

Other Toy Lines / Toy Story
« on: August 6, 2009, 01:34 PM »
Although this isn't probably something I'll be collecting, I noticed since our Target re-set their toy section that there is a pretty good amount of Toy Story product in the action figure aisle.  I didn't look real close at things yet, but it looks like a pretty cool line - with Buzz, Woody, etc. - but also buckets o' army men and other things.  Not sure if anyone here is interested in it or not, but it looked like a pretty nice line (with a lot of support, it was nearly half an aisle at our store - sharing with Marvel and DC).

Watto's Junk Yard / Have You "Made the Switch" to BluRay?
« on: August 3, 2009, 07:14 PM »
I wasn't sure if this could go in the DVD thread or not, but I was curious how many people here have made the switch over to blu rays over regular DVD purchases.  We're in the process of saving up and finally getting an HDTV, as well as a blu ray player, sometime before the year is up.  We've sort of been going back and forth wondering if the blu-ray player was "worth it" - but since we're really avid movie watchers, we thought it might be something worth picking up.  My wife was especially on board after she watched Twilight at a friend's house in hi-def.  Anyways, I was just wondering how many of you here have switched to blu ray, or if you're just standing pat with DVDs for now.  Thank goodness you can still play DVDs on the blu ray players, or it would make the decision much tougher with these shelves of movies we already have :) (like many others).

LEGO / LEGO Comic Con Exclusives
« on: July 22, 2009, 11:23 AM »
Just saw this over at Action Figure Insider, seven minifig three packs (one for each movie, one for CW) being sold at Comic Con.  Kind of nifty, wish I could get the OT ones.  I wish we saw stuff like this at retail again, but I know the whole "packaged figure" thing sort of steps on Hasbro's toes.

TV-9D9 / The Clone Wars - Season Two Discussion Thread
« on: July 21, 2009, 09:17 PM »
MTV Movies Blog has a couple of Season 2 images, one featuring Cad Bane, the other featuring another familiar bounty hunter.  Looks pretty cool to me!

Modern Classifieds / WTB: Loose Galactic Heroes Taun Taun
« on: June 26, 2009, 11:01 AM »
I know it might be a long shot, since they are somewhat rare in that line - but I just thought I'd see if anyone might have an extra GH Taun Taun that they would be willing to get rid of.  Here's some other stuff I'm looking for as well:

Just thought I'd post and see if anyone had happened to pick up extras of the Target cup sets from a few years back.  I have a complete set of them, but we sort of wanted to get some extras to actually "use".  We've been able to get an extra Han and Hoth Luke glass cheap, and I just thought I'd post if anyone else had some extras that they maybe grabbed on clearance and they'd like to get rid of.  Looking for any of the following:

Princess Leia (either)
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Darth Vader
Boba Fett

Just a quick update, if anyone happens to have extras of either of these, I'm looking for the following:

VTSC Bossk (loose)
Galactic Heroes Bossk (loose)

I just wanted to list this seperately, since it tends to get buried in my "for sale" list.  This is the Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Lightsaber Duels game that came out for the Nintendo Wii last November.  I picked it up, and we've only really had the chance to play it once or twice, so I thought I would offer it up for sale.  It is in like new condition, complete with book, case, etc.  We paid $50 at the time, and I was looking for about $30 for it, if anyone is interested.

Just curious if anyone here has (or planning) picked this up.  I believe it just came out this week, although I might be wrong about that.  From the previews and trailers, it looked kind of neat.  I hope to take a look at it eventually, although my days of buying games at full price might be done for the most part (especially after seeing LEGO Star Wars, Indy, and Batman all drop to $19.99 within a year).  Anyways, just wondering if anyone has checked this out yet.

The Prequel Trilogy / Jedi Starfighter Colors
« on: June 8, 2009, 12:06 PM »
I got to thinking about this while rearranging some vehicles over the weekend.  Although this might be more tied to animation and toys than the movies themselves, do you think that the Jedi starfighters should be different colors/designs for each fighter - or a more "standard" look across the ranks?  I was looking at my prequel/CW ships, and the majority of the "good guy" ships (particularly the movie based ones) seem to have that overall red/white color scheme.  I also have the recent Obi-Wan's Delta 2 fighter displayed with those, which is also red/white, and it made me think that might be how I would envision the Jedi's fighters.  More of a standard issue thing, with maybe small differences (like the X-Wings from the OT).  I know we all know that it is done to sell toys and repaints of toys, and repaints of repaints of toys.  Anyways, I know we're not going to see a change in starfighters or anything, but it seems like it is more of an offshoot of the "skittle clone" syndrome that we got with the prequels.  From what we know of the Jedi, the lack of attachments/individuality/etc., I wouldn't think they would all be painting their fighters and astromechs different colors (although I'll admit I don't have a problem with lots of astro droids).  I personally bought quite a few of the previous repainted starfighters, but have found now I don't really have the room for them, and I seem to gravitate more towards the "Obi-Wan" color scheme, which seems to match the republic ships for the most part.

TV-9D9 / "Other" Star Wars Animated Series Rumors
« on: June 8, 2009, 11:46 AM »
I was just listening to the Force Cast where they mentioned that they received a rumor from one of their insiders that there are multiple animated series in various stages of work at Lucasfilm.  In addition to Clone Wars, they mentioned a Galactic Heroes focused toon and one "aimed at older fans".  I don't know if that means Original Trilogy (would be great) or what, but just some rumors I thought I'd pass along.

This is something I was just thinking about today when going through some old bookmarks and coming across the "Tales of the Old Republic" fan-made stuff we saw a few years ago.  I've personally been enjoying a lot of DC Comics' direct to DVD animated movies, and I was wondering if that is a route Star Wars could go.  They really have some nice animation showing up not only on TV but in video games, etc., and could probably put out some nice movies.  This would allow them to do something like say, The Thrawn Trilogy, or even something set in the Old Republic era for fans of that.  I would think they could sell just as well as the Marvel and DC movies that are put out now, or maybe even better.  Anyways, it may just be me still hoping for an OT-era animated series (similar to Clone Wars), but it might be something they could look into.

Feedback / primal23's feedback
« on: June 1, 2009, 12:55 PM »
I don't think there is a thread already for Jason, but I just received a nice quick payment for some Build-a-Figure pieces he was looking for.  Thanks again Jason!

Other Toy Lines / Is Toy Buying/Collecting "Generational"?
« on: May 14, 2009, 12:28 PM »
I wasn't sure of the proper title for this thread, but I recently heard it mentioned on a podcast that "Generation X" is the primary collecting market when it comes to many toylines (and on to statues, busts, replicas, etc.)  Do you think that is true?  Sure, we all know of people older and younger than that particular age group that collect - it does often seem like the majority of "core collectors" land somewhere in the 25-40ish age group.  That may just be from my experiences though.  Also, as much as Hasbro thinks they are building a new group of collectors with the Clone Wars animation/figures - I really don't think that will be the case for the most part.  There will be exceptions of course, but in this different world of tons of video games, ipods, cell phones - and all of this stuff starting at a younger age - "lifetime" collectors might be few and far between.  Heck, kids seem to lose interest in toys in general at a much younger age.

When you look at a lot of the big collector lines - Star Wars, Transformers, He-Man, G.I. Joe, etc. - those are all franchises originally based in the late 70s/early 80s.  You also have the comic characters from Marvel and DC, and that might be something that touches each generation between 60+ years of comic history, as well as the recent influx of comic book movies.  It seems like some of us hold a lot of nostalgia for our youth's cartoons and toys, and I don't know if that exists for younger people/kids for the most part.  I look at my brother, who will be 20 this year, and while he does keep a small Yoda collection (primarily due to me I'm guessing initially) - he seems to care less about "having the stuff" from his youth.  That seems to be more of an older age set.  Like I said, there are certainly exceptions - but do you think the large core of action figure/franchise collectors lie in a certain age group?  If so, what does that mean for the future of collecting as that age group gets older?

The Legacy Collection / "Greatest Hits" Figures
« on: May 5, 2009, 12:49 PM »
I was listening to the Star Wars Action News podcast, and in their Hasbro Q and A for this session, one of the questions dealt with the "Greatest Hits" figures included in some of the Legacy waves.  We've been seeing a few of those figures along the way (these are seperate from the "Legends" line), and according to this question/answer, it sounds like we'll be seeing more of them.  They will, apparently, be dropping the "GH" designation to avoid confusion in the line - but they think it is a good way to bring out some of the "ultimate" characters they have gotten out over the past few years.

Personally, I don't mind this at all.  If they're not part of the "regular" wave, we're not missing out on new figures - and it would be nice to see some of the ultimate characters re-released that aren't related to clones or the Clone Wars (which seems to be the majority of the Legends line anymore).  It could be a good way to get figures like VOTC Han/Luke/Leia, EB Chewie, various Troopers, the Evolutions figures, and more.  With this in mind, since we basically know the movie lineup (and in some cases, the figures) for the rest of this year, do you have any suggestions for "Greatest Hits" figures for the upcoming waves?  I think we have some announced for the AOTC wave (Evo Anakin, Evo Jango, Evo Clone Pilot, etc.), but beyond that we have the following waves:

The Phantom Menace
A New Hope
Return of the Jedi
Revenge of the Sith
The Empire Strikes Back

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