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Messages - Jeff

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Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Keep or Throw
« on: August 12, 2005, 11:53 AM »
I was planning on dumping the hats...
I'm still torn on the Cards.  I know I used to love looking at my mom and uncles old cards and seeing the old uniforms, hair and names of the 60's.  I would think my boys would too but keeping just the HOFers would be good enough.  I see no value in keeping 2000 1989 Donruss Baseball commons.  The hassel of trying to sell those anywhere is more than I want to deal with.

The idea of throwing them away though is a little disconcerting realizing how much money I sunk in to all of that crap.  It sure was fun though :P

Here's another idea if you don't mind holding on to them during the move...

Pack them up in little ziplocks of 10-12 cards and give them away at Halloween.

Maybe the little fat kids expecting candy and the anti-sports "girly" girls would hate it, but the tom-boy girls and the sporto kids would love it!


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Coca-Cola or Pepsi?
« on: August 12, 2005, 10:44 AM »
I also really dig Coke Zero, really, really dig it

I just tried one for the first time yesterday and it suprisingly does really taste like Coke.

I picked up a 12-pack of Coke Zero (C0:P) last night.  There is one can in the fridge right now waiting for me to try tonight when I get home from work...

I've been preferring Coke (classic) for at least 20 years that I can remember, or at least since the New Coke disaster.  I hate Diet Coke with a passion - the diety after-taste is just gross. 

I guess it will be an interesting experiment to see if this Coke Zero stuff tastes OK to me or not... 


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Keep or Throw
« on: August 12, 2005, 10:07 AM »
Old sweat stained dirty ass hats  -  Trash Them. 

I am of the opinion that you should only ever wear Baseball hats if they have Baseball team logos on them, so you never should have had football/basketball hats in the first place...

20000 Sports Cards from 1986-1992 - Hmmm.... this is a tricky one. 

If they are just commons, you'll probably never get anything good for them.  Here's what I suggest - just walk over to Maplewood Mall and start handing them out to random people shouting "It's FREE card day here at the Mall!"  Try to look a little bit crazy when you do it...

Old Star Wars magazines - see if you can donate them to a local Elementary School.

It sounds kinda silly since they are old, but Teachers LOVE stuff like this that they can use to get kids to read/participate in class.  I donated a BUNCH of my old comics/magazines to the local Elementary School where my mom works and the teachers loved it.  With the school year coming up, you should be able to find a school who will take them for a reading program.

JD Sports Forum! / Re: NHL 2005-2006 Thread
« on: August 12, 2005, 09:56 AM »
Actually Jeff I have been eyeballing that.   ;D  My buddy has my chips since he's been playing like crazy the last few months w/ his office buddies.  I saw this on the Wings site but it says it's a pre-order scheduled for delivery in 12-15 weeks.  It says it's an Upper Deck product.  I'm totally buying it.  Just curious when it's actually due for release. 

I saw it over at Entertainment Earth with a due date of Oct/November 2005 so it should be out in time for Christmas.

And Jamie, don't you have a reaction to Paul Kariya?  At least your club finally did something...  while your club was signing him, my club was signing Andrei Zyuzin.   ::)

I mean, he's a fine defensemen and everything, but where's our free agency superstar (or at least has-been superstar)?   :'(

Feedback / Re: Bosskmr's feedback
« on: August 12, 2005, 09:01 AM »
Great transaction with Mike!

He sent me some moolah for some Kubrick figures and payment was sent lightning fast!

Thanks again and enjoy your Kubricks!


JD Sports Forum! / Re: NHL 2005-2006 Thread
« on: August 11, 2005, 06:48 PM »
Sure, maybe the NHL isn't on TV, but hey - the merchandising juggernaut is back in full swing!

Hey, Jason - have you picked up one of these yet?   :P

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Jedi After Episode 3?
« on: August 11, 2005, 05:04 PM »
Just an FYI Slothus,

"Nazi" is a word we take on a case-by-case issue.

If someone is using it to describe the Nazi party/regime in Germany (as Jesse has in his post) as a historical reference AND it's in good taste, that is OK.

If someone uses it as a deragotory term (ie, something like "Figure Nazi") or uses it to defame someone (ie, "don't be such a Nazi"), it WILL be edited or removed if it is brought to the staff's attention.

And that's all we have to say on that issue.


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: What's spinning?
« on: August 11, 2005, 04:29 PM »
Awesome!  I was just listening to that today too!

In fact, I haven't listened to it for a while it seems...

"Whoooooo wants to live forever?"

Kubricks / Series 5
« on: August 11, 2005, 04:19 PM »
Well then, I guess you are screwed unless you quickly learn Japanese....

OR, you could click the button like it says to do on the site.

"We handle Variety Japanese merchandise. If you live outside of Japan, please push to move to our English page and register for the wholesale membership. "


Saga Collection '06 / Re: 2005 Holiday Figure - Vader?
« on: August 11, 2005, 03:21 PM »
So I assumed they would continue the pattern and use a McQuarrie Christmas print as their "inspiration" again.  Problem is, I can't find a Vader version.   :-\

I can't wait for Jolly McGee, the Christmas Ewok!

Or maybe Christmas Padme Tree!

Every Lucasfilm Christmas card should be immortalized in plastic!


Kubricks / Series 5
« on: August 11, 2005, 03:08 PM »
Well I don't want a case a HLJ is too expensive. Where do you guys get these for $70?

If hasn't closed their ordering yet and you want to go to the trouble of registering yourself there, their price for Series 5 works out to about $65 plus shipping (anywhere from $15-30 depending on the method you choose).

That works out to about $80-90 per box of 12.  You aren't going to find a price much better than that, and the longer you wait, the higher the price gets.


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Are You a Star Wars Packrat?
« on: August 11, 2005, 01:52 PM »
The worst problem I have right now is I have two large Plano boxes chock full of weapons and accessories that I have no idea goes to what figures any more. 

If you want, you can borrow my copy of:

That should help you with at least 95-98.

Or maybe we can have a MN Club "accessory matching" party?   :P

As for my own "pack-rat" issues, I started chucking last year and I couldn't be happier.  Sure, I've got a giant stack of RotS cardbacks, but as soon as the 2006 stuff comes out, I'll chuck them.

I don't keep any bubbles or any boxes anymore.  I've never found a use for them.  If I sell something loose, it sells just as well without the box I've found so I've just made it a point to chuck stuff ASAP.

On a related note, just an FYI but most city recycling programs will take the plastic bubbles.  Just stick them in with which ever bin you put your plastic pop/milk bottles and you are good to go - a lot nicer than just throwing them away!


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Greatest Album of All Time?
« on: August 11, 2005, 01:43 PM »

Ooooh... good choice!  Only, on my list it comes in second.   :-\

My #1 favorite album af all time (for a variety of reasons):

Kubricks / Series 5
« on: August 11, 2005, 11:14 AM »
Nice grabs though! Is that the Fett from rupinthe3?
He`s a great seller, super fast shipping and product is always top notch.

I'll second that!  I picked up the carded Holo Leia that rupinthe3 had for sale ($51.90 shipped).

I bought it on Sunday, it was shipped on Monday, and I got it on Wednesday!

Now that's the kind of service I love!

The figure arrived in fantastic shape, the packaging was excellent and I even got a small refund on the shipping since it was less than expected!


Kubricks / Re: Kubricks and Minimates
« on: August 11, 2005, 10:21 AM »

Anyone interested a set of 6 Japan Bat-Kubricks?  You get Batman (Modern), Batgirl, Robin (Tim Drake), Mr. Freeze, Scarecrow, Azrael - just $30 shipped in the USA!


I've still got a set of Medicom Batman Series 1 Kubricks for sale.  The set contains the following figures (6 figures total):

1x Batman (Modern)
1x Robin (Tim Drake)
1x Batgirl
1x Azrael
1x Scarecrow
1x Mr. Freeze

The figures are from the Japanese Series 1 release and are NOT from the more common DC Direct box set.  All six figures are still sealed in the original Medicom baggie and each figure comes with an original Medicom Batman Series 1 box and insert.

Price is $30 shipped for anyone who is interested...

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