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If they don't announce sm-33 in tvc, I might just be buying my first Epic-whatever figure. The Yoda/pram ( just kidding) looks pretty good, too.

I hope unless Hasbro's studies show kids want more articulation, they aren't doing it to chase the "collector" crowd. I imagine more articulation  would equate to a higher price point, which would suck for kids and the adults who buy these for kids.
TV-9D9 / Re: Star Wars: Skeleton Crew (SPOILERS possible)
« Last post by tmanthegreat on January 15, 2025, 05:34 PM »
I enjoyed the show overall - it actually felt rather refreshing and fun. It definitely added some new elements to the SW universe without horribly rewriting cannon. I’m glad they ended on a strong note as well with no cliffhangers and tying up many of the loose ends (e.g. Jod’s history, At Attin’s purpose, who/what the Commissioner was, etc.)

A couple other thoughts: I wonder how the influx of all those Old Republic Credits affected the galactic economy and the New Republic? The show clearly showed that Old Republic credits were highly valued in the New Republic era in the show, but that value would surely plummet with the influx of all those credits that had been hidden for decades on At Attin. There are many historical examples where nations that had a sudden influx of extra cash often met with declining currency values, inflation, and weakened economies… That happened with the Spanish Empire in the 1600s due to the influx of silver it got from its South America mines… But I’m thinking too hard there :P

However, it was awesome to see the B-Wing appear in (CGI) live action again after some 42 years and this time show off their heavy firepower 😎
The Vintage Collection / Re: 2024 Deluxe VC343 Cobb Vanth (Mandalorian Armor)
« Last post by Rob on January 15, 2025, 04:09 PM »
Good grief they can't give them away.
The Vintage Collection / Re: 2024 Deluxe VC343 Cobb Vanth (Mandalorian Armor)
« Last post by Jeff on January 15, 2025, 02:11 PM »
$7.86 on Amazon right now.  I might buy a 4th at this price just for the accessories...
#sponsored #thanksforyoursupport
TV-9D9 / Re: Star Wars: Skeleton Crew (SPOILERS possible)
« Last post by Matt_Fury on January 15, 2025, 01:57 PM »
I thought it was a really well done show.  I'm hoping that the numbers increase now that it's all out there and the people who like to binge series start giving it a watch.
TV-9D9 / Re: Star Wars: Skeleton Crew (SPOILERS possible)
« Last post by Jeff on January 15, 2025, 10:33 AM »
I really enjoyed the show as well.  Certainly not the greatest TV show ever made, but still a very fun watch over the past few weeks.

Maybe Wim grows up to be one of the ST era X-Wing pilots in the X-Wing Rogue Squadron movie. :P 
TV-9D9 / Re: Star Wars: Skeleton Crew (SPOILERS possible)
« Last post by McMetal on January 15, 2025, 12:02 AM »
Really enjoyed the finale tonight and thought they ended on a high note. I guess the ratings are not so hot but maybe that is just SW fatigue? Anyway, I liked it a lot overall. Curious if any of these characters will turn up in other media someday.

From what Hasbro has publicly stated, lines like the Epic World of Adventure are geared specifically towards kids.  And they also have a distinctly different development budget than TVC or The Black Series. 
The Vintage Collection / Re: 2023 HasLab - TVC The Ghost
« Last post by Rob on January 14, 2025, 02:12 PM »
I go back and forth but at the end of the day I'm not super worried about it.  I have been thinking about it off and on for a year and my best plan so far is to box up my Lego SSD to make a space for it, so it'll be cool to have but also a bummer on that end. 
The Vintage Collection / Re: Vintage Collection Rumors
« Last post by Matt_Fury on January 14, 2025, 01:39 PM »
There's no excuse for TVC having more of the Bad Batch than just Hunter.  The show had three seasons!

Skeleton Crew has been finished for a while and actually sat on the shelf a bit before it aired, there could be more in the works or released by now.

Pretty much every figure made for these shows in Black Series should be at least in the pipeline for TVC....there's no excuse.
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