Author Topic: Solo (SPOILERS)  (Read 178206 times)

Offline GrandMoffNick

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« Reply #195 on: May 25, 2018, 12:42 PM »
Thanks Jeff.

And I loved he shot first. Both as a call back but also showing his growth as he learned from Tobias
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Offline GrandMoffNick

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« Reply #196 on: May 25, 2018, 12:45 PM »
I'm dieing to hear your thoughts on Han, Jeff.

Figure you'd have high standards but also rational as well
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Offline Dave

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« Reply #197 on: May 25, 2018, 01:19 PM »
Thinking about the toys that have been released and announced, I think Hasbro has done a fairly good job of hitting the mark on key items from the movie.

Moloch and the Range Trooper have incredibly small roles in the movie, so I'm a little surprised they got made early on, but I guess if they're trying to sprinkle in main characters with oddballs through four waves its maybe not all bad.  The Range Trooper certainly looks cool though.

I'm know we're supposed to get Tobias Becket, Rio Durant, Dryden Vos, Val, the Kessel commander alien, but I would also like to get a few of Enfys' goons and I like Vos' security guys too.   It'd be fun to get Moloch's "dogs" too.

Hopefully Disney or EE will make a droid pack too with all the random droids from Kessel.

There weren't a whole lot of new vehicles that haven't already been made yet either.  I'm not sure there is anything else that I feel is needed.  I probably wouldn't argue with some swoops with Enfys' goons, but we've got 10 speeders over the years and I don't need to have more.  Moloch's speeder is an option, but again something I'm not super interested in.

Offline Dave

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« Reply #198 on: May 25, 2018, 01:38 PM »
The more I think about this movie the more I really enjoyed it.  It wasn't five stars awesome, but solid.

I think my biggest fear going in to the movie was that they were going to spend half the movie telling all the backstory elements (how Han won the Falcon in a game of Sabaac, how Han met Chewie, the Kessel run, how Han got kicked out of the Imperial Academy, etc.) and mess up the movie as a result.  I am mostly satisfied with how they managed to work these in.  None were too time consuming or pointless, and I love how they basically just had Han say he got kicked out of the Academy for having independent thought.  End of story and perfect.

The one thing that I'm not super clear on (I'll be interested to see if this is expanded on in books or comics) is why Chewie stayed with Han instead of staying with the Wookiees, or why the Wookiees didn't leave with Chewie and Han.  There was no "life debt" type moment in the movie, or if they attempted to portray that it wasn't clear.  I figured after the Kessel job was done and they got paid that Chewie would go his own way to find his tribe/family.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2018, 01:41 PM by Dave »

Offline Jeff

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« Reply #199 on: May 25, 2018, 01:45 PM »
It'd be fun to get Moloch's "dogs" too.

Coming in a 2-pack with Moloch's henchman Rebolt - click for bigger pic

Hopefully Disney or EE will make a droid pack too with all the random droids from Kessel.

One of the Kessel astromech droids is in the Solo Droid Factory 4-pack, but I'd love to see some of  the others too.  Disney's got some wind-up fighting droids already, rumors they will join the 3.75" droid factoy line eventually too. 

I figured after the Kessel job was done and they got paid that Chewie would go his own way to find his tribe/family.

Yeah, I'm guessing you'll get that fleshed out in comics or the books or even the sequel - Solo 2: The Search for Lumpy!

I'm dieing to hear your thoughts on Han, Jeff.

I'm seeing the movie again tomorrow, maybe I'll type something up after that.  Overall, I really liked it.  It's hard for me to rank it against Rogue One since they were two very different types of movies and your love of one over the other probably depends on how much you rank all out space/ground battles.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2018, 01:47 PM by Jeff »
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« Reply #200 on: May 25, 2018, 01:58 PM »
I liked it!  It was not Rogue One, but it was solid and entertaining.  I liked that they kept some of the "Legends" backstory for Han (Sabaac Cards, Imperials, meeting Chewie, etc.) and it was a nice origin piece for him, Chewie, Lando, and others.  I liked the way he was portrayed as reckless, confident, and a quick study.  Also really enjoyed the attempt to tie together all kinds of other things from the SW universe.  Little bits like the mentions of Aurra and Bossk go a long way for me, and then obviously other larger reveals.  Even the interactions between Han and Lando were a nice match to how we see them in Empire.  I kept away from spoilers, so the stuff at the end was an interesting surprise.  I definitely would not have liked it as much if I'd already known some of that was coming. 

What I liked most about this movie was the dichotomy between Han's optimistic younger self and the older, more worried version we get in the OTC.  The "I have a good feeling about this" line pretty much sums it up.  It's interesting how desperate he is to build connections (Going back for Qi'ra, joining up with Beckett's gang, instant friends with Chewie, etc.) versus how reluctant he is to be tied down to anything later in life.  I thought it added a lot to his overall character arch throughout the movies.

Stuff I didn't like was pretty minor.  It did feel slow to me at times.  I don't mind a break in the action, but it was kind of meaningless breaks for the most part.  I want that gut wrenching scene of Luke feeling trapped on Tatooine watching the sunset with the powerful John Williams score.  I also didn't like how fast characters recovered from tragedy.  I don't want to include spoilers, but when things go very bad, usually characters are upset for more than 10 seconds.  Luke's obviously upset when his aunt and uncle are killed or Ben dies...didn't get the same feeling here when things went bad, and it just makes it harder to empathize with the characters.  I felt the same way with Thor Ragnarok, so probably just my own issue.

Its definitely set up for a part 2 if they want to go that route.  I'd give it a solid 7 out of 10.
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Offline Brian

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« Reply #201 on: May 25, 2018, 05:42 PM »
We saw it this morning, and I really, really liked it. I've said it before, but I will freely admit that I'm an easy mark for these movies. I had my trepidations about a non-Ford Solo as well, but all in all I thought Ehrenreich did a good job. I thought the movie really picked up once he got past the "early years" portion, and there were a lot of great moments throughout. I've seen the word "fun", used a lot to describe this, and I would agree 100 percent. It was a much lighter movie overall than what we've seen lately, and I personally couldn't wait to see a sequel once it was over. I have to admit, I didn't see the "surprise" character coming, and it was totally unexpected to me. I'd like to see it a few more times to soak it all in, but overall I thought it was great.

Offline Diddly

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« Reply #202 on: May 26, 2018, 11:55 AM »
Saw it last night... I'm undecided. Thumbs in the middle leaning towards down for now. I'll probably see it a second time at least. There were parts I really enjoyed and parts that made me roll my eyes so fast I almost passed out. Mostly the typical Hollywood cliches during the Lord and Miller portions.

Donald Glover was AWESOME as Lando, and there were actually points where I thought it actually was Billy Dee. I thought Alden was good too; he wasn't trying to play Harrison Ford, rather just trying to play the character Han, if that makes sense.

Lady Proxima was so, so bad. Literally the worst Star Wars character ever!
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Offline Phrubruh

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« Reply #203 on: May 26, 2018, 01:10 PM »
I saw Solo a Star Wars story last night. I enjoyed it. It was good solid western with lots of action and twists. You see growth in the solo character and his growing friendship with Chewie. I like how he starts out very optimistic and how he learns to be a smuggler and pull of heists. It's not an epic movie like the trilogies so  that was refreshing. I'd prefer smaller one off Star Wars movies.  It was a good solid movie that was fun and cleaver. It even had a good FU to Lucas at the end regarding who shot first. Lando and his droid co-pilot definitely stole the show. It was cool to see the Falcon all clean and the little changes Lando to it. The movie is worth seeing regardless of the internet trolls that think its hip to hate all things Star Wars. Ron Howard did a great job pulling this movie off.
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Offline Phrubruh

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« Reply #204 on: May 26, 2018, 01:11 PM »
Lady Proxima was so, so bad. Literally the worst Star Wars character ever!

I hoping they make a Lady Proxima. It was so cheesy and muppetiy it was great!
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Offline Nicklab

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« Reply #205 on: May 27, 2018, 09:09 AM »
There was something very 'Dark Crystal' about Lady Proxima.  And I say that in a positive way.

I think the opening was interesting.  Clearly the crawl is reserved for the Skywalker saga films.  The text at the beginning was a departure, but it did communicate what we needed to see before diving into the opening scenes on Corellia.

I also appreciated some of the connecting tissue between this movie and character and events or characters from others.  Discussing the possibility of bringing Bossk on as a crew member prior to the Conveyex heist?  Or what about the talk of Beckett possibly dispatching Aurra Sing?  I wasn't able to pick out the Tag & Bink cameos, but that's going to be an easter egg hunt, for sure!  The measurement of the Kessel Run also makes more sense in light of how that unfolded, too.

And then there's L3 and the upload of her data to the Falcon's computer.  All of a sudden some things come clearly into focus, like when C-3PO commented to Han in TESB:  "Sir, I don't know where your ship learned to communicate, but it has the most peculiar dialect."   And considering Lando's attachment to L3?  Now a line like "What have you done to my ship?" in EMPIRE takes on a whole new dimension.  Then there's the whole shooting first bit.  Han knew that Beckett was going to betray him, as much as it shocked Chewie to see him do it.  I think Han learned more from that Dejarik lesson than Chewbacca did.

As for the cameo at the end?  I think if anyone paid attention to that character's story arc in CLONE WARS, his position makes a lot of sense.  And while he seemed to fall from grace somewhere between the events of SOLO and his return on REBELS, he is in circulation.

I was also pretty surprised about how the Sabacc games panned out.  I was fully expecting Han to win the game on Vandor.  But when Lando cheated and cleaned Han out, I was surprised, even if there was all of this footage online showing Lando and L3 piloting the Falcon.  Having the film wrap up with a rematch was a good way to close things out.  And funny enough, that overhead tracking shot on the jungle planet looked curiously like the teaser for ROGUE ONE that was only shown at Celebration.
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Offline Deke Starkiller

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« Reply #206 on: May 29, 2018, 09:30 AM »

What's the deal with tentacled creatures in Star Wars?

Yeah, that and the slew of brand new species. I was thrilled to see a few twileks, and both a rodian and Warwick Davis pull off their masks though. Nerd powers... ACTIVATE!!!

And THAT scene I'm sort of intrigues that their exploring that crime cartel storyline now that Rebels told us where it will end.

Also, was this Arrestor Cruiser in the film? I felt like the Star Destroyer in the maw was where this ship should have been, but they might have scrapped it in favor of a more recognizable Destroyer.

Yeah, it's in the Imperial propaganda hologram on Corellia.

Offline Deke Starkiller

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« Reply #207 on: May 29, 2018, 09:33 AM »
I saw it twice and enjoyed it. 2nd viewing was more enjoyable, and I do appreciate all the thought that went into all of the deep cut references. Still a C+ to a B-, but I still like Rogue One a bit more.

This is a great video for anything and everything Easter egg related in SOLO:

Offline Brian

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« Reply #208 on: May 29, 2018, 07:48 PM »
Saw it again today, I just really like this movie. I know it has simpler themes and is missing the "force" aspect and grander scale of the Saga movies, but as a fun side story I think it is pretty great. I'm sad to see all the news being about how it is a "flop", because it deserves better than that. I was hoping for a sequel.

Offline Phrubruh

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« Reply #209 on: May 30, 2018, 03:58 PM »
Is Lando "Pansexual"? I guess he swings both ways and toward droids too.
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