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Messages - Dave

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Other Collectibles / Re: BB-8 App Enabled Droid by Sphero
« on: December 29, 2017, 10:03 AM »
Can you operate all three independently if you've got three phones/tablets?   I've had BB-8 for two years, but my three kids would probably get a kick out of racing all three around at the same time if I picked up R2 and BB-9E.

I don’t believe “Organa” was ever mentioned in a film until Bail Organa showed up in the prequels.

LEGO / Re: LEGO Sales and Deals
« on: December 28, 2017, 04:57 PM »
Anybody seeing any 2017 sets getting discounted 30% or more?  I haven't tracked them all down, and some I'm a little less interested in for full retail, but if they drop 30-50% I might pull the trigger.

The Sequel Trilogy / Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (SPOILERS)
« on: December 27, 2017, 12:35 PM »
I still don't know why they felt like they needed to kill Ackbar instead of him just not being there (e.g. already escaped and went someplace else).  His involvement in the ST was minor and his death wasn't really emotionally impactful.  I'm not sure if its part of the whole plan to refresh Star Wars and eliminate any OT characters still left.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Walking Dead
« on: December 27, 2017, 12:20 PM »
My hope is that in the rest of the battle they burn down Alexandria, Hilltop, The Kingdom, and The Sanctuary, and force the crew to venture back out on the road and experience new challenges.  Things have gotten very stale and they need to inject something new.

I was lucky enough to get Jaina Solo off Amazon the other day for retail, and it arrived yesterday

Wow!  I check daily and just today it was at $45.

Anybody know if this figure is going to be in a future assortment as well.  I'm worried this is a one and done where the wave around Christmas just evaporates.

The Last Jedi / Re: TLJ Movie / Figure and Vehicle Choices - SPOILERS
« on: December 21, 2017, 05:23 PM »
They've already made a BB-9E

The Sequel Trilogy / Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (SPOILERS)
« on: December 21, 2017, 02:44 PM »
Anybody know Mark Hamill's interest in continuing as Luke in the ST?  I know Harrison Ford wasn't really interested and more or less asked to get killed off.  Just curious if Hamill felt the same way or if that was just the way the story went.

The Sequel Trilogy / Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (SPOILERS)
« on: December 20, 2017, 01:02 PM »
Outside of hard core SW fans, most of the people I know who have seen it were less impressed than the previous two releases, which correlates to what we see with the RT scoring.

I don't know anything about Disney hating bots, but most non-hardcore people I've talked to genuinely like the movie.  I know I've criticized parts, and on a second viewing have come to terms with it, but I think I would probably rank the movies similar to Jman, although I don't see a huge difference in ranking between ROTJ, ROTS, and TLJ.  Its not in the top group for me, but its also not as bad as the bottom group (TPM and AOTC) either.

The Sequel Trilogy / Re: Star Wars Episode IX
« on: December 20, 2017, 12:55 PM »
So where do you think Episode IX will pick up?

I'd actually love to see a big time jump too. Something akin to the jump between TPM and AOTC. I'd like to see a number of call backs to Episode I, if we're really rounding this out. Letting Leia pass between films I think is the only option. Rey could restart a nascent Jedi order, training new warriors (or just an apprentice - Finn?), but maybe not being so good at it given her own tutelage to this point. That would give Luke a place in the story, guiding her here or there. Unless he's just trolling Kylo. Which would be great.

This is a great question!

In some ways I actually really didn't like the fact that TLJ picked up minutes after TFA ended.  I don't think stories need to be told in real time, and leaving space between movies allows for a viewer to believe that other personal growth has happened or other things have been put in to place.  Without revealing too many spoilers I was a bit annoyed that the FO seemed so powerful in TLJ but in TFA seemed to be more of a less powerful fringe group with a superweapon.

I'd love to see some years put in place between 8 and 9 so the Rebellion can be magically built back up, Leia can die in some logical unseen way, Rey can get stronger in her force abilities / build a Jedi academy, etc.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Avengers (and sequels)
« on: December 19, 2017, 04:48 PM »
Not sure if I've put this in the right thread or not, but what did you guys think of the new Black Panther movie preview that has been shown with TLJ?

I'm not a Marvel or superhero comic guy, so I've got no particular loyalties - I'm just looking for an entertaining movie.  I liked Ant Man, GotG, Dr. Strange, and most of the Iron Man / Thor / Captain America stuff, but this preview is one of the dumber looking movies I've ever seen.  I also didn't think the Avengers Infinity War preview looked all that interesting...

The Sequel Trilogy / Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (SPOILERS)
« on: December 19, 2017, 11:41 AM »
#1 - One bomber and one capital ship can pretty much wipe out the entire FO fleet.  Why wouldn't the Rebels do this all the time to even the odds?  In ANH the Tantiv IV can't outrun a Star Destroyer, but in this one the Imperials can't muster the thrust to catch a single ship?  Or send a swarm of ties after it?  One of the support ships can't jump ahead and cut it off? 

#3 -  The imperials have hyperspace tracking now...because its convenient!  A line of dialogue could have easily fixed this, or they could have had a spy in the rebellion allowing them to track movements which would have made a lot more sense. 

Even though I've come to terms with my initial frustration with the movie, these are the two parts that still bug me the most.

This kind of upsets all the normal pre-existing Star Wars space battle logic.  A single ship shouldn't be able to hyperspace through another ship and destroy it.  If this were the case then they should do this all the time with kamikazes or remote controls.  Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, and dumb.

Hyperspace escapes have also been a standard plot device that now seems to be gone, and to Justin's point, for no good reason.  All they needed was a tracking device implanted (as done in the Falcon on a couple different occasions) or a spy, or maybe even use an existing theme where there is a gravity well projector on a capital ship that pulls them out of hyperspace.

And I completely agree.  Why couldn't the FO star destroyers hyperspace all around the rebel fleet and cut them off even if their standard thrusters aren't as fast.

It seems these are all goofy plot devices that could have been thought through a bit better.

I opened this guy up yesterday and its a sweet figure.  My only complaint is that the elbow articulation sucks.  The layered armor prevents the elbow from moving much at all and I was hoping to do some funky poses with these guys based on the battle scenes in the movie.

The Sequel Trilogy / Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (SPOILERS)
« on: December 18, 2017, 09:41 AM »
I too watched it for a second time this weekend.  My first viewing left me disappointed, but I enjoyed the second viewing much, much more.  I don't know if I went in the second time with re-calibrated expectations or was just in a better mood.

As I said, I enjoyed it a lot more the second time around, but am still bugged by the Canto Bight / DJ / Finn/Rose side adventure, as well as the slow-mo space chase.  I can live with the slo-mo space chase as a really weak plot device, but the whole Canto Bight stuff was completely unnecessary.  That part should have been edited out and more time should have been spent elsewhere - Rey/Luke interaction, or Rey/Kylo interaction, or maybe even just a shorter movie. 

I didn't catch a whole lot more the second time around, other than looking for the Jedi texts on the Falcon and paying closer attention to the Yoda/Luke dialog.

Cracked mine open today.  The figure and accessories are very, very good.  The Crait base is really, really stupid.

Without spoiling the movie, they could have picked a more relevant base to the movie for Rey, or just skipped the base and charged less.

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