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Blaster under the pillow:
Hey there guys, I hope life's treating you well in whatever corner of the world your in. I collected the old Kenner figures when I was a kid in the seventies but I guess somewhere along the line I lost interest. Years later, I received a modern figure for what was intended to be a joke present on my 30th birthday and somehow I got catapulted back into the game. Six years later... I'm still totally hooked. Damn Glad to be here!

Jesse James:
Hey Blaster, welcome aboard...  Where are you from?  Any collecting focuses?

Welcome to the group dude - always great to have new blood!


--- Quote from: Blaster under the pillow on February 25, 2010, 11:26 AM ---Years later, I received a modern figure ... and somehow I got catapulted back into the game. Six years later... I'm still totally hooked.

--- End quote ---

Hmm, this sounds familiar.  ;) Welcome to the crew, Blaster!

Welcome Blaster!  It sounds like you're fairly similar in age to a lot of the guys here, so you should enjoy the conversation here.  Enjoy!


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